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  • 03-树3 Tree Traversals Again (25 分)

    An inorder binary tree traversal can be implemented in a non-recursive way with a stack. For example, suppose that when a 6-node binary tree (with the keys numbered from 1 to 6) is traversed, the stack operations are: push(1); push(2); push(3); pop(); pop(); push(4); pop(); pop(); push(5); push(6); pop(); pop(). Then a unique binary tree (shown in Figure 1) can be generated from this sequence of operations. Your task is to give the postorder traversal sequence of this tree.

    Figure 1

    Input Specification:

    Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (≤) which is the total number of nodes in a tree (and hence the nodes are numbered from 1 to N). Then 2 lines follow, each describes a stack operation in the format: "Push X" where X is the index of the node being pushed onto the stack; or "Pop" meaning to pop one node from the stack.

    Output Specification:

    For each test case, print the postorder traversal sequence of the corresponding tree in one line. A solution is guaranteed to exist. All the numbers must be separated by exactly one space, and there must be no extra space at the end of the line.

    Sample Input:

    Push 1
    Push 2
    Push 3
    Push 4
    Push 5
    Push 6

    Sample Output:

    3 4 2 6 5 1
     using namespace std;
     const int maxn = 35;
     struct Node{
         int data;
        Node* lchild;
        Node* rchild;    
     int n,pre[maxn],in[maxn],num = 0;
     Node* createTree(int preL,int preR,int inL,int inR){
         if(preL > preR) return NULL;
         Node* root = new Node;
         root -> data = pre[preL];
         int k;
         for(k = inL; k <= inR; k++){
             if(in[k] == pre[preL]) break;
         int numLeft = k - inL;
         root->lchild = createTree(preL+1,preL+numLeft,inL,k-1);
         root->rchild = createTree(preL+numLeft+1,preR,k+1,inR);
         return root; 
     void postOrder(Node* root){
         if(root == NULL) return;
        if(num < n) printf(" ");
     int main(){
         int x,k1=0,k2=0;
         stack<int> st;
         char str[5];
         for(int i = 0; i < 2*n; i++){
             if(strcmp(str,"Push") == 0){
                 pre[k1++] = x;
                 in[k2++] = st.top();
        // printf("1
         Node* root = createTree(0,n-1,0,n-1);
        // printf("2
         return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghao-boke/p/10409358.html
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