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    Alibaba’s Profit Slips as It Spends to Expand Its Empire
    SHENZHEN, China — Alibaba, the online shopping giant, is increasingly going offline. That is
    making some investors nervous.
    The Chinese company on Friday reported a fall in profit of nearly 30 percent in the latest quarter, the
    first such decline in a year and a half. One reason: Alibaba got a bump in profit last year from selling
    its shares in a social media app. Another culprit, however, was heavy spending on Alibaba’s
    businesses outside of e-commerce, including cloud computing and brick-and-mortar retail — which
    the company, counterintuitively, likes to call “new retail.”
    这家中国公司周五宣布最近一个季度利润下降近 30%,这是它一年半以来利润首次下滑。其中
    Those ventures are part of Alibaba’s plan to broaden its empire and become more of a full-service
    technology company akin to Google. But some investors appear to be fretting about the cost of such
    expansion to the company’s profits. Alibaba has already lost around $60 billion in market value since
    its shares peaked in January.
    的一部分。但一些投资者似乎担心这种扩张对公司利润的影响。自 1 月股价达到最高点以来,
    阿里巴巴的市值已蒸发大约 600 亿美元(约合 3800 亿元人民币)。
    They remain well above their level a year ago, however, thanks to strength in Alibaba’s core online
    business. In the first three months of the year, total revenue increased by more than 60 percent over
    the same period last year, the company said Friday. It added that it expects a similar pace of sales
    growth for the coming financial year.
    示,今年前三个月总收入同比增加逾 60%。阿里巴巴还补充说,预计下一财年的销售增长会保
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    For what has become one of the biggest internet companies on the planet, figuring out how to get
    even bigger was never going to be straightforward. Or cheap.
    In March, Alibaba poured an additional $2 billion into its Southeast Asian online emporium, Lazada,
    which is duking it out with Amazon in the region. Back at home in China, the company is investing
    heavily in its entertainment and cloud services businesses, both of which lose money. And it is
    rapidly expanding its footprint in physical retail, to collect more different kinds of data about
    customers’habits and desires.
    3 月,阿里巴巴再次向其在东南亚的线上商城拉扎达(Lazada)注入 20 亿美元。拉扎达正在该地
    But compared with being an online middleman, running stores in the real world is costly and
    complex. Hema, the company’s chain of high-tech supermarkets, now has dozens of stores across
    China, a large chunk of which opened in the first four months of this year alone.
    盒马目前在中国各地有几十家门店,其中很大一部分是在今年前 4 个月开张的。
    Modest minimarts these are not. A typical store might feature tanks of live lobsters and crabs, a bar
    with beer on tap and a grill where steaks are cooked to order. Bags of groceries zip on conveyors
    above shoppers’heads on their way to being delivered to nearby homes.
    Fresh food aside, Alibaba has also invested in an electronics retailer, a home-improvement chain and
    a department store operator. Recently, it opened a mall in its home city, Hangzhou. It took control
    last year of its logistics affiliate, Cainiao, and in April it swallowed up a food-delivery service,
    物流子公司菜鸟的控制权,并在 4 月收购了送餐服务公司饿了么。
    All of these could someday help turn Alibaba into the vast digital enabler of on- and offline
    commerce that it wishes to be. But for now, they are new and unfamiliar activities for a company that
    prides itself on not owning much in the way of merchandise, warehouses, delivery trucks or other
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    physical assets.
    It does not help that the company’s archrival in China, the internet conglomerate Tencent, is also
    storming into many of these same businesses, including traditional retail.
    “I like Hema,” said Tian X. Hou, founder of T.H. Data Capital, a research firm in Beijing. “But
    Alibaba management is going to have to do a lot of thinking, and go through a lot of trial and error.”
    Despite investors’ worries, Ms. Hou said, Alibaba executives are at least sounding more resolute
    about their commitment to this new, offline future for the company.
    “They are fully communicating with the Street: ‘We’re doing it. And we actually do not care what
    you think, because we think it’s great, and it is the way to reach offline customers. It’s the way to sell
    in product categories that are not sold online. It is the way for us to expand.’”

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