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  • 更改财务报表数据

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money where customer_price_per_day =0 and real_pay_money <0

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money_detail where customer_price_per_day <0;

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money where date(serviced_days) > date(beable_service_days);

    SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day),order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day) -1 as aaa ,order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id where a.month ='2015-08';

    SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day),order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day) as aaa,order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id where a.month ='2015-08' and aaa != a.days_of_month;

    update rpt_history_money a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day) as aaa,order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id set days_of_month = aaa where a.month ='2015-08' and aaa != a.days_of_month;

    update rpt_history_money a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day) -1 as aaa ,order_id from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id set days_of_month = aaa where a.month ='2015-08' ;

    update rpt_history_money set money_of_month = customer_price_per_day * days_of_month;

    SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day)-1,order_id,service_user_name,serivce_user_type from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id , serivce_user_type, service_user_name
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1;

    update rpt_history_money_detail a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day)-1 as aaa,order_id,service_user_name,serivce_user_type from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id , serivce_user_type, service_user_name
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id and a.serivce_user_type =b.serivce_user_type and b.service_user_name =a.service_user_name set days_of_month = days_of_month-aaa where a.month ='2015-08';

    SELECT * from rpt_history_money_detail a JOIN (SELECT count(DISTINCT service_day)-1 as aaa,order_id,service_user_name,serivce_user_type from erp_work_day_opt_info where service_day like '2015-08%' and rest_service_days =0 and order_state =4 GROUP BY order_id , serivce_user_type, service_user_name
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT service_day)>1
    ) b on a.order_id = b.order_id and a.serivce_user_type =b.serivce_user_type and b.service_user_name =a.service_user_name where a.month ='2015-08';

    update rpt_history_money_detail set money_of_month = customer_price_per_day * days_of_month;

    UPDATE rpt_history_money set customer_price_per_day =ROUND(customer_price_per_day ,2),money_of_month =ROUND(money_of_month ,2)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/w8104254/p/4779171.html
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