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  • 百度地图组件 百度地图热力图 --》 二次封装


        <!-- 地图上显示描点
            1.调用页面引入: import Map from '@/components/deviceViewMap.vue';
                         注:自定义的组件名称 不要使用关键字
                         components: {Map}
                <Map :mapValueAll = "valMapPoint"></Map>
                 valMapPoint: {   数据,最关键的地方
                     1500, //地图宽
                    height: 600, //地图高
                    mapPoint: [
                            allRuntime: "0天0小时", //运行时间
                            deviceStatus: "1", //设备状态
                            device_code: "new", //设备编码
                            device_img: "/group1/M00/00/0B/rBAAyl0QmtuAH2wGAAGSKp3wi3E073.jpg", //设备图片
                            device_name: "模板生成测试用", //设备名称
                            lat: "34.62", //经纬度
                            lon: "112.46",
                            device_id: 775 //设备id
                            allRuntime: "1天4小时", //运行时间
                            deviceStatus: "2", //设备状态
                            device_code: "new", //设备编码
                            device_img: "/group1/M00/00/0B/rBAAyl0QmtuAH2wGAAGSKp3wi3E073.jpg", //设备图片
                            device_name: "提示信息2", //设备名称
                            lat: "32.32", //经纬度
                            lon: "110.36",
                            device_id: 647
                            allRuntime: "89天22小时", //运行时间
                            deviceStatus: "3", //设备状态
                            device_code: "new", //设备编码
                            device_img: "/group1/M00/00/0B/rBAAyl0QmtuAH2wGAAGSKp3wi3E073.jpg", //设备图片
                            device_name: "提示信息3", //设备名称
                            lat: "32.62", //经纬度
                            lon: "111.46",
                            device_id: 779
                            allRuntime: "0天0小时", //运行时间
                            deviceStatus: "5", //设备状态
                            device_code: "new", //设备编码
                            device_img: "/group1/M00/00/0B/rBAAyl0QmtuAH2wGAAGSKp3wi3E073.jpg", //设备图片
                            device_name: "提示信息4", //设备名称
                            lat: "35", //经纬度
                            lon: "110",
                            device_id: 738
    <div class="deviceAllMap"> <slot></slot> <div id="devMap" :style="{height:mapValueAll.height+'px', mapValueAll.width+'px'}"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { mapValueAll: { type: Object, default: function() { return { 1400, //地图宽 height: 800 //地图高 }; } } }, data() { return { map: null, infoWindow: null, //地图信息框 closeFlag: true, //是否 可打开地图信息框 map_zoom: 5 // 地图缩放级别 }; }, mounted() { this.initMap(); this.setMapEvent(); this.addMapControl(); }, methods: { //初始化地图 initMap() { var that = this; this.map = new BMap.Map("devMap", { mapType: BMAP_HYBRID_MAP }); // 在百度地图容器中创建一个地图 //创建Map实例,设置地图允许的最小/大级别 var myicon = new BMap.Icon("./static/images/map/map_maker.png", new BMap.Size(20, 34)); //显示图标大小 标记图标 let point = new BMap.Point(111.41, 40.48); //定义一个中心点坐标 this.map.centerAndZoom(point, this.map_zoom); //设定地图的中心点和坐标并将地图显示在地图容器中 if (this.mapValueAll.mapPoint) { if (this.mapValueAll.mapPoint.length == 0) { } else { this.mapValueAll.mapPoint.map((item, index) => { let point = new BMap.Point(item.lon, item.lat); //定义一个中心点坐标 let content = '<div id="' + item.device_id + '" style="color:#666666;">' + "<div style=float:left;142px>" + "<p style=height:20px;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#333333;>" + "<span style=150px;text-align:left;display:inline-block;>" + item.device_name + "</span>" + "</p>" + "<p style=height:20px;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:8px;>" + "<span style=65px;text-align:left;display:inline-block;>" + "设备编号:" + "</span>" + "<span class='word map_span' title='" + item.device_code + "'>" + item.device_code + "</span>" + "</p>" + "<p style=height:20px;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:8px;>" + "<span style=65px;text-align:left;display:inline-block;>" + "累计运行:" + "</span>" + "<span class='word map_span' title='" + item.allRuntime + "'>" + item.allRuntime + "</span>" + "</p>" + "<p style=height:20px;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:8px;>" + "<span style=65px;text-align:left;display:inline-block;>" + "设备状态:" + "</span>" + "<span class='word map_span' title='" + item.deviceStatus + "'>" + item.deviceStatus + "</span>" + "</p>" + "</div>" + "<div style=float:right;90px;height:100px;margin-top:20px;>" + "<img style='100%;height:100%' src=" + this.fileUrl + item.device_img + " />" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>"; let marker = new BMap.Marker(point, { icon: myicon }); // 创建标注 this.addClickHandler(marker, content, item.device_id, item.device_name); this.map.addOverlay(marker); // 将标注添加到地图中 }); } } this.map.enableScrollWheelZoom(true); //开启鼠标滚轮缩放 this.getMapZoom(); //获取地图缩放层级 }, //地图事件 setMapEvent() { this.map.enableDragging(); //启用地图拖拽事件,默认启用(可不写) this.map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用地图滚轮放大缩小 this.map.enableDoubleClickZoom(); //启用鼠标双击放大,默认启用(可不写) this.map.enableKeyboard(); //启用键盘上下左右键移动地图 }, //地图控件添加函数: addMapControl() { //向地图中添加缩放控件 let ctrl_nav = new BMap.NavigationControl({ anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT, type: BMAP_NAVIGATION_CONTROL_LARGE }); this.map.addControl(ctrl_nav); //向地图中添加缩略图控件 let ctrl_ove = new BMap.OverviewMapControl({ anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, isOpen: 1 }); this.map.addControl(ctrl_ove); //向地图中添加比例尺控件 let ctrl_sca = new BMap.ScaleControl({ anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT }); this.map.addControl(ctrl_sca); //向地图添加影像地图 this.map.addControl( new BMap.MapTypeControl({ mapTypes: [BMAP_HYBRID_MAP, BMAP_NORMAL_MAP], anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT }) ); }, getMapZoom() { //监听地图缩放 this.map.addEventListener("zoomend", () => { let ZoomNum = this.map.getZoom(); //地图缩放层级 this.map_zoom = ZoomNum; }); }, addClickHandler(marker, content, deviceId, deviceName) { let that = this; marker.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) { if (that.closeFlag == true) { that.openInfo(content, e, deviceName); //开启信息窗口 } }); marker.addEventListener("click", function(e) { that.selectPoint(deviceId); //跳转 详情页面 }); }, openInfo(content, e, deviceName) { let opts = { boxStyle: { "265px", height: "143px", padding: "15px", overflow: "hidden", background: "url(./static/images/map/map_infoBoxBg.png)no-repeat", "background-size": "100% 100%", "margin-top": "-2px", "margin-left": "-4px", "border-radius": "5px" }, enableAutoPan: true, // align: 'INFOBOX_AT_TOP', closeIconUrl: "./static/images/map/map_close.png", closeIconMargin: "-6px -2px 0 0", closeIconZIndex: 1, closeIconWidth: "10px" }; let p = e.target; let point = new BMap.Point(p.getPosition().lng, p.getPosition().lat); this.infoWindow = new BMapLib.InfoBox(this.map, content, opts); this.infoWindow.open(point); this.infoWindow.addEventListener("close", () => { this.closeFlag = true; // false 时可以开启下一个窗口 }); this.infoWindow.addEventListener("open", () => { this.closeFlag = false; // false 时不可以开启下一个窗口 }); for (let i = 0; i < document.querySelectorAll(".infoBox>img").length; i++) { document.querySelectorAll(".infoBox>img")[i].onclick = function(e) { document.querySelectorAll(".infoBox")[i].style.display = "none"; }; } this.infoWindow.open(point); this.infoWindow.addEventListener("close", () => { this.infoWindow.close(); }); }, //跳转到设备监控页面 selectPoint(deviceId) { //点击地图上的点 跳转页面 let sissionStorage = window.localStorage; sissionStorage.device_id = deviceId; this.$router.push({ path: "" }); } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> </style>


        <!-- 百度地图 热力图   故障热力分布图??
           1. 调用页面引入 
                        import DistributionFaultMap from '@/components/DistributionFaultMap.vue';
                        注:自定义的组件名称 不要使用关键字
                        components: {DistributionFaultMap}
           2. 调用页面入参: 
                <DistributionFaultMap :mapPoint = "valObj"></DistributionFaultMap>
               valObj: {
                    title: "故障分布热力图", //图表名称
                    tooltip: //提示信息
                    distributionPoint: [  //故障点
                        { lon: "110.29", lat: "39.86", val: 41 },
                        { lon: "107.31", lat: "39.97", val: 4 },
                        { lon: "106.40", lat: "39.75", val: 1 }
                     1000, //
                    height: 300  //
        <div class="echart_box">
            <div class="echart_tit" v-show="mapPoint.title">{{mapPoint.title}}
                <el-tooltip placement="bottom-start" effect="light" v-show="mapPoint.tooltip">
                    <div slot="content" v-html="mapPoint.tooltip">
                    <i class="el-icon-question"></i>
            <div class="echart_model" :style="{mapPoint.width+'px',height:mapPoint.height+'px'}" id="hot_map"></div>
    export default {
        props: {
            mapPoint: {
                //经纬度 lot经度,lat:纬度
                type: Object,
                default: function() {
                    return {
                         1400, //地图宽
                        height: 800,//地图高
        data() {
            return {
                map: null
        mounted() {
            this.hotMap(); //设置地图;
        methods: {
            hotMap() {
                this.map = new BMap.Map("hot_map"); // 在百度地图容器中创建一个地图 //创建Map实例,设置地图允许的最小/大级别
                let point = new BMap.Point(106.54354, 39.16597); //定义一个中心点坐标 -  中国大概中间的位置
                this.map.enableScrollWheelZoom(true); //开启鼠标滚轮缩放
                this.map.centerAndZoom(point, 4);
                var that = this;
                if (!isSupportCanvas()) {
                that.heatmapOverlay = new BMapLib.HeatmapOverlay({
                    radius: 20
                let points = [],
                    obj = {};
                this.mapPoint.distributionPoint.forEach((item, int) => {
                    obj = {};
                    obj.lng = item.lon;
                    obj.lat = item.lat;
                    obj.count = parseInt(item.val) * 5;
                    data: points,
                    max: 100
                function isSupportCanvas() {
                    var elem = document.createElement("canvas");
                    return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext("2d"));
    <style lang="scss" scoped>
    .echart_box {
        margin: 4px;
        position: relative;
        z-index: 1;
    .echart_tit {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        z-index: 2;
        height: 40px;
        line-height: 40px;
        text-align: left;
        padding-left: 14px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
  • 相关阅读:
    HDU 1051
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    HDU 1253
    HDU 1072
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangqi2019/p/11302013.html
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