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    public class DTRequestInfo : IRequestInfo


            /// <summary>

            /// 构造函数

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="key">键值</param>

            /// <param name="body">接收的数据体</param>

            public DTRequestInfo(string key, byte[] body)


                this.Key = key;

                this.Body = body;


            public string Key


                get; set;


            /// <summary>

            /// 请求信息缓存

            /// </summary>

            public byte[] Body { get; set; }

            /// <summary>

            /// 设备ID

            /// </summary>

            public string DeviceID { get; set; }



    public class DTSession : AppSession<DTSession, DTRequestInfo>


            protected override void HandleException(Exception e)




            protected override void OnSessionStarted()




            protected override int GetMaxRequestLength()


                return base.GetMaxRequestLength();


            protected override void HandleUnknownRequest(DTRequestInfo requestInfo)






    public abstract class ReceiveFilterHelper<TRequestInfo> : ReceiveFilterBase<TRequestInfo> where TRequestInfo : IRequestInfo


            private SearchMarkState<byte> m_BeginSearchState;

            private SearchMarkState<byte> m_EndSearchState;

            private bool m_FoundBegin = false;

            protected TRequestInfo NullRequestInfo = default(TRequestInfo);

            /// <summary>

            /// 初始化实例

            /// </summary>

            protected ReceiveFilterHelper()



            /// <summary>

            /// 过滤指定的会话

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="readBuffer">数据缓存</param>

            /// <param name="offset">数据起始位置</param>

            /// <param name="length">缓存长度</param>

            /// <param name="toBeCopied"></param>

            /// <param name="rest"></param>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public override TRequestInfo Filter(byte[] readBuffer, int offset, int length, bool toBeCopied, out int rest)


                rest = 0;

                int searchEndMarkOffset;

                int searchEndMarkLength;


                byte[] startMark = new byte[] { readBuffer[offset] };

                byte[] endMark = new byte[] { 0xff };

                m_BeginSearchState = new SearchMarkState<byte>(startMark);

                m_EndSearchState = new SearchMarkState<byte>(endMark);


                int prevMatched = 0;

                int totalParsed = 0;

                if (!m_FoundBegin)


                    prevMatched = m_BeginSearchState.Matched;

                    int pos = readBuffer.SearchMark(offset, length, m_BeginSearchState, out totalParsed);

                    if (pos < 0)



                        if (prevMatched > 0 || (m_BeginSearchState.Matched > 0 && length != m_BeginSearchState.Matched))


                            State = FilterState.Error;

                            return NullRequestInfo;


                        return NullRequestInfo;


                    else //找到匹配的开始标记


                        //But not at the beginning

                        if (pos != offset)


                            State = FilterState.Error;

                            return NullRequestInfo;




                    m_FoundBegin = true;

                    searchEndMarkOffset = pos + m_BeginSearchState.Mark.Length - prevMatched;

                    //This block only contain (part of)begin mark

                    if (offset + length <= searchEndMarkOffset)


                        AddArraySegment(m_BeginSearchState.Mark, 0, m_BeginSearchState.Mark.Length, false);

                        return NullRequestInfo;


                    searchEndMarkLength = offset + length - searchEndMarkOffset;


                else//Already found begin mark


                    searchEndMarkOffset = offset;

                    searchEndMarkLength = length;


                while (true)


                    var prevEndMarkMatched = m_EndSearchState.Matched;

                    var parsedLen = 0;

                    var endPos = readBuffer.SearchMark(searchEndMarkOffset, searchEndMarkLength, m_EndSearchState, out parsedLen);


                    if (endPos < 0)


                        rest = 0;

                        if (prevMatched > 0)//还缓存先前匹配的开始标记

                            AddArraySegment(m_BeginSearchState.Mark, 0, prevMatched, false);

                        AddArraySegment(readBuffer, offset, length, toBeCopied);


                    //totalParsed += parsedLen;

                    //rest = length - totalParsed;

                    totalParsed = 0;

                    byte[] commandData = new byte[BufferSegments.Count + prevMatched + totalParsed];

                    if (BufferSegments.Count > 0)

                        BufferSegments.CopyTo(commandData, 0, 0, BufferSegments.Count);

                    if (prevMatched > 0)


                        Array.Copy(m_BeginSearchState.Mark, 0, commandData, BufferSegments.Count, prevMatched);


                    Array.Copy(readBuffer, offset, commandData, BufferSegments.Count + prevMatched, totalParsed);

                    var requestInfo = ProcessMatchedRequest(commandData, 0, commandData.Length);


                    return requestInfo;



            /// <summary>

            /// Processes the matched request.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="readBuffer">The read buffer.</param>

            /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>

            /// <param name="length">The length.</param>

            /// <returns></returns>

            protected abstract TRequestInfo ProcessMatchedRequest(byte[] readBuffer, int offset, int length);

            /// <summary>

            /// Resets this instance.

            /// </summary>

            public override void Reset()


                m_BeginSearchState.Matched = 0;

                m_EndSearchState.Matched = 0;

                m_FoundBegin = false;




    四、新建类 DTReceiveFilter

    public class DTReceiveFilter : ReceiveFilterHelper<DTRequestInfo>


            /// <summary>

            /// 重写方法

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="readBuffer">过滤之后的数据缓存</param>

            /// <param name="offset">数据起始位置</param>

            /// <param name="length">数据缓存长度</param>

            /// <returns></returns>

            protected override DTRequestInfo ProcessMatchedRequest(byte[] readBuffer, int offset, int length)



                return new DTRequestInfo(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readBuffer, offset, length), readBuffer);



    添加 DTServer类:

    public class DTServer : AppServer<DTSession, DTRequestInfo>


            Timer requestTimer = null;

            public DTServer() : base(new DefaultReceiveFilterFactory<DTReceiveFilter, DTRequestInfo>())



                double sendInterval = 10;// double.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sendInterval"]);

                requestTimer = new Timer(sendInterval);

                requestTimer.Elapsed += RequestTimer_Elapsed;

                requestTimer.Enabled = true;



            private void RequestTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)



                var sessionList = GetAllSessions();


                foreach (var session in sessionList)


                    Dictionary<string, string> routs = new Dictionary<string, string>();//wjx ConfigManager.GetAllConfig();



                        foreach (var item in routs)


                            if (item.Key.ToString().Contains("rout2_"))


                                string routeID = item.Key.ToString().Split('_')[1];

                                byte[] rout = HexConvertHelper.StringToHexByte(routeID);

                                byte[] address = HexConvertHelper.StringToHexByte(item.Value.ToString());

                                /// 合成报文

                                List<byte> data = new List<byte>();







                                byte[] checkcode = HexConvertHelper.CRC16(data.ToArray());



                                /// 发送报文


                                // ArraySegment<byte> sendData = new ArraySegment<byte>(data.ToArray());

                                session.Send(data.ToArray(), 0, data.ToArray().Length);

                                // Console.WriteLine("发送数据:" + ConvertHelper.byteToHexStr(data.ToArray()));




                    catch (Exception ex)



                        /// Logger.Info(ex.Message);




            protected override void OnNewSessionConnected(DTSession session)





            protected override void ExecuteCommand(DTSession session, DTRequestInfo requestInfo)


                base.ExecuteCommand(session, requestInfo);


            protected override void OnStarted()




            protected override void OnStartup()




            protected override bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config)


                return base.Setup(rootConfig, config);



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