1 clc; clear all; close all; 2 image_path = '/media/wangxiao/Elements/image_segment_backup/'; 3 savePath = '/media/wangxiao/Seagate/wangxiao/additional_data/'; 4 5 threshold = 5000; 6 7 first_files = dir(image_path); 8 9 for i = 3:length(first_files) 10 sec_file_name = first_files(i).name; 11 sec_path = [image_path, sec_file_name, '/']; 12 sec_files = dir(sec_path); 13 disp(['process the: ', sec_file_name, '---', num2str(i-2), '/', num2str(length(first_files)-2),' waiting . . . ']); 14 15 for j = 3:length(sec_files) 16 third_file_name = sec_files(j).name; 17 third_path = [sec_path, third_file_name, '/']; 18 third_files = dir(third_path); 19 disp([' process the: ', third_file_name, '---', num2str(j-2), '/', num2str(length(sec_files)-2),' . . . ']); 20 21 for k = 3:length(third_files) 22 fourth_files_name = third_files(k).name; 23 fourth_path = [third_path, fourth_files_name, '/']; 24 fourth_files = dir(fourth_path); 25 disp([' process the: ', fourth_files_name, '---', num2str(k-2), '/', num2str(length(third_files)-2),' . . . ']); 26 27 for ii = 3:length(fourth_files) 28 fifth_file_name = fourth_files(ii).name; 29 fifth_path = [fourth_path, fifth_file_name, '/']; 30 fifth_files = dir(fifth_path); 31 disp([' process the: ', fifth_file_name, '---', num2str(ii-2), '/', num2str(length(fourth_files)-2),' . . . ']); 32 33 for jj = 3:length(fifth_files) 34 six_file_name = fifth_files(jj).name; 35 six_path = [fifth_path, six_file_name, '/']; 36 six_files = dir([six_path, '*.jpg']); 37 % disp([' process the: ', six_file_name, '---', num2str(jj-2), '/', num2str(length(fifth_files)-2), ' . . . ']); 38 39 for kk = 1:length(six_files) 40 seven_file_name = six_files(kk).name; 41 image = imread([six_path, seven_file_name]); 42 43 imshow(image); 44 45 [width, length, channel] = size(image); 46 % disp(sec_file_name); 47 % disp(third_file_name); 48 % disp(fourth_files_name); 49 % disp(fifth_file_name); 50 % disp(six_file_name); 51 % disp(seven_file_name); 52 resolution = width * length ; 53 54 if (resolution > threshold) 55 imwrite(image, [savePath, seven_file_name]); 56 end 57 58 59 end 60 61 62 63 64 65 end 66 67 68 end 69 70 71 end 72 73 end 74 75 end
Error using subsindex
Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'struct'.
Error in pre_deal_additional_data (line 39)
for kk = 1:length(six_files)
fuck the error and the answer is :

1 clc; clear all; close all; 2 image_path = '/media/wangxiao/Elements/image_segment_backup/'; 3 savePath = '/media/wangxiao/Seagate/wangxiao/additional_data/'; 4 5 threshold_self = 5000; 6 7 first_files = dir(image_path); 8 9 for i = 3:size(first_files, 1) 10 sec_file_name = first_files(i).name; 11 sec_path = [image_path, sec_file_name, '/']; 12 sec_files = dir(sec_path); 13 disp(['process the: ', sec_file_name, '---', num2str(i-2), '/', num2str(length(first_files)-2),' waiting . . . ']); 14 15 for j = 3: size(sec_files, 1) 16 third_file_name = sec_files(j).name; 17 third_path = [sec_path, third_file_name, '/']; 18 third_files = dir(third_path); 19 % disp([' process the: ', third_file_name, '---', num2str(j-2), '/', num2str(length(sec_files)-2),' . . . ']); 20 21 for k = 3: size(third_files, 1) 22 fourth_files_name = third_files(k).name; 23 fourth_path = [third_path, fourth_files_name, '/']; 24 fourth_files = dir(fourth_path); 25 % disp([' process the: ', fourth_files_name, '---', num2str(k-2), '/', num2str(length(third_files)-2),' . . . ']); 26 27 for ii = 3: size(fourth_files, 1) 28 fifth_file_name = fourth_files(ii).name; 29 fifth_path = [fourth_path, fifth_file_name, '/']; 30 fifth_files = dir(fifth_path); 31 % disp([' process the: ', fifth_file_name, '---', num2str(ii-2), '/', num2str(length(fourth_files)-2),' . . . ']); 32 33 for jj = 3: size(fifth_files, 1) 34 six_file_name = fifth_files(jj).name; 35 six_path = [fifth_path, six_file_name, '/']; 36 six_files = dir([six_path, '*.jpg']); 37 % disp([' process the: ', six_file_name, '---', num2str(jj-2), '/', num2str(length(fifth_files)-2), ' . . . ']); 38 39 for kk = 1: size(six_files, 1) 40 seven_file_name = six_files(kk).name; 41 image = imread([six_path, seven_file_name]); 42 43 % imshow(image); 44 45 [width, length, channel] = size(image); 46 47 resolution_self = width * length ; 48 49 if (resolution_self > threshold_self) 50 imwrite(image, [savePath, seven_file_name]); 51 end 52 53 54 end 55 56 57 58 59 60 end 61 62 63 end 64 65 66 end 67 68 end 69 70 end