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  • H.264 Profile、Level、Encoder三张简图 (fps = AVCodecContext->time_base.den / AVCodecContext->time_base.num)

    H.264 Profiles

    Profiles are sets of capabilities. If your black box only supports the Baseline profile it'll not be able to decode a stream using High capabilities.

    In VLC you can set the H.264 profile to be used by the x264 encoder like this:


    H.264 Levels

    Think of levels as a constraint/indicator of required decoder performance. If a decoder supports a certain level for a certain profile then it must be able to decode streams at that level and any of the lower levels.

    First of all, the level for 640x480 @ 30 fps is 3 and not 2.2.

    You can calculate this as following:

    macrobolocks = ceil(640/16) * ceil(480/16) = 1200
    macroblocks/s = macroblocks * 30 = 36000

    The reason for ceil is that non-mod16 resolution are padded to a multiple of 16.

    You then take a look at the H.264 Levels. You are within the frame size limit for 2.2 which is 1620 but the max decoding speed is greater than 20252 so you have to choose the next level wich is 3. You'll also have to consider the maximum bitrate for the Baseline profile in that table.

    If you have an Android device you can download my H.264 Calculator app from the Amazon App Store (I can send you the apk if you don't like their Orwellian app permissions)

    The x264 encoder will automatically choose a level based on your encoding parameters. With VLC you can actually set the flag yourself using something like:


    Beware, this sets the encoder output flag and doesn't actually produce a Level 2.2 stream. You can put any values you want, so it's possible to mark a Full HD stream at 60 fps as Level 2.2 even if it's nowhere the level limits.

    VLC Transcoding

    If you want to make sure you're sending a correct stream you'll need to transcode the source material. This is an example for 640x480 @ 30 fps which results in a Level 3 H.264 stream like I showed you above. If you want Level 2.2 you'll need to lower the resolution or framerate or both. Your video bitrate can go lower too in that case.

    cvlc input.mp4 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,venc=x264{profile=baseline},fps=30,width=640,height=480,vb=1372,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:rtp{...}


    Mediainfo is a great tool to get information about a media file. You can check the specs of your input files, but it won't help you detect a wrong level which was forced into or wrongfully chosen by the encoder. The safest way is to re-encode.

    下面的这个表拷贝自:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC#Levels


    As the term is used in the standard, a "level" is a specified set of constraints that indicate a degree of required decoder performance for a profile. For example, a level of support within a profile specifies the maximum picture resolution, frame rate, and bit rate that a decoder may use. A decoder that conforms to a given level must be able to decode all bitstreams encoded for that level and all lower levels.

    Levels with maximum property values
    LevelMax decoding speedMax frame sizeMax video bit rate for video coding layer (VCL) kbit/sExamples for high resolution
    @ highest frame rate
    (max stored frames)
    Toggle additional details
    Luma samples/sMacroblocks/sLuma samplesMacroblocksBaseline, Extended
    and Main Profiles
    High ProfileHigh 10 Profile
    1 380,160 1,485 25,344 99 64 80 192
    128×96@30.9 (8)
    176×144@15.0 (4)
    1b 380,160 1,485 25,344 99 128 160 384
    128×96@30.9 (8)
    176×144@15.0 (4)
    1.1 768,000 3,000 101,376 396 192 240 576
    176×144@30.3 (9)
    320×240@10.0 (3)
    352×288@7.5 (2)
    1.2 1,536,000 6,000 101,376 396 384 480 1,152
    320×240@20.0 (7)
    352×288@15.2 (6)
    1.3 3,041,280 11,880 101,376 396 768 960 2,304
    320×240@36.0 (7)
    352×288@30.0 (6)
    2 3,041,280 11,880 101,376 396 2,000 2,500 6,000
    320×240@36.0 (7)
    352×288@30.0 (6)
    2.1 5,068,800 19,800 202,752 792 4,000 5,000 12,000
    352×480@30.0 (7)
    352×576@25.0 (6)
    2.2 5,184,000 20,250 414,720 1,620 4,000 5,000 12,000
    352×480@30.7 (12)
    352×576@25.6 (10)
    720×480@15.0 (6)
    720×576@12.5 (5)
    3 10,368,000 40,500 414,720 1,620 10,000 12,500 30,000
    352×480@61.4 (12)
    352×576@51.1 (10)
    720×480@30.0 (6)
    720×576@25.0 (5)
    3.1 27,648,000 108,000 921,600 3,600 14,000 17,500 42,000
    720×480@80.0 (13)
    720×576@66.7 (11)
    1,280×720@30.0 (5)
    3.2 55,296,000 216,000 1,310,720 5,120 20,000 25,000 60,000
    1,280×720@60.0 (5)
    1,280×1,024@42.2 (4)
    4 62,914,560 245,760 2,097,152 8,192 20,000 25,000 60,000
    1,280×720@68.3 (9)
    1,920×1,080@30.1 (4)
    2,048×1,024@30.0 (4)
    4.1 62,914,560 245,760 2,097,152 8,192 50,000 62,500 150,000
    1,280×720@68.3 (9)
    1,920×1,080@30.1 (4)
    2,048×1,024@30.0 (4)
    4.2 133,693,440 522,240 2,228,224 8,704 50,000 62,500 150,000
    1,280×720@145.1 (9)
    1,920×1,080@64.0 (4)
    2,048×1,080@60.0 (4)
    5 150,994,944 589,824 5,652,480 22,080 135,000 168,750 405,000
    1,920×1,080@72.3 (13)
    2,048×1,024@72.0 (13)
    2,048×1,080@67.8 (12)
    2,560×1,920@30.7 (5)
    3,672×1,536@26.7 (5)
    5.1 251,658,240 983,040 9,437,184 36,864 240,000 300,000 720,000
    1,920×1,080@120.5 (16)
    2,560×1,920@51.2 (9)
    3,840×2,160@31.7 (5)
    4,096×2,048@30.0 (5)
    4,096×2,160@28.5 (5)
    4,096×2,304@26.7 (5)
    5.2 530,841,600 2,073,600 9,437,184 36,864 240,000 300,000 720,000
    1,920×1,080@172.0 (16)
    2,560×1,920@108.0 (9)
    3,840×2,160@66.8 (5)
    4,096×2,048@63.3 (5)
    4,096×2,160@60.0 (5)
    4,096×2,304@56.3 (5)

    The maximum bit rate for High Profile is 1.25 times that of the Base/Extended/Main Profiles, 3 times for Hi10P, and 4 times for Hi422P/Hi444PP.

    The number of luma samples is 16x16=256 times the number of macroblocks (and the number of luma samples per second is 256 times the number of macroblocks per second).



      1、BP-Baseline Profile:基本画质。支持I/P 帧,只支持无交错(Progressive)和CAVLC;
      2、EP-Extended profile:进阶画质。支持I/P/B/SP/SI 帧,只支持无交错(Progressive)和CAVLC;
      3、MP-Main profile:主流画质。提供I/P/B 帧,支持无交错(Progressive)和交错(Interlaced),
        也支持CAVLC 和CABAC 的支持;
      4、HP-High profile:高级画质。在main Profile 的基础上增加了8x8内部预测、自定义量化、 无损视频编码和更多的YUV 格式;

    想 要说明H.264 HP与H.264 MP的区别就要讲到H.264的技术发展了。JVT于2003年完成H.264基本部分标准制定工作,包含Baseline profile、Extended profile和Main profile,分别包括不同的编码工具。之后JVT又完成了H.264 FRExt(即:Fidelity Range Extensions)扩展部分(Amendment)的制定工作,包括High profile(HP)、High 10 profile(Hi10P)、High 4:2:2 profile(Hi422P)、High 4:4:4 profile(Hi444P)4个profile。

       H.264 Baseline profile、Extended profile和Main profile都是针对8位样本数据、4:2:0格式的视频序列,FRExt将其扩展到8~12位样本数据,视频格式可以为4:2:0、4:2:2、 4:4:4,设立了High profile(HP)、High 10 profile(Hi10P)、High 4:2:2 profile(Hi422P)、High 4:4:4 profile(Hi444P) 4个profile,这4个profile都以Main profile为基础。

    在 相同配置情况下,High profile(HP)可以比Main profile(MP)节省10%的码流量,比MPEG-2 MP节省60%的码流量,具有更好的编码性能。根据应用领域的不同,Baseline profile多应用于实时通信领域,Main profile多应用于流媒体领域,High profile则多应用于广电和存储领域。

    H.264 Baseline Profile对应MPEG-4 SP
    H.264 Main Profile对应MPEG-4 ASP
    H.264 Extended Profile对应MPEG-4 ARTS or FGS
    H.264 Baseline Profile对应MPEG-4 Studio。


    H.264 Profile、Level、Encoder三张简图

    【详细说明】H.264 Profile、Level、Encoder三张简图
    取自 wikipedia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

    h.264 profile


    h.264 level

    h.264 software encoder

    本文出自 “流媒体技术工程组” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://xcshen.blog.51cto.com/2835389/552669


    Level VBV maximum bit rate [1000bits/s] VBV buffer size [1000bits] Macroblocks/s Resolution and frame rate
    1 64 175 1485 128×96@30 or 176×144@15
    1b 128 350 1485 128×96@30 or 176×144@15
    1.1 192 500 3000 176×144@30 or 320×240@10
    1.2 384 1000 6000 176×144@60 or 320×240@20
    1.3 768 2000 11880 352×288@30
    2 2000 2000 11880 352×288@30
    2.1 4000 4000 19800 352×288@50
    2.2 4000 4000 20250 352×288@50 or 640×480@15
    3 10000 10000 40500 720×480@30 or 720×576@25
    3.1 14000 14000 108000 1280×720@30
    3.2 20000 20000 216000 1280×720@60
    4 20000 25000 245760 1920×1088@30 or 2Kx1K@30
    4.1 50000 62500 245760 1920×1088@30 or 2Kx1K@30
    4.2 50000 62500 522240 1920×1088@60 or or 2Kx1K@60
    5 135000 135000 589824 2560×1920@30
    5.1 240000 240000 983040 4Kx2K@30 or 4096×2304@25


    2.2 4000 4000 20250 352×288@50 or 640×480@15

    Max macroblocks 可设置为 1620


    3.0 10000 4000 36000 640×480@30

    Max macroblocks 可设置为1620

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