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  • AutoHotKey.ini

    ; IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT GETTING STARTED: Lines that start with a
    ; semicolon, such as this one, are comments. They are not executed.

    ; This script has a special filename and path because it is automatically
    ; launched when you run the program directly. Also, any text file whose
    ; name ends in .ahk is associated with the program, which means that it
    ; can be launched simply by double-clicking it. You can have as many .ahk
    ; files as you want, located in any folder. You can also run more than
    ; one ahk file simultaneously and each will get its own tray icon.

    ; SAMPLE HOTKEYS: Below are two sample hotkeys. The first is Win+Z and it
    ; launches a web site in the default browser. The second is Control+Alt+N
    ; and it launches a new Notepad window (or activates an existing one). To
    ; try out these hotkeys, run AutoHotkey again, which will load this file.

    ;;#z::Run www.autohotkey.com

    ;; #IfWinActive emacs@ACERNT61 ; if in emacs
    ;; ;;+Capslock::Capslock ; make shift+Caps-Lock the Caps Lock toggle
    ;; ;;Capslock::Control ; make Caps Lock the control button
    ;; LALT::LControl
    ;; LControl::LALT
    ;; #IfWinActive ; end if in emacs



    ;;; not for the emacs
    #ifWinNotActive, emacs@ACERNT61
    ;;If WinExist Untitled - Notepad
    ;IfWinExist , 无标题 - 记事本,
    ; WinActivate
    ; Run calc
    send {Enter}

    send {Backspace}

    ;; send {Up}
    ;; return
    ;; send {Down}
    ;; return
    ;; send {Home}
    ;; return
    ;; send {Shift down} {Home} {Shift up}
    ;; return
    ;; send {End}
    ;; return
    ;; send {Shift down} {End} {Shift up}
    ;; return

    ;;IfWinNotActive, PAS - Microsoft Visual Studio
    ;; {
    ;; send {Right}
    ;; ;;send {Left}
    ;; return
    ;;; IfWinNotActive, Visual
    ;;; IfWinActive, PAS
    ; {
    ; send {Left}
    ; return
    ; }
    ;;; else
    ;;; {
    ;;; ;;send {control} {B}
    ;;; return
    ;;; }
    ;;; return

    ; Note: From now on whenever you run AutoHotkey directly, this script
    ; will be loaded. So feel free to customize it to suit your needs.

    ; Please read the QUICK-START TUTORIAL near the top of the help file.
    ; It explains how to perform common automation tasks such as sending
    ; keystrokes and mouse clicks. It also explains more about hotkeys.

    ; Run Notepad
    ;Run, E:\Program Files\Youdao\Dict54\YodaoDict.exe
    ;WinWait, 有道词典,
    ;IfWinNotActive, 有道词典, , WinActivate, 有道词典,
    ;WinWaitActive, 有道词典,

    ;MouseGetPos ox, oy
    ;MouseMove, %ox%, %oy%, 0,
    ;MouseClick, left , 125,84
    MouseClick, left, 130, 95
    MouseMove, 110,90
    ;Sleep, 100

    ;CoordMode Pixel ; Interprets the coordinates below as relative to the screen rather than the active window.
    ;ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 100, 75, 600, 1000, e:\Program Files\Youdao\Dict54\\skins\default.png
    ;if ErrorLevel = 2
    ;MsgBox Could not conduct the search.
    ;else if ErrorLevel = 1
    ;MsgBox Icon could not be found on the screen.
    ;MsgBox The icon was found at %FoundX%x%FoundY%.
    ;MouseClick, left, 188, 96
    ;MouseClick, right, 188, 96
    ;Sleep, 100

    ;WinWait, 有道词典,
    ;IfWinNotActive, 有道词典, , WinActivate, 有道词典,
    ;WinWaitActive, 有道词典,
    ;MouseClick, left, 249, 96
    ;Sleep, 100


    ; tmpfile=%A_ScriptDir%\ahk_text_edit_in_vim.txt
    ; gvim=e:\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe
    ; WinGetTitle, active_title, A
    ; clipboard =
    ; ; 清空剪贴板
    ; send ^a
    ; ; 发送 Ctrl + A 选中全部文字
    ; send ^c
    ; ; 发送 Ctrl + C 复制
    ; clipwait
    ; ; 等待数据进入剪贴板
    ; FileDelete, %tmpfile%
    ; FileAppend, %clipboard%, %tmpfile%
    ; runwait, %gvim% "%tmpfile%" +
    ; fileread, text, %tmpfile%
    ; clipboard:=text
    ; ; 还原读取的数据到剪贴板
    ; winwait %active_title%
    ; ; 等待刚才获取文字的窗口激活
    ; send ^v
    ; ; 发送 Ctrl + V 粘贴

    ;; Modal_Vim.ahk
    ;; Initial Build: Rich Alesi
    ;; Friday, May 29, 2009
    ;; Modified for AHK_L by Andrej Mitrovic
    ;; Version 0.3
    ;; August 12, 2010
    ;;; globals
    ;inputNumber := " "
    ;modal = 0
    ;shift_mode = 0
    ;#SingleInstance force
    ;#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 800000
    ;; #NoTrayIcon
    ;SetWinDelay, 0
    ;CoordMode, Mouse
    ;SetKeyDelay, -1
    ;; CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen
    ;; ^!home::ExitApp
    ;; Close, edit script
    ;; #If (edit_script == 0)
    ;; ^!home::
    ;; WinGetActiveTitle, aTitle
    ;; WinGetClass, class, %aTitle%
    ;; if (class != "IrfanView")
    ;; {
    ; ; Run, Scite "G:\Documents and Settings\Andrej\Desktop\Ahk Scripts\vim_mode.ahk"
    ; ; ExitApp
    ;; }
    ;; return
    ;; #If
    ;;;; GUI
    ;notify(text, time = 0)
    ; if (text == "")
    ; {
    ; Progress, Off
    ; return
    ; }
    ; Progress, y989 b2 fs10 zh0 W150 WS700, %text%, , , Verdana
    ; if (time != 0)
    ; {
    ; Sleep, %time%
    ; Progress, Off
    ; }
    ; return
    ;;;; Number-normalizer, do not allow more than X ammount of digits
    ; global inputNumber
    ; if (inputNumber > 500)
    ; {
    ; inputNumber := reset_number
    ; }
    ;;;; Mode-Switch key
    ; if (modal == 0)
    ; {
    ; vimize()
    ; notify("vim mode", 400)
    ; }
    ; else
    ; {
    ; unvimize()
    ; notify("insert mode", 400)
    ; }
    ; return
    ;;;; Mode-Switch and Cleanup Functions
    ;vimize() ;; Enter Vim mode
    ; global
    ; modal := true
    ; resetGUI()
    ; return
    ;unvimize() ;; Exit Vim mode, do cleanup
    ; global
    ; modal := false
    ; resetGUI()
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ; global
    ; resetGUI()
    ; inputNumber := " "
    ; Progress, Off
    ; if (modal == true)
    ; {
    ; return ; Early exit, shift_mode can't be used while in vim mode
    ; }
    ; if (shift_mode == 0)
    ; {
    ; shift_mode = 1
    ; return
    ; }
    ; else
    ; {
    ; shift_mode = 0
    ; return
    ; }
    ; return
    ;;;; !@#$ shift_mode works only when not in modal mode
    ;#If (shift_mode == true)
    ;$5::Send `%
    ;$6::Send {^}
    ;$7::Send {&}
    ;$8::Send {*}
    ;SC028::Send, {"}
    ;;;; Vim Mode
    ;#If (modal == true)
    ;Esc:: ;; Reset input number and any commands
    ; inputNumber := ""
    ; Progress, off
    ; return
    ;;;; The following allows appending numbers before a command,
    ;;;; e.g. 2, 4, w == 24w which can then be used throughout the rest of the commands.
    ;;;; The number is usually reset to 0 by a move/modify command or ESC.
    ; if (inputNumber < 1)
    ; {
    ; return ;; Putting 0 in first place does not make sense
    ; }
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%0
    ; normalize("")
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%1
    ; normalize(1)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%2
    ; normalize(2)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%3
    ; normalize(3)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%4
    ; normalize(4)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%5
    ; normalize(5)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%6
    ; normalize(6)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%7
    ; normalize(7)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%8
    ; normalize(8)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ; inputNumber = %inputNumber%9
    ; normalize(9)
    ; notify(inputNumber)
    ; return
    ;;;; Navigation
    ; Send, {Left %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ; Send, {Right %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ; Send, {Up %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ; Send, {Down %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ; Send, {PgUp}
    ; return
    ; Send, {PgDn}
    ; return
    ;SC027::Send, {Enter}
    ;a::Send, {Home}
    ;e::Send, {End}
    ;w:: ;; Move # words forward
    ; Send, ^{Right %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;b:: ;; Move # words back
    ; Send, ^{Left %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;[:: ;; Set cursor to previous block
    ; Send, ^[
    ; return
    ;]:: ;; Set cursor to next block
    ; Send, ^]
    ; return
    ;g:: ;; Go to # line number
    ; Send, ^g%inputNumber%{Enter}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;;;; Selections
    ;+i:: ;; Select Up
    ; Send, {shift down}{Up %inputNumber%}{shift up}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;+k:: ;; Select Down
    ; Send, {shift down}{Down %inputNumber%}{shift up}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;+j:: ;; Select Left
    ; Send, {shift down}{Left %inputNumber%}{shift up}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;+l:: ;; Select Right
    ; Send, {shift down}{Right %inputNumber%}{shift up}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;^+i:: ;; Select Page Up
    ; Send, {shift down}{PgUp}{shift up}
    ; return
    ;^+k:: ;; Select Page Down
    ; Send, {shift down}{PgDn}{shift up}
    ; return
    ;+w:: ;; Select # Next Word
    ; Send, +^{Right %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;+b:: ;; Select # Previous Words
    ; Send, +^{Left %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;+[:: ;; Select to previous block
    ; Send, {ctrl down}{shift down}[{ctrl up}{shift up}
    ; return
    ;+]:: ;; Select to next block
    ; Send, {ctrl down}{shift down}]{ctrl up}{shift up}
    ; return
    ;;;; Search & Replace
    ;/:: ;; Search
    ; Send, ^f ;; Call the search dialog
    ; unvimize() ;; Switch to insert mode
    ; KeyWait, Enter, D ;; Enter exits search dialog
    ; vimize() ;; Return back to vim mode
    ; return
    ;^/:: ;; Replace
    ; Send, ^h ;; Call the replace dialog
    ; unvimize() ;; Switch to insert mode
    ; KeyWait, Esc, D ;; Esc exits replace dialog
    ; vimize() ;; Return back to vim mode
    ; return
    ;n::Send {F3} ;; Search next
    ;+n::Send +{F3} ;; Search previous
    ;; Editing
    ;$c:: ;; Copy selection
    ; Send ^c
    ; notify("Selection copied.", 1000)
    ; return
    ;f:: ;; delete # characters
    ; Send, {Backspace %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;d:: ;; backspace delete # characters
    ; Send, {Delete %inputNumber%}
    ; resetInputNumber()
    ; return
    ;q:: ;; Comment a line or selected lines
    ; Send, ^q
    ; return
    ;u::Send, ^z ;; Undo
    ;y::Send, ^y ;; Redo
    ;^u:: ;; Reopen last closed file
    ; Send, {alt down}f{1}{alt up}
    ; return
    ;; :*C:wd:: ;; Delete # words
    ;; {
    ; ; Send, {CTRL down}DEL %inputNumber%}{CTRL up}
    ; ; resetInputNumber()
    ; ; return
    ;; }
    ;;;; Pasting
    ;p:: ;; Paste at new line
    ;IfInString, clipboard, `n
    ; Send, {END}{ENTER}^v{DEL}
    ; Send, {END}{ENTER}^v ;^v
    ;+p:: ;; Paste at beginning of line (does not work for some reason)
    ;IfInString, clipboard, `n
    ; Send, {Home}^v{Enter}
    ; Send, ^v
    ;; Note, this doesnt currently work with multiple selections
    ;;;; Indenting
    ;.::Send, {Home}`t ;; Indent
    ;,::Send, {Home}{Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up} ;; Un-indent
    ;;;; Scite commands
    ;^[:: ;; Select previous tab
    ; Send, {ctrl down}{shift down}{Tab}{shift up}{ctrl up}
    ; return
    ;^]:: ;; Select next tab
    ; Send, ^{Tab}
    ; return
    ;x:: ;; Close tab
    ; Send, ^w
    ; return
    ;s:: ;; Save tab
    ; Send, ^s
    ; return
    ;; #If


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vimmer/p/2972575.html
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