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  • ORA03113: endoffile on communication channel Process ID: 252 Session ID: 1 Serial number: 3


    sqlplus  / as sysdba

    startup nomount;

    alter database mount;

    alter database open;


    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Process ID: 252
    Session ID: 1 Serial number: 3

    我也从来没有遇到这个错误,只好上google 搜索,看了一堆资料。



    提醒了我,其实 遇到数据库出错的时候,最先需要做的事就是查看

    alter_orcl.log 这个文件。这个不是技术,而是方法论

    然后去找  app/admin/orcl/bdump 目录下的alter 告警文件。

    c:/>  sqlplus / nolog

    sql> conn / as sysdba

        Connected to an idle instance.

    sql> startup nomount

    ORACLE instance started.

    Total System Global Area  426852352 bytes
    Fixed Size                    1375060 bytes
    Variable Size                    301991084 bytes
    Database Buffers             117440512 bytes
    Redo Buffers                    6045696 bytes

    sql> alter database  mount;

    Database altered.



    nomount 状态 数据库获取spfile的配置 来启动数据库,其实这个时候我就可以

    通过 show parameter  查看 background_dump_dest  这个参数 来了解

    alter 文件到底存放在那里了。

    mount 状态,数据库实例 已经 获取了 控制文件。控制文件里面有scn


    background_dump_dest  d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace


    Starting up:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options.
    Using parameter settings in server-side spfile D:/APP/PRODUCT/11.2.0/DBHOME_1/DATABASE/SPFILEORCL.ORA
    System parameters with non-default values:
      processes                = 150
      memory_target            = 408M
      control_files            = "D:/APP/ORADATA/ORCL/CONTROL01.CTL"
      control_files            = "D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/CONTROL02.CTL"
      db_block_size            = 8192
      compatible               = ""
      log_archive_format       = "ARC%S_%R.%T"
      db_recovery_file_dest    = "D:/app/flash_recovery_area"
      db_recovery_file_dest_size= 4977M
      undo_tablespace          = "UNDOTBS1"
      remote_login_passwordfile= "EXCLUSIVE"
      db_domain                = ""
      dispatchers              = "(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)"
      audit_file_dest          = "D:/APP/ADMIN/ORCL/ADUMP"
      audit_trail              = "DB"
      db_name                  = "orcl"
      open_cursors             = 300
      diagnostic_dest          = "D:/APP"
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    PMON started with pid=2, OS id=2188
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    VKTM started with pid=3, OS id=2788 at elevated priority
    VKTM running at (10)millisec precision with DBRM quantum (100)ms
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    GEN0 started with pid=4, OS id=3896
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    DIAG started with pid=5, OS id=248
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    DBRM started with pid=6, OS id=936
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    PSP0 started with pid=7, OS id=2972
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    DIA0 started with pid=8, OS id=2976
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    MMAN started with pid=9, OS id=3044
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    DBW0 started with pid=10, OS id=1308
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    LGWR started with pid=11, OS id=2092
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    CKPT started with pid=12, OS id=2264
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    SMON started with pid=13, OS id=3516
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    RECO started with pid=14, OS id=664
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:07 2011
    MMON started with pid=15, OS id=2164
    starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'...
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:08 2011
    MMNL started with pid=16, OS id=3788
    starting up 1 shared server(s) ...
    ORACLE_BASE from environment = D:/app
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:42 2011
    alter database mount
    Fri Feb 18 19:11:46 2011
    Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 1271263854
    Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
    Lost write protection disabled
    Completed: alter database mount
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:49 2011
    alter database open
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:49 2011
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:49 2011
    ARC0 started with pid=20, OS id=2072
    ARC0: Archival started
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:50 2011
    ARC1 started with pid=21, OS id=356
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:50 2011
    ARC2 started with pid=22, OS id=3132
    ARC1: Archival started
    ARC2: Archival started
    ARC1: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
    ARC1: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
    ARC2: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
    Fri Feb 18 19:12:50 2011
    ARC3 started with pid=23, OS id=1020
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_arc1_356.trc:
    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 5218762752 bytes is 100.00% used, and has 0 remaining bytes available.
    You have following choices to free up space from recovery area:
    1. Consider changing RMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard,
       then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY.
    2. Back up files to tertiary device such as tape using RMAN
       BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command.
    3. Add disk space and increase db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to
       reflect the new space.
    4. Delete unnecessary files using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating
       system command was used to delete files, then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and
       DELETE EXPIRED commands.
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_arc1_356.trc:
    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
    ORA-19804: cannot reclaim 47236096 bytes disk space from 5218762752 limit
    ARC1: Error 19809 Creating archive log file to 'D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_179_%U_.ARC'
    ARCH: Archival stopped, error occurred. Will continue retrying
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_arc1_356.trc:
    ORA-16038: log 2 sequence# 179 cannot be archived
    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
    ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: 'D:/APP/ORADATA/ORCL/REDO02.LOG'
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_4068.trc:
    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 5218762752 bytes is 100.00% used, and has 0 remaining bytes available.
    You have following choices to free up space from recovery area:
    1. Consider changing RMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard,
       then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY.
    2. Back up files to tertiary device such as tape using RMAN
       BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command.
    3. Add disk space and increase db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to
       reflect the new space.
    4. Delete unnecessary files using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating
       system command was used to delete files, then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and
       DELETE EXPIRED commands.
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_4068.trc:
    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
    ORA-19804: cannot reclaim 44871680 bytes disk space from 5218762752 limit
    ARCH: Error 19809 Creating archive log file to 'D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_178_%U_.ARC'
    ARC3: Archival started
    Errors in file d:/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_4068.trc:
    ORA-16038: log 1 sequence# 178 cannot be archived
    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
    ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: 'D:/APP/ORADATA/ORCL/REDO01.LOG'
    USER (ospid: 4068): terminating the instance due to error 16038
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 4068
    Fri Feb 18 19:13:49 2011
    Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
    Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
    Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
    ILAT =27
    SYS auditing is disabled

    闪回区目录满了,并且 oracle 提供了相应的解决方法。

    You have following choices to free up space from recovery area:
    1. Consider changing RMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard,
       then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY.
    2. Back up files to tertiary device such as tape using RMAN
       BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command.
    3. Add disk space and increase db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to
       reflect the new space.
    4. Delete unnecessary files using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating
       system command was used to delete files, then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and
       DELETE EXPIRED commands.



    在操作系统层面 删除目录 D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/


    然后通过rman 来删除归档信息。

    c:> set oracle_sid=orcl

    c:> rman target /

    RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;

    using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISK
    validation failed for archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_68_6OW6HZXS_.ARC RECID=1 STAMP=743439880
    validation failed for archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_69_6OW6JNJM_.ARC RECID=2 STAMP=743439903
    validation failed for archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_70_6OW6K7J3_.ARC RECID=3 STAMP=743439916
    validation failed for archived log




    RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;

    released channel: ORA_DISK_1
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISK
    List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name ORCL

    Key     Thrd Seq     S Low Time
    ------- ---- ------- - ---------
    1       1    68      X 18-FEB-11
            Name: D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_68_6OW6HZXS_.ARC

    2       1    69      X 18-FEB-11
            Name: D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_69_6OW6JNJM_.ARC

    3       1    70      X 18-FEB-11
            Name: D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_70_6OW6K7J3_.ARC

    4       1    71      X 18-FEB-11
            Name: D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_71_6OW6KOPG_.ARC

    5       1    72      X 18-FEB-11
            Name: D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_72_6OW6LB89_.ARC




    Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? yes

    deleted archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_68_6OW6HZXS_.ARC RECID=1 STAMP=743439880
    deleted archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_69_6OW6JNJM_.ARC RECID=2 STAMP=743439903
    deleted archived log
    archived log file name=D:/APP/FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA/ORCL/ARCHIVELOG/2011_02_18/O1_MF_1_70_6OW6K7J3_.ARC RECID=3 STAMP=743439916
    deleted archived log




    Deleted 103 EXPIRED objects

    RMAN> exit

    Recovery Manager complete.。

    rman target /   是用的就是控制文件来记录备份信息。 删除无用的归档信息,估计控制文件里面也会被修改

    SQL> alter database open;

    Database altered.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/uniqueness/p/3061066.html
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