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  • saltstack快速入门


            4.运行模式:本地运行;master/minion;salt SSH


    • 前提准备
                   所有的客户端要加入hosts文件,保证互相用ping hostname能ping通
    1. [root@centos5 ~]# cat /etc/hosts
    2. centos4
    3. centos5
    4. centos6
    • 软件安装:
      centos 64位安装源
      1. rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.yun-idc.com/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
      2. master端:yum install salt-master -y
      3. minion端:yum install salt-minion -y
    1. chkconfig salt-master on #服务端开机自启动
    2. chkconfig salt-minion on #客户端开机自启动
    • 服务端启动:
    /etc/init.d/salt-master start
    • 客户端启动:
    1. [root@centos6 ~]# vim /etc/salt/minion
    2. master:
    3. [root@centos6 ~]# /etc/init.d/salt-minion start #启动服务


    • 首先需要认证:
      • minion端的证书文件位置
    1. [root@centos5 ~]# cd /etc/salt/pki/minion/
    2. [root@centos5 minion]# ls
    3. minion.pem minion.pub
      • master端的证书文件位置
    1. [root@centos6 ~]# cd /etc/salt/pki/master/
    2. [root@centos6 master]# ls
    3. master.pem minions minions_denied minions_rejected
    4. master.pub minions_autosign minions_pre
    5. [root@centos6 master]# tree ./
    6. ./
    7. ├── master.pem
    8. ├── master.pub
    9. ├── minions
    10. ├── minions_autosign
    11. ├── minions_denied
    12. ├── minions_pre
    13.    └── centos6
    14. └── minions_rejected
    • 查看未认证的主机并实现对minion的增删改查:
      • 这是在master端的操作:
      • 查操作
    1. [root@centos6 master]# salt-key
    2. Accepted Keys: #通过接受的主机列表
    3. Denied Keys: #黑名单
    4. Unaccepted Keys: #待接收的主机列表
    5. centos4
    6. centos5
    7. centos6
    8. Rejected Keys: #拒绝接入的名单
      • 具体操作
                 新增操作之后会将master的公钥放到minion的/etc/salt/pki/minion/ 下
    1. salt-key -L #列出
    2. salt-key -A #添加全部未认证的keys
    3. salt-key -a centos* #单个添加(或者通配符)
    4. salt-key -D #删除所有
    5. salt-key -d centos* #单个删除或者统配
    • 远程执行:(在master端)
      • 第一个测试指令:用于查看minion的存活状态(需要先salt-key -A) salt '*' test.ping
    1. [root@centos6 master]# salt '*' test.ping #测试指令
    2. centos5:
    3. True
    4. centos4:
    5. True
    6. centos6:
    7. Minion did not return. [Not connected] #未连接状态
      • 远程执行模块salt '*' cmd.run ‘cmd’
    1. [root@centos6 master]# salt '*' cmd.run 'uptime'
    2. centos5:
    3. 22:42:29 up 20 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
    4. centos4:
    5. 22:40:34 up 20 min, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.05, 0.08
    • 配置管理
    1. vim /etc/salt/master #打开下面的注释
    2. file_roots:
    3. base:
    4. - /srv/salt
    1. [root@centos6 srv]# mkdir /srv/salt #配置文件目录的创建
    2. [root@centos6 srv]# /etc/init.d/salt-master restart #重启服务 Stopping salt-master daemon: [ OK ] Starting salt-master daemon: [ OK ]
      • 开始写一个配置吧:先去安装一个apache,并让服务启动
    1. [root@centos6 salt]# cd /srv/salt/
    2. [root@centos6 salt]# vim apache.sls (严格控制空格,不要用tab键)
    3. apache-install: pkg.installed: - names: - httpd - httpd-devel apache-service: service.running: - name: httpd - enable: True - reload: True
    4. [root@centos6 salt]# salt '*' state.sls apache #执行命令
    5. ‘’返回结果‘’
    6. centos5: ---------- ID: apache-install Function: pkg.installed Name: httpd Result: True Comment: Package httpd is already installed. Started: 23:04:40.668754 Duration: 810.705 ms Changes: ---------- ID: apache-install Function: pkg.installed Name: httpd-devel Result: True Comment: Package httpd-devel is already installed. Started: 23:04:41.479650 Duration: 0.509 ms Changes: ---------- ID: apache-service Function: service.running Name: httpd Result: True Comment: Service httpd has been enabled, and is running Started: 23:04:41.480874 Duration: 507.976 ms Changes: ---------- httpd: True Summary ------------ Succeeded: 3 (changed=1) Failed: 0 ------------ Total states run: 3 centos4: ---------- ID: apache-install Function: pkg.installed Name: httpd Result: True Comment: Package httpd is already installed. Started: 23:02:47.847090 Duration: 1554.792 ms Changes: ---------- ID: apache-install Function: pkg.installed Name: httpd-devel Result: True Comment: Package httpd-devel is already installed. Started: 23:02:49.402300 Duration: 0.817 ms Changes: ---------- ID: apache-service Function: service.running Name: httpd Result: True Comment: Service httpd has been enabled, and is running Started: 23:02:49.403861 Duration: 381.817 ms Changes: ---------- httpd: True Summary ------------ Succeeded: 3 (changed=1) Failed: 0 ------------ Total states run: 3
    • 牛逼的入口文件:top文件
    1. [root@centos6 salt]# vim top.sls
    2. base: 'centos*': - apache
    3. [root@centos6 salt]# salt '*' state.highstate #执行入口文件

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghui1991/p/6285182.html
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