the dependencies of the 'openshift-master' role.
- docker
- openshif_common
- os_firewall
- openshift_facts
- openshift_repos
- docker#2
- openshift_cli
- docker#3
- openshif_common#2
the executed order is: docker-> os_firewall -> openshift_facts -> openshift_repos -> docker#2(skip, duplicated with docker) -> openshif_common -> docker#3(skip, duplicated with docker) -> openshif_common#2(skip, duplicated with openshif_common) -> openshift_cli -> openshift_master
By default, roles can also only be added as a dependency once - if another role also lists it as a dependency it will not be run again. This behavior can be overridden by adding allow_duplicates: yes to themeta/main.yml file.
playbool 执行顺序:
pre_task -> roles -> tasks -> post-tasks