NoSQL 是为了解决RDBMS的3大问题:
1、Key-Value:如Scalaris, Tokio Cabinet, Voldemort;
store data in key/value pairs: very efficient for performance and higly scalable, but difficult to query and to implement real world problems
2、Tabular:如Cassandra, Hbase, Hypertable, Google Bigtable;
store data in tabular structures, but columns may vary in time and each row may have only a subset of the columns
3、Document-Oriented:如CouchDb, MongoDb, Riak, Amazon SimpleDb;
like Key/Value but they let you nest more values for a key. This is a nice paradigm for programmers as it becomes easy, specially with script languages (Python, Ruby, PHP...), to implement a one to one mapping relation between the code objects and the objects (documents) in the database
4、Graph:如Neo4J, InfoGrid, AllegroGraph;
stores objects and relationships in nodes and edges of a graph. For situations that fit this model, like hierarchical data, this solution can be much much faster than the other ones.
MongoDb is a document oriented NoSQL database. With such a database it is very easy to map the programming objects (documents) we want to store to the database. JSON is a very viable standard to do this mapping, and so MongoDb does: it stores JSON documents in the database.
To makes performance better JSON is stored by MongoDb in a efficient binary format called BSON. BSON is a binary serialization of JSON-like documents and stands for Binary JSON.