Windows API Reference for C#, VB.NET and VB6
Windows API (application programming interface) are the low level workings of
Windows. It offers high performance, and lightweight code, but it is very
sparsely documented for .NET programmers. This section provides a rough guide to
the Win32 API from a C# and VB.NET developers perspective.
This guide is not definitive, and will evolve with more content over time. Currently listed are over 1,600 Windows API functions. To use this guide, firstly expand the one of the libraries below by pressing the icon. Once you have found the function you are looking for, click on the library name itself.
File, Memory,
Process, Threading, Time, Console, and Comm control(kernel32.dll)
- _hread
- _hwrite
- _lclose
- _lcreat
- _llseek
- _lopen
- _lread
- _lwrite
- AddAtom
- AllocConsole
- BackupRead
- BackupSeek
- BackupWrite
- Beep
- Beep_Renamed
- BeginUpdateResource
- BuildCommDCB
- BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts
- CallNamedPipe
- ClearCommBreak
- ClearCommError
- CloseHandle
- CommConfigDialog
- CompareFileTime
- CompareString
- ConnectNamedPipe
- ContinueDebugEvent
- ConvertDefaultLocale
- CopyFile
- CopyMemory
- CreateConsoleScreenBuffer
- CreateDirectory
- CreateDirectoryEx
- CreateEvent
- CreateFile
- CreateFileMapping
- CreateIoCompletionPort
- CreateMailslot
- CreateMutex
- CreateNamedPipe
- CreatePipe
- CreateProcess
- CreateRemoteThread
- CreateSemaphore
- CreateTapePartition
- CreateThread
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
- DebugActiveProcess
- DebugBreak
- DefineDosDevice
- DeleteAtom
- DeleteCriticalSection
- DeleteFile
- DeviceIoControl
- DisableThread
- DisableThreadLibraryCalls
- DisconnectNamedPipe
- DosDateTimeToFileTime
- DuplicateHandle
- EndUpdateResource
- EnterCriticalSection
- EnumCalendarInfo
- EnumDateFormats
- EnumResourceLanguages
- EnumResourceNames
- EnumResourceTypes
- EnumSystemCodePages
- EnumSystemLocales
- EnumTimeFormats
- EraseTape
- EscapeCommFunction
- ExitProcess
- ExitThread
- ExpandEnvironmentStrings
- FatalAppExit
- FatalExit
- FileTimeToDosDateTime
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime
- FileTimeToSystemTime
- FillConsoleOutputAttribute
- FillConsoleOutputCharacter
- FillMemory
- FindAtom
- FindClose
- FindCloseChangeNotification
- FindFirstChangeNotification
- FindFirstFile
- FindNextChangeNotification
- FindNextFile
- FindResource
- FindResourceEx
- FlushConsoleInputBuffer
- FlushFileBuffers
- FlushInstructionCache
- FlushViewOfFile
- FoldString
- FormatMessage
- Free
- FreeConsole
- FreeEnvironmentStrings
- FreeLibrary
- FreeLibraryAndExitThread
- FreeResource
- GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
- GetACP
- GetAtomName
- GetBinaryType
- GetCommandLine
- GetCommConfig
- GetCommMask
- GetCommModemStatus
- GetCommProperties
- GetCommState
- GetCommTimeouts
- GetCompressedFileSize
- GetComputerName
- GetConsoleCP
- GetConsoleCursorInfo
- GetConsoleMode
- GetConsoleOutputCP
- GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
- GetConsoleTitle
- GetCPInfo
- GetCurrencyFormat
- GetCurrentDirectory
- GetCurrentProcess
- GetCurrentProcessId
- GetCurrentThread
- GetCurrentThreadId
- GetDateFormat
- GetDefaultCommConfig
- GetDiskFreeSpace
- GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
- GetDriveType
- GetEnvironmentStrings
- GetEnvironmentVariable
- GetExitCodeProcess
- GetExitCodeThread
- GetFileAttributes
- GetFileInformationByHandle
- GetFileSize
- GetFileTime
- GetFileType
- GetFullPathName
- GetHandleInformation
- GetLargestConsoleWindowSize
- GetLastError
- GetLocaleInfo
- GetLocalTime
- GetLogicalDrives
- GetLogicalDriveStrings
- GetMailslotInfo
- GetModuleFileName
- GetModuleHandle
- GetNamedPipeHandleState
- GetNamedPipeInfo
- GetNumberFormat
- GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents
- GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons
- GetOverlappedResult
- GetPriorityClass
- GetPrivateProfileInt
- GetPrivateProfileSection
- GetPrivateProfileString
- GetProcAddress
- GetProcessAffinityMask
- GetProcessHeap
- GetProcessHeaps
- GetProcessShutdownParameters
- GetProcessTimes
- GetProcessWorkingSetSize
- GetProfileInt
- GetProfileSection
- GetProfileString
- GetQueuedCompletionStatus
- GetShortPathName
- GetStartupInfo
- GetStdHandle
- GetStringType
- GetStringTypeEx
- GetStringTypeW
- GetSystemDefaultLangID
- GetSystemDefaultLCID
- GetSystemDirectory
- GetSystemInfo
- GetSystemPowerStatus
- GetSystemTime
- GetSystemTimeAdjustment
- GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
- GetTapeParameters
- GetTapePosition
- GetTapeStatus
- GetTempFileName
- GetTempPath
- GetThreadContext
- GetThreadLocale
- GetThreadPriority
- GetThreadSelectorEntry
- GetThreadTimes
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeFormat
- GetTimeZoneInformation
- GetUserDefaultLangID
- GetUserDefaultLCID
- GetVersion
- GetVersionEx
- GetVolumeInformation
- GetWindowsDirectory
- GlobalAddAtom
- GlobalAlloc
- GlobalCompact
- GlobalDeleteAtom
- GlobalFindAtom
- GlobalFix
- GlobalFlags
- GlobalFree
- GlobalGetAtomName
- GlobalHandle
- GlobalLock
- GlobalMemoryStatus
- GlobalMemoryStatusEx
- GlobalReAlloc
- GlobalSize
- GlobalUnfix
- GlobalUnlock
- GlobalUnWire
- GlobalWire
- HeapAlloc
- HeapCompact
- HeapCreate
- HeapDestroy
- HeapFree
- HeapReAlloc
- HeapSize
- HeapValidate
- hread
- hwrite
- ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
- InitAtomTable
- InitializeCriticalSection
- InterlockedDecrement
- InterlockedExchange
- InterlockedIncrement
- IsBadCodePtr
- IsBadHugeReadPtr
- IsBadHugeWritePtr
- IsBadReadPtr
- IsBadStringPtr
- IsBadWritePtr
- IsDBCSLeadByte
- IsValidCodePage
- IsValidLocale
- lclose
- LCMapString
- lcreat
- LeaveCriticalSection
- llseek
- Load
- LoadLibrary
- LoadLibraryEx
- LoadModule
- LoadResource
- LocalAlloc
- LocalCompact
- LocalFileTimeToFileTime
- LocalFlags
- LocalFree
- LocalHandle
- LocalLock
- LocalReAlloc
- LocalShrink
- LocalSize
- LocalUnlock
- LockFile
- LockFileEx
- LockResource
- lopen
- lread
- lstrcat
- lstrcmp
- lstrcmpi
- lstrcpy
- lstrcpy
- lstrcpyn
- lstrlen
- lwrite
- MapViewOfFile
- MapViewOfFileEx
- MoveFile
- MoveFileEx
- MoveMemory
- MulDiv
- MultiByteToWideChar
- ObjectOpenAuditAlarm
- OpenEvent
- OpenFile
- OpenFileMapping
- OpenMutex
- OpenProcess
- OpenSemaphore
- OutputDebugString
- PeekNamedPipe
- PrepareTape
- Process32First
- Process32First
- PulseEvent
- PurgeComm
- QueryDosDevice
- QueryPerformanceCounter
- QueryPerformanceFrequency
- RaiseException
- ReadConsole
- ReadConsoleOutput
- ReadConsoleOutputAttribute
- ReadConsoleOutputCharacter
- ReadFile
- ReadFileEx
- ReadProcessMemory
- ReleaseMutex
- ReleaseSemaphore
- RemoveDirectory
- ResetEvent
- ResumeThread
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer
- SearchPath
- SetCommBreak
- SetCommConfig
- SetCommMask
- SetCommState
- SetCommTimeouts
- SetComputerName
- SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer
- SetConsoleCP
- SetConsoleCtrlHandler
- SetConsoleCursorInfo
- SetConsoleCursorPosition
- SetConsoleMode
- SetConsoleOutputCP
- SetConsoleScreenBufferSize
- SetConsoleTextAttribute
- SetConsoleTitle
- SetConsoleWindowInfo
- SetCurrentDirectory
- SetDefaultCommConfig
- SetEndOfFile
- SetEnvironmentVariable
- SetErrorMode
- SetEvent
- SetFileApisToANSI
- SetFileApisToOEM
- SetFileAttributes
- SetFilePointer
- SetFileTime
- SetHandleCount
- SetHandleInformation
- SetLastError
- SetLocaleInfo
- SetLocalTime
- SetMailslotInfo
- SetNamedPipeHandleState
- SetPriorityClass
- SetProcessShutdownParameters
- SetProcessWorkingSetSize
- SetStdHandle
- SetSystemPowerState
- SetSystemTime
- SetSystemTimeAdjustment
- SetTapeParameters
- SetTapePosition
- SetThreadAffinityMask
- SetThreadContext
- SetThreadLocale
- SetThreadPriority
- SetTimeZoneInformation
- SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
- SetupComm
- SetVolumeLabel
- SizeofResource
- Sleep
- SleepEx
- SuspendThread
- SystemTimeToFileTime
- SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime
- TerminateProcess
- TerminateThread
- TlsAlloc
- TlsFree
- TlsGetValue
- TlsSetValue
- TransactNamedPipe
- TransmitCommChar
- UnhandledExceptionFilter
- UnlockFile
- UnlockFileEx
- UnmapViewOfFile
- UpdateResource
- VerLanguageName
- VirtualAlloc
- VirtualFree
- VirtualLock
- VirtualProtect
- VirtualProtectEx
- VirtualQuery
- VirtualQueryEx
- VirtualUnlock
- WaitCommEvent
- WaitForMultipleObjects
- WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
- WaitForSingleObject
- WaitForSingleObjectEx
- WaitNamedPipe
- WideCharToMultiByte
- WinExec
- WriteConsole
- WriteConsoleOutput
- WriteConsoleOutputAttribute
- WriteConsoleOutputCharacter
- WriteFile
- WriteFileEx
- WritePrivateProfileSection
- WritePrivateProfileString
- WriteProcessMemory
- WriteProfileSection
- WriteProfileString
- WriteTapemark
- ZeroMemory
Window handling, and Windows UI control(user32.dll)
- ActivateKeyboardLayout
- AdjustWindowRect
- AdjustWindowRectEx
- AnyPopup
- AppendMenu
- ArrangeIconicWindows
- AttachThreadInput
- BeginDeferWindowPos
- BeginPaint
- BringWindowToTop
- BroadcastSystemMessage
- CallMsgFilter
- CallNextHookEx
- CallWindowProc
- CascadeWindows
- ChangeClipboardChain
- ChangeDisplaySettings
- ChangeMenu
- CharLower
- CharLowerBuff
- CharNext
- CharPrev
- CharToOem
- CharToOemBuff
- CharUpper
- CharUpperBuff
- CheckDlgButton
- CheckMenuItem
- CheckMenuRadioItem
- CheckRadioButton
- ChildWindowFromPoint
- ChildWindowFromPointEx
- ClientToScreen
- ClipCursor
- CloseClipboard
- CloseDesktop
- CloseWindow
- CloseWindowStation
- CopyAcceleratorTable
- CopyCursor
- CopyIcon
- CopyImage
- CopyRect
- CountClipboardFormats
- CreateAcceleratorTable
- CreateCaret
- CreateCursor
- CreateDesktop
- CreateDialogIndirectParam
- CreateDialogParam
- CreateIcon
- CreateIconFromResource
- CreateIconIndirect
- CreateMDIWindow
- CreateMenu
- CreatePopupMenu
- CreateWindowEx
- DdeAbandonTransaction
- DdeAccessData
- DdeAddData
- DdeClientTransaction
- DdeCmpStringHandles
- DdeConnect
- DdeConnectList
- DdeCreateDataHandle
- DdeCreateStringHandle
- DdeDisconnect
- DdeDisconnectList
- DdeEnableCallback
- DdeFreeDataHandle
- DdeFreeStringHandle
- DdeGetData
- DdeGetLastError
- DdeImpersonateClient
- DdeInitialize
- DdeKeepStringHandle
- DdeNameService
- DdePostAdvise
- DdeQueryConvInfo
- DdeQueryNextServer
- DdeQueryString
- DdeReconnect
- DdeSetQualityOfService
- DdeSetUserHandle
- DdeUnaccessData
- DdeUninitialize
- DefDlgProc
- DeferWindowPos
- DefFrameProc
- DefMDIChildProc
- DefWindowProc
- DeleteMenu
- DestroyAcceleratorTable
- DestroyCaret
- DestroyCursor
- DestroyIcon
- DestroyMenu
- DestroyWindow
- DialogBoxIndirectParam
- DispatchMessage
- DragDetect
- DragObject
- DrawAnimatedRects
- DrawCaption
- DrawEdge
- DrawFocusRect
- DrawFrameControl
- DrawIcon
- DrawIconEx
- DrawMenuBar
- DrawState
- DrawText
- DrawTextEx
- EmptyClipboard
- EnableMenuItem
- EnableScrollBar
- EnableWindow
- EndDeferWindowPos
- EndDialog
- EndPaint
- EnumChildWindows
- EnumClipboardFormats
- EnumDesktops
- EnumDesktopWindows
- EnumDisplaySettings
- EnumProps
- EnumPropsEx
- EnumThreadWindows
- EnumWindows
- EnumWindowStations
- EqualRect
- ExcludeUpdateRgn
- ExitWindows
- ExitWindowsEx
- FillRect
- FindWindow
- FindWindowEx
- FlashWindow
- FrameRect
- FreeDDElParam
- GetActiveWindow
- GetAsyncKeyState
- GetCapture
- GetCaretBlinkTime
- GetCaretPos
- GetClassInfo
- GetClassInfoEx
- GetClassLong
- GetClassName
- GetClassWord
- GetClientRect
- GetClipboardData
- GetClipboardFormatName
- GetClipboardOwner
- GetClipboardViewer
- GetClipCursor
- GetCursor
- GetCursorPos
- GetDC
- GetDCEx
- GetDesktopWindow
- GetDialogBaseUnits
- GetDlgCtrlID
- GetDlgItem
- GetDlgItemInt
- GetDlgItemText
- GetDoubleClickTime
- GetFocus
- GetForegroundWindow
- GetIconInfo
- GetInputState
- GetKBCodePage
- GetKeyboardLayout
- GetKeyboardLayoutList
- GetKeyboardLayoutName
- GetKeyboardState
- GetKeyboardType
- GetKeyNameText
- GetKeyState
- GetLastActivePopup
- GetMenu
- GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
- GetMenuContextHelpId
- GetMenuDefaultItem
- GetMenuItemCount
- GetMenuItemID
- GetMenuItemInfo
- GetMenuItemRect
- GetMenuState
- GetMenuString
- GetMessage
- GetMessageExtraInfo
- GetMessagePos
- GetMessageTime
- GetNextDlgGroupItem
- GetNextDlgTabItem
- GetNextWindow
- GetOpenClipboardWindow
- GetParent
- GetPriorityClipboardFormat
- GetProcessWindowStation
- GetProp
- GetQueueStatus
- GetScrollInfo
- GetScrollPos
- GetScrollRange
- GetSubMenu
- GetSysColor
- GetSysColorBrush
- GetSystemMenu
- GetSystemMetrics
- GetTabbedTextExtent
- GetThreadDesktop
- GetTopWindow
- GetUpdateRect
- GetUpdateRgn
- GetUserObjectInformation
- GetUserObjectSecurity
- GetWindow
- GetWindowContextHelpId
- GetWindowDC
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowPlacement
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowRgn
- GetWindowText
- GetWindowTextLength
- GetWindowThreadProcessId
- GetWindowWord
- GrayString
- HideCaret
- HiliteMenuItem
- ImpersonateDdeClientWindow
- InflateRect
- InSendMessage
- InsertMenu
- InsertMenuItem
- IntersectRect
- InvalidateRect
- InvalidateRgn
- InvertRect
- IsCharAlpha
- IsCharAlphaNumeric
- IsCharLower
- IsCharUpper
- IsChild
- IsClipboardFormatAvailable
- IsDialogMessage
- IsDlgButtonChecked
- IsIconic
- IsMenu
- IsRectEmpty
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- IsWindowUnicode
- IsWindowVisible
- IsZoomed
- keybd_event
- KillTimer
- LoadAccelerators
- LoadBitmap
- LoadCursor
- LoadCursorFromFile
- LoadIcon
- LoadImage
- LoadKeyboardLayout
- LoadMenu
- LoadMenuIndirect
- LoadString
- LockWindowUpdate
- LockWorkStation
- LookupIconIdFromDirectory
- LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
- MapDialogRect
- MapVirtualKey
- MapVirtualKeyEx
- MapWindowPoints
- Menu
- MenuItemFromPoint
- MessageBeep
- MessageBox
- MessageBoxEx
- MessageBoxIndirect
- ModifyMenu
- mouse_event
- MoveWindow
- MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
- OemKeyScan
- OemToChar
- OemToCharBuff
- OffsetRect
- OpenClipboard
- OpenDesktop
- OpenIcon
- OpenInputDesktop
- OpenWindowStation
- PackDDElParam
- PaintDesktop
- PeekMessage
- PostMessage
- PostQuitMessage
- PostThreadMessage
- PtInRect
- RedrawWindow
- RegisterClass
- RegisterClassEx
- RegisterClipboardFormat
- RegisterHotKey
- RegisterWindowMessage
- ReleaseCapture
- ReleaseDC
- RemoveMenu
- RemoveProp
- ReplyMessage
- ReuseDDElParam
- ScreenToClient
- ScrollDC
- ScrollWindow
- ScrollWindowEx
- SendDlgItemMessage
- SendInput
- SendMessage
- SendMessageCallback
- SendMessageTimeout
- SendNotifyMessage
- SetActiveWindow
- SetCapture
- SetCaretBlinkTime
- SetCaretPos
- SetClassLong
- SetClassWord
- SetClipboardData
- SetClipboardViewer
- SetCursor
- SetCursorPos
- SetDebugErrorLevel
- SetDlgItemInt
- SetDlgItemText
- SetDoubleClickTime
- SetFocus
- SetForegroundWindow
- SetKeyboardState
- SetLastErrorEx
- SetMenu
- SetMenuContextHelpId
- SetMenuDefaultItem
- SetMenuItemBitmaps
- SetMenuItemInfo
- SetMessageExtraInfo
- SetMessageQueue
- SetParent
- SetProcessWindowStation
- SetProp
- SetRect
- SetRectEmpty
- SetScrollInfo
- SetScrollPos
- SetScrollRange
- SetSysColors
- SetSystemCursor
- SetThreadDesktop
- SetTimer
- SetUserObjectInformation
- SetUserObjectSecurity
- SetWindowContextHelpId
- SetWindowLong
- SetWindowPlacement
- SetWindowPos
- SetWindowRgn
- SetWindowsHook
- SetWindowsHookEx
- SetWindowText
- SetWindowWord
- ShowCaret
- ShowCursor
- ShowOwnedPopups
- ShowScrollBar
- ShowWindow
- ShowWindowAsync
- SubtractRect
- SwapMouseButton
- SwitchDesktop
- SystemParametersInfo
- TabbedTextOut
- TileWindows
- ToAscii
- ToAsciiEx
- ToUnicode
- TrackPopupMenu
- TrackPopupMenuEx
- tractRect
- TranslateAccelerator
- TranslateMDISysAccel
- TranslateMessage
- UnhookWindowsHook
- UnhookWindowsHookEx
- UnionRect
- UnloadKeyboardLayout
- UnpackDDElParam
- UnregisterClass
- UnregisterHotKey
- UpdateWindow
- ValidateRect
- ValidateRgn
- VkKeyScan
- VkKeyScanEx
- WaitForInputIdle
- WaitMessage
- WindowFromDC
- WindowFromPoint
- WinHelp
Graphics and Imaging(gdi32.dll)
- AbortDoc
- AbortPath
- AddFontResource
- AngleArc
- AnimatePalette
- Arc
- ArcTo
- BeginPath
- BitBlt
- CancelDC
- CheckColorsInGamut
- ChoosePixelFormat
- Chord
- CloseEnhMetaFile
- CloseFigure
- CloseMetaFile
- ColorMatchToTarget
- CombineRgn
- CombineTransform
- CopyEnhMetaFile
- CopyMetaFile
- CreateBitmap
- CreateBitmapIndirect
- CreateBrushIndirect
- CreateColorSpace
- CreateCompatibleBitmap
- CreateCompatibleDC
- CreateDC
- CreateDIBitmap
- CreateDIBPatternBrush
- CreateDIBPatternBrushPt
- CreateDIBSection
- CreateDiscardableBitmap
- CreateEllipticRgn
- CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
- CreateEnhMetaFile
- CreateFont
- CreateFontIndirect
- CreateHalftonePalette
- CreateHatchBrush
- CreateIC
- CreateMetaFile
- CreatePalette
- CreatePatternBrush
- CreatePen
- CreatePenIndirect
- CreatePolygonRgn
- CreatePolyPolygonRgn
- CreateRectRgn
- CreateRectRgnIndirect
- CreateRoundRectRgn
- CreateScalableFontResource
- CreateSolidBrush
- DeleteColorSpace
- DeleteDC
- DeleteEnhMetaFile
- DeleteMetaFile
- DeleteObject
- DescribePixelFormat
- DlgDirList
- DlgDirListComboBox
- DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx
- DlgDirSelectEx
- DPtoLP
- DrawEscape
- Ellipse
- EndDoc
- EndPage
- EndPath
- EnumEnhMetaFile
- EnumFontFamilies
- EnumFontFamiliesEx
- EnumFonts
- EnumICMProfiles
- EnumMetaFile
- EnumObjects
- EqualRgn
- Escape
- ExcludeClipRect
- ExtCreatePen
- ExtCreateRegion
- ExtEscape
- ExtFloodFill
- ExtSelectClipRgn
- ExtTextOut
- FillPath
- FillRgn
- FixBrushOrgEx
- FlattenPath
- FloodFill
- FrameRgn
- GdiComment
- GdiFlush
- GdiGetBatchLimit
- GdiSetBatchLimit
- GetArcDirection
- GetAspectRatioFilterEx
- GetBitmapBits
- GetBitmapDimensionEx
- GetBkColor
- GetBkMode
- GetBoundsRect
- GetBrushOrgEx
- GetCharABCWidths
- GetCharABCWidthsFloat
- GetCharacterPlacement
- GetCharWidth
- GetCharWidth32
- GetCharWidthFloat
- GetClipBox
- GetClipRgn
- GetColorAdjustment
- GetColorSpace
- GetCurrentObject
- GetCurrentPositionEx
- GetDCOrgEx
- GetDeviceCaps
- GetDeviceGammaRamp
- GetDIBColorTable
- GetDIBits
- GetEnhMetaFile
- GetEnhMetaFileBits
- GetEnhMetaFileDescription
- GetEnhMetaFileHeader
- GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
- GetFontData
- GetFontLanguageInfo
- GetGlyphOutline
- GetGraphicsMode
- GetICMProfile
- GetKerningPairs
- GetLogColorSpace
- GetMapMode
- GetMetaFile
- GetMetaFileBitsEx
- GetMetaRgn
- GetMiterLimit
- GetNearestColor
- GetNearestPaletteIndex
- GetObject_Renamed
- GetObjectType
- GetOutlineTextMetrics
- GetPaletteEntries
- GetPath
- GetPixel
- GetPixelFormat
- GetPolyFillMode
- GetRasterizerCaps
- GetRegionData
- GetRgnBox
- GetROP2
- GetStockObject
- GetStretchBltMode
- GetSystemPaletteEntries
- GetSystemPaletteUse
- GetTextAlign
- GetTextCharacterExtr
- GetTextCharacterExtra
- GetTextCharset
- GetTextCharsetInfo
- GetTextColor
- GetTextExtentExPoint
- GetTextExtentPoint
- GetTextExtentPoint32
- GetTextFace
- GetTextMetrics
- GetViewportExtEx
- GetViewportOrgEx
- GetWindowExtEx
- GetWindowOrgEx
- GetWinMetaFileBits
- GetWorldTransform
- IntersectClipRect
- InvertRgn
- LineDD
- LineDDA
- LineTo
- LPtoDP
- MaskBlt
- ModifyWorldTransform
- MoveToEx
- OffsetClipRgn
- OffsetRgn
- OffsetViewportOrgEx
- OffsetWindowOrgEx
- PaintRgn
- PatBlt
- PathToRegion
- Pie
- PlayEnhMetaFile
- PlayEnhMetaFileRecord
- PlayMetaFile
- PlayMetaFileRecord
- PlgBlt
- PolyBezier
- PolyBezierTo
- PolyDraw
- Polygon
- Polyline
- PolylineTo
- PolyPolygon
- PolyPolyline
- PolyTextOut
- PtInRegion
- PtVisible
- RealizePalette
- Rectangle
- RectInRegion
- RectVisible
- RemoveFontResource
- ResetDC
- ResizePalette
- RestoreDC
- RoundRect
- SaveDC
- ScaleViewportExtEx
- ScaleWindowExtEx
- SelectClipPath
- SelectClipRgn
- SelectObject
- SelectPalette
- SetAbortProc
- SetArcDirection
- SetBitmapBits
- SetBitmapDimensionEx
- SetBkColor
- SetBkMode
- SetBoundsRect
- SetBrushOrgEx
- SetColorAdjustment
- SetColorSpace
- SetDeviceGammaRamp
- SetDIBColorTable
- SetDIBits
- SetDIBitsToDevice
- SetEnhMetaFileBits
- SetGraphicsMode
- SetICMMode
- SetICMProfile
- SetMapMode
- SetMapperFlags
- SetMetaFileBitsEx
- SetMetaRgn
- SetMiterLimit
- SetPaletteEntries
- SetPixel
- SetPixelFormat
- SetPixelV
- SetPolyFillMode
- SetRectRgn
- SetROP2
- SetStretchBltMode
- SetSystemPaletteUse
- SetTextAlign
- SetTextCharacterExtra
- SetTextColor
- SetTextJustification
- SetViewportExtEx
- SetViewportOrgEx
- SetWindowExtEx
- SetWindowOrgEx
- SetWinMetaFileBits
- SetWorldTransform
- StartDoc
- StartPage
- StretchBlt
- StretchDIBits
- StrokeAndFillPath
- StrokePath
- SwapBuffers
- TextOut
- TranslateCharsetInfo
- UnrealizeObject
- UpdateColors
- WidenPath
Audio, Video, and Joystick control(winmm.dll)
- auxGetDevCaps
- auxGetNumDevs
- auxGetVolume
- auxOutMessage
- auxSetVolume
- CloseDriver
- DefDriverProc
- DrvGetModuleHandle
- GetDriverModuleHandle
- joyGetDevCaps
- joyGetNumDev
- joyGetNumDevs
- joyGetPos
- joyGetPosEx
- joyGetThreshold
- joyReleaseCapture
- joySetCapture
- joySetThreshold
- mciExecute
- mciGetCreatorTask
- mciGetDeviceID
- mciGetDeviceIDFromElementID
- mciGetErrorString
- mciGetYieldProc
- mciSendCommand
- mciSendString
- mciSetYieldProc
- midiConnect
- midiDisconnect
- midiInAddBuffer
- midiInClose
- midiInGetDevCaps
- midiInGetErrorText
- midiInGetID
- midiInGetNumDevs
- midiInMessage
- midiInOpen
- midiInPrepareHeader
- midiInReset
- midiInStart
- midiInStop
- midiInUnprepareHeader
- midiOutCacheDrumPatches
- midiOutCachePatches
- midiOutClose
- midiOutGetDevCaps
- midiOutGetErrorText
- midiOutGetID
- midiOutGetNumDevs
- midiOutGetVolume
- midiOutLongMsg
- midiOutMessage
- midiOutOpen
- midiOutPrepareHeader
- midiOutReset
- midiOutSetVolume
- midiOutShortMsg
- midiOutUnprepareHeader
- midiStreamClose
- midiStreamOpen
- midiStreamOut
- midiStreamPause
- midiStreamPosition
- midiStreamProperty
- midiStreamRestart
- midiStreamStop
- mixerClose
- mixerGetControlDetails
- mixerGetDevCaps
- mixerGetID
- mixerGetLineControls
- mixerGetNumDevs
- mixerMessage
- mixerOpen
- mixerSetControlDetails
- mmioAdvance
- mmioAscend
- mmioClose
- mmioCreateChunk
- mmioDescend
- mmioFlush
- mmioGetInfo
- mmioInstallIOProc
- mmioInstallIOProcA
- mmioOpen
- mmioRead
- mmioRename
- mmioSeek
- mmioSendMessage
- mmioSetBuffer
- mmioSetInfo
- mmioStringToFOURCC
- mmioWrite
- mmsystemGetVersion
- OpenDriver
- OutputDebugStr
- PlaySound
- SendDriverMessage
- sndPlaySound
- timeBeginPeriod
- timeEndPeriod
- timeGetDevCaps
- timeGetSystemTime
- timeGetTime
- timeKillEvent
- timeSetEvent
- waveInAddBuffer
- waveInClose
- waveInGetDevCaps
- waveInGetErrorText
- waveInGetID
- waveInGetNumDevs
- waveInGetPosition
- waveInMessage
- waveInOpen
- waveInPrepareHeader
- waveInReset
- waveInStart
- waveInStop
- waveInUnprepareHeader
- waveOutBreakLoop
- waveOutClose
- waveOutGetDevCaps
- waveOutGetErrorText
- waveOutGetID
- waveOutGetNumDevs
- waveOutGetPitch
- waveOutGetPlaybackRate
- waveOutGetPosition
- waveOutGetVolume
- waveOutMessage
- waveOutOpen
- waveOutPause
- waveOutPrepareHeader
- waveOutReset
- waveOutRestart
- waveOutSetPitch
- waveOutSetPlaybackRate
- waveOutSetVolume
- waveOutUnprepareHeader
- waveOutWrite
Registry, Event Log, Authentication, and Services(advapi32.dll)
- AbortSystemShutdown
- AccessCheck
- AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
- AddAccessAllowedAce
- AddAccessDeniedAce
- AddAce
- AddAuditAccessAce
- AdjustTokenGroups
- AdjustTokenPrivileges
- AllocateAndInitializeSid
- AllocateLocallyUniqueId
- AreAllAccessesGranted
- AreAnyAccessesGranted
- Authority
- AuthorityCount
- BackupEventLog
- ChangeServiceConfig
- ClearEventLog
- CloseEventLog
- CloseServiceHandle
- ControlService
- CopySid
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurity
- CreateProcessAsUser
- CreateService
- DeleteAce
- DeleteService
- DeregisterEventSource
- DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity
- DuplicateToken
- EnumDependentServices
- EnumServicesStatus
- EqualPrefixSid
- EqualSid
- FindFirstFreeAce
- FreeSid
- GetAce
- GetAclInformation
- GetFileSecurity
- GetKernelObjectSecurity
- GetLengthSid
- GetNumberOfEventLogRecords
- GetOldestEventLogRecord
- GetPrivateObjectSecurity
- GetSecurityDescriptorControl
- GetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- GetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- GetSecurityDescriptorLength
- GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- GetServiceDisplayName
- GetServiceKeyName
- GetSidIdentifierAuthority
- GetSidLengthRequired
- GetTokenInformation
- GetUserName
- GetUserNameW
- ImpersonateNamedPipeClient
- ImpersonateSelf
- InitializeAcl
- InitializeSecurityDescriptor
- InitializeSid
- InitiateSystemShutdown
- IsTextUnicode
- IsValidAcl
- IsValidSecurityDescriptor
- IsValidSid
- LockServiceDatabase
- LookupAccountName
- LookupAccountSid
- LookupPrivilegeDisplayName
- LookupPrivilegeName
- LookupPrivilegeValue
- MakeAbsoluteSD
- MakeSelfRelativeSD
- MapGenericMask
- NotifyBootConfigStatus
- NotifyChangeEventLog
- ObjectCloseAuditAlarm
- ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm
- OpenBackupEventLog
- OpenEventLog
- OpenProcessToken
- OpenSCManager
- OpenService
- OpenThreadToken
- PrivilegeCheck
- PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
- QueryServiceConfig
- QueryServiceLockStatus
- QueryServiceObjectSecurity
- QueryServiceStatus
- ReadEventLog
- RegCloseKey
- RegConnectRegistry
- RegCreateKey
- RegCreateKeyEx
- RegDeleteKey
- RegDeleteValue
- RegEnumKey
- RegEnumKeyEx
- RegEnumValue
- RegFlushKey
- RegGetKeySecurity
- RegisterEventSource
- RegisterServiceCtrlHandler
- RegLoadKey
- RegNotifyChangeKeyValue
- RegOpenKey
- RegOpenKeyEx
- RegQueryInfoKey
- RegQueryValue
- RegQueryValueEx
- RegReplaceKey
- RegRestoreKey
- RegSaveKey
- RegSetKeySecurity
- RegSetValue
- RegSetValueEx
- RegUnLoadKey
- ReportEvent
- RevertToSelf
- SetAclInformation
- SetFileSecurity
- SetKernelObjectSecurity
- SetPrivateObjectSecurity
- SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- SetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- SetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- SetServiceBits
- SetServiceObjectSecurity
- SetServiceStatus
- SetThreadToken
- SetTokenInformation
- StartService
- StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
- UnlockServiceDatabase
- AbortPrinter
- AddForm
- AddJob
- AddMonitor
- AddPort
- AddPrinter
- AddPrinterConnection
- AddPrinterDriver
- AddPrintProcessor
- AddPrintProvidor
- AdvancedDocumentProperties
- ClosePrinter
- ConfigurePort
- ConnectToPrinterDlg
- DeleteForm
- DeleteMonitor
- DeletePort
- DeletePrinter
- DeletePrinterConnection
- DeletePrinterDriver
- DeletePrintProcessor
- DeletePrintProvidor
- DeviceCapabilities
- DocumentProperties
- EndDocPrinter
- EndPagePrinter
- EnumForms
- EnumJobs
- EnumMonitors
- EnumPorts
- EnumPrinterDrivers
- EnumPrinterPropertySheets
- EnumPrinters
- EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes
- EnumPrintProcessors
- FindClosePrinterChangeNotification
- FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification
- FindNextPrinterChangeNotification
- GetForm
- GetJob
- GetPrinter
- GetPrinterData
- GetPrinterDriver
- GetPrinterDriverDirectory
- GetPrintProcessorDirectory
- OpenPrinter
- PrinterMessageBox
- PrinterProperties
- ReadPrinter
- ResetPrinter
- ScheduleJob
- SetForm
- SetJob
- SetPrinter
- SetPrinterData
- StartDocPrinter
- StartPagePrinter
- WaitForPrinterChange
- WritePrinter
Asian charachter support(imm32.dll)
- ImmAssociateContext
- ImmConfigureIME
- ImmCreateContext
- ImmDestroyContext
- ImmEnumRegisterWord
- ImmEscape
- ImmGetCandidateList
- ImmGetCandidateListCount
- ImmGetCandidateWindow
- ImmGetCompositionFont
- ImmGetCompositionString
- ImmGetCompositionWindow
- ImmGetContext
- ImmGetConversionList
- ImmGetConversionStatus
- ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd
- ImmGetDescription
- ImmGetGuideLine
- ImmGetIMEFileName
- ImmGetOpenStatus
- ImmGetProperty
- ImmGetRegisterWordStyle
- ImmGetStatusWindowPos
- ImmGetVirtualKey
- ImmInstallIME
- ImmIsIME
- ImmIsUIMessage
- ImmNotifyIME
- ImmRegisterWord
- ImmReleaseContext
- ImmSetCandidateWindow
- ImmSetCompositionFont
- ImmSetCompositionString
- ImmSetCompositionWindow
- ImmSetConversionStatus
- ImmSetOpenStatus
- ImmSetStatusWindowPos
- ImmSimulateHotKey
- ImmUnregisterWord
Executing processes(shell32.dll)
- CommandLineToArgv
- CommandLineToArgvW
- DoEnvironmentSubst
- DragAcceptFiles
- DragFinish
- DragQueryFile
- DragQueryPoint
- DuplicateIcon
- ExitWindowsDialog
- ExtractAssociatedIcon
- ExtractAssociateIcon
- ExtractIcon
- ExtractIconEx
- FindEnvironmentString
- FindExecutable
- PickIconDlg
- RestartDialog
- SHAddToRecentDocs
- SHAppBarMessage
- SHBrowseForFolder
- Shell_NotifyIcon
- ShellAbout
- ShellExecute
- ShellExecuteEx
- SHEmptyRecycleBin
- SHFileOperation
- SHFreeNameMappings
- SHGetFileInfo
- SHGetFolderLocation
- SHGetFolderPath
- SHGetNewLinkInfo
- SHGetPathFromIDList
- SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
- SHGetSpecialFolderPath
- SHQueryRecycleBin
- SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon
- st
- WinExecError
Winsock, windows berkley socket support(wsock32.dll)
- closesocket
- connect
- gethostbyaddr
- gethostbyname
- gethostname
- htonl
- htons
- ioctlsocket
- ntohl
- recv
- send
- socket
- WSACleanup
- WSAGetLastError
- WSAStartup
WNet* Instrumentation(mpr.dll)
- WNetAddConnection
- WNetAddConnection2
- WNetCancelConnection
- WNetCancelConnection2
- WNetCloseEnum
- WNetConnectionDialog
- WNetDisconnectDialog
- WNetEnumResource
- WNetGetConnection
- WNetGetLastError
- WNetGetUniversalName
- WNetGetUser
- WNetOpenEnum
Common Dialog control(comdlg32.dll)
- ChooseColor
- ChooseFont
- ChooseFont_Renamed
- CommDlgExtendedError
- FindText
- GetFileTitle
- GetOpenFileName
- GetSaveFileName
- PageSetupDlg
- PrintDlg
- PrintDlg_Renamed
- ReplaceText
Windows Network support(netapi32.dll)
- NetApiBufferFree
- Netbios
- NetLocalGroupDelMembers
- NetLocalGroupGetMembers
- NetRemoteTOD
- NetUserAdd
- NetUserChangePassword
- NetUserGetGroups
- NetUserGetInfo
- NetUserGetLocalGroups
- NetWkstaGetInfo
- NetWkstaUserGetInfo
Windows Compression(lz32.dll)
- CopyLZFile
- GetExpandedName
- LZClose
- LZCopy
- LZDone
- LZInit
- LZOpenFile
- LZRead
- LZSeek
- LZStart
Common Controls(comctl32.dll)
- ImageList_AddIcon
- ImageList_Create
- ImageList_Draw
- ImageList_GetIcon
- InitCommonControls
- InitCommonControlsEx
Versioning support(version.dll)
- GetFileVersionInfo
- GetFileVersionInfoSize
- VerFindFile
- VerInstallFile
- VerQueryValue
Object linking and embedding(ole32.dll)
- CoTaskMemFree