1. 下载groovy安装包 groovy-src-2.0.1.zip
2. 在任意路径下unzip
unzip groovy-src-2.0.1.zip
3. cd groovy-2.0.1
4. 查看自述文件 cat README.md
This will generate a distribution similar to the zip you can download on the Groovy download page. To build everything and launch unit tests, use ./gradlew test
5. chmod a+x * 给所有程序加上执行权限
6. 执行./gradflew test 用时较久。执行后groovy安装成功
a@a-laptop:~/groovy/groovy-2.0.1$ groovy -v Groovy Version: 1.6.4 JVM: 1.6.0_20