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  • Hystrix工作流




    1. 构造HystrixCommand对象或者HystrixObservableCommand对象



    HystrixCommand command = new HystrixCommand(arg1, arg2);


    HystrixObservableCommand command = new HystrixObservableCommand(arg1, arg2);

    2. 执行命令


    1) execute()方法,会返回响应结果,如果出现异常,则抛出ERROR。只可以执行HystrixCommand对象

    2) queue()方法,会返回Future对象,你可以从中获取响应信息。只可以执行HystrixCommand对象。当我们查看execute源码的时候,不难发现它实际就是调用queue().get()方法

    //@see com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommand.execute()
        public R execute() {
            try {
                return queue().get();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(decomposeException(e));


    boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);
    boolean isCancelled();
    boolean isDone();
    V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
    V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;


    //@see com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommand.queue()
        public Future<R> queue() {
             * The Future returned by Observable.toBlocking().toFuture() does not implement the
             * interruption of the execution thread when the "mayInterrupt" flag of Future.cancel(boolean) is set to true;
             * thus, to comply with the contract of Future, we must wrap around it.
            final Future<R> delegate = toObservable().toBlocking().toFuture();
            return f;

    3) observe()订阅依赖的执行结果,当然我们也可以通过此方式执行依赖

    Observable<String> fWorld = new CommandHelloWorld("World").observe();
    Observable<String> fBob = new CommandHelloWorld("Bob").observe();
    // blocking
    assertEquals("Hello World!", fWorld.toBlocking().single());
    assertEquals("Hello Bob!", fBob.toBlocking().single());


    //@see com.netflix.hystrix.AbstractCommand.observe()
        public Observable<R> observe() {
            // us a ReplaySubject to buffer the eagerly subscribed-to Observable
            ReplaySubject<R> subject = ReplaySubject.create();
            // eagerly kick off subscription
            final Subscription sourceSubscription = toObservable().subscribe(subject);
            // return the subject that can be subscribed to later while the execution has already started
            return subject.doOnUnsubscribe(new Action0() {
                public void call() {

    4) toObservable() 返回你订阅依赖的Observable对象


    K             value   = command.execute();
    Future<K>     fValue  = command.queue();
    Observable<K> ohValue = command.observe();         //hot observable
    Observable<K> ocValue = command.toObservable();    //cold observable



    3. 执行结果是否缓存



    4. 熔断检查




    5. 检查线程池、队列、阈值是否达到上限


    6. 执行HystrixObservableCommand的构造函数或者执行HystrixCommand的run方法



    注意:没有什么途径终止依赖进程的run方法,只有Hystrix抛出InterruptedException来终止。如果容器不理会Hystrix抛出的异常,那么依赖进程会继续执行,尽管客户端收到了TimeoutException。这种情况有可能导致Hystrix线程池沾满。大多数HTTP Client包不支持InterruptedException,所以,要确保HTTPclient中的read/write超时时间设定正确。

    7. 检查回路是否正常

    Hystrix reports successes, failures, rejections, and timeouts to the circuit breaker, which maintains a rolling set of counters that calculate statistics.

    It uses these stats to determine when the circuit should “trip,” at which point it short-circuits any subsequent requests until a recovery period elapses, upon which it closes the circuit again after first checking certain health checks.

    8. 获取Fallback数据

    Hystrix tried to revert to your fallback whenever a command execution fails: when an exception is thrown by construct() or run() (6.), when the command is short-circuited because the circuit is open (4.), when the command’s thread pool and queue or semaphore are at capacity (5.), or when the command has exceeded its timeout length.

    Write your fallback to provide a generic response, without any network dependency, from an in-memory cache or by means of other static logic. If you must use a network call in the fallback, you should do so by means of another HystrixCommand or HystrixObservableCommand.

    In the case of a HystrixCommand, to provide fallback logic you implement HystrixCommand.getFallback() which returns a single fallback value.

    In the case of a HystrixObservableCommand, to provide fallback logic you implement HystrixObservableCommand.resumeWithFallback() which returns an Observable that may emit a fallback value or values.

    If the fallback method returns a response then Hystrix will return this response to the caller. In the case of a HystrixCommand.getFallback(), it will return an Observable that emits the value returned from the method. In the case of HystrixObservableCommand.resumeWithFallback() it will return the same Observable returned from the method.

    If you have not implemented a fallback method for your Hystrix command, or if the fallback itself throws an exception, Hystrix still returns an Observable, but one that emits nothing and immediately terminates with an onError notification. It is through this onError notification that the exception that caused the command to fail is transmitted back to the caller. (It is a poor practice to implement a fallback implementation that can fail. You should implement your fallback such that it is not performing any logic that could fail.)

    The result of a failed or nonexistent fallback will differ depending on how you invoked the Hystrix command:

    • execute() — throws an exception
    • queue() — successfully returns a Future, but this Future will throw an exception if its get()method is called
    • observe() — returns an Observable that, when you subscribe to it, will immediately terminate by calling the subscriber’s onError method
    • toObservable() — returns an Observable that, when you subscribe to it, will terminate by calling the subscriber’s onError method

    9. 返回处理成功的响应信息

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wlzjdm/p/7810347.html
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