SELECT DATE_FORMAT( deteline, "%Y-%m-%d %H" ) , COUNT( * )
FROM test
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT( deteline, "%Y-%m-%d %H" )
deteline, "%Y-%m-%d"
deteline, "%Y-%m-%d %H"
1 SELECT DATE_FORMAT( create_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H" ) as time , COUNT( * ) as count FROM pdca GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT( create_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H" )
1 <select id="queryByStatusAndTime" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> 2 select 3 <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> 4 from pdca 5 <where> 6 7 begin_time is not null and end_time is not null 8 9 <if test="userId != null and userId != '' "> 10 and user_id=#{userId} 11 </if> 12 13 <if test="status != null"> 14 and status in 15 <foreach collection="status" item="s" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 16 #{s} 17 </foreach> 18 </if> 19 20 <if test="finishedTime != null and finishedTime != ''"> 21 and date_format(finished_time, '%Y-%m')=date_format(#{finishedTime}, '%Y-%m') 22 </if> 23 24 <if test="endTime != null and endtime != ''"> 25 and date_format(end_time, '%Y-%m-%d')=date_format(#{endTime}, '%Y-%m-%d') 26 </if> 27 28 <if test="endTimeLt != null and endtimeLt != ''"> 29 and end_time < #{endTimeLt} 30 </if> 31 32 <if test="endTimeGt != null and endtimeGt != ''"> 33 and end_time > #{endTimeGt} 34 </if> 35 36 <if test="beginTime != null and beginTime != ''"> 37 and date_format(begin_time, '%Y-%m-%d')=date_format(#{beginTime}, '%Y-%m-%d') 38 </if> 39 40 <if test="completion != null"> 41 and completion=#{completion} 42 </if> 43 </where> 44 </select>