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  • bzoj 1012

    Bzoj 1012 [jsoi2008]最大数maxnumber




    挺囧的是线段树参考了别人的程序,查了老半天说我擦a不了,原来人家根本不是点树= =,还是自己理解自己写好。

     1 //bzoj 1012
     2 const
     3         maxm=211111;
     4         inf='1.txt';
     5 var
     6         tree, a: array[0..maxm]of longint;
     7         t, m, d, tot: longint;
     8 function lowbit(x: longint): longint;
     9 begin exit(x and (-x)); end;
    11 procedure init;
    12 begin
    13   fillchar(tree, sizeof(tree), 0);
    14   fillchar(a, sizeof(a), 0);
    15   tot := 0; t := 0;
    16   readln(m, d);
    17 end;
    19 function find(start, l: longint): longint;
    20 var
    21         i, tmp, ed: longint;
    22 begin
    23   if start=0 then exit(0);
    24   tmp := 0; i := start;
    25   ed := start-l+1;
    26   while (i>=ed)and(i>0) do begin
    27     if a[i]>tmp then tmp := a[i];
    28     dec(i);
    29     while (i-lowbit(i)>=ed)and(i>0) do begin
    30       if tree[i]>tmp then tmp := tree[i];
    31       i := i - lowbit(i);
    32     end;
    33   end;
    34   find := tmp;
    35 end;
    37 procedure main;
    38 var
    39         i, l, tmp: longint;
    40         n: int64;
    41         c: char;
    42 begin
    43   for i := 1 to m do begin
    44     read(c);
    45     if c='A' then begin
    46       readln(n);
    47       n := (t + n) mod d;
    48       inc(tot);
    49       a[tot] := longint(n);
    50       tmp := find(tot-1, lowbit(tot)-1);
    51       if tmp>a[tot] then tree[tot] := tmp
    52         else tree[tot] := a[tot];
    53     end
    54     else begin
    55       readln(l);
    56       t := find(tot, l);
    57       writeln(t);
    58     end;
    59   end;
    60 end;
    62 begin
    63   assign(input,inf); reset(input);
    64   init;
    65   main;
    66 end.
     1 //bzoj 1012
     2 const
     3         maxn=211111;
     4         inf='1.txt';
     5 type
     6         type_node=record
     7           l, r, mid, st, ed, max: longint;
     8         end;
     9 var
    10         tree: array[0..maxn*4]of type_node;
    11         m, d, t, tot: longint;
    12 procedure build(b, e, k: longint);
    13 begin
    14   with tree[k] do begin
    15     st := b; ed := e; mid := (st+ed)>>1;
    16     if st=ed then exit;
    17     l := k << 1; build(st, mid, l);
    18     r := l + 1; build(mid+1, ed, r);
    19   end;
    20 end;
    22 procedure init;
    23 begin
    24   t := 0; tot := 0;
    25   fillchar(tree, sizeof(tree), 0);
    26   readln(m, d);
    27   build(1, m, 1);
    28 end;
    30 function _max(a, b: longint): longint;
    31 begin if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b); end;
    33 procedure add(b, e, num, k: longint);
    34 var
    35         tmp: longint;
    36 begin
    37   with tree[k] do begin
    38     if num>max then max := num;
    39     if st=ed then exit;
    40     if b<=mid then add(b, e, num, l);
    41     if e>mid then add(b, e, num, r);
    42   end;
    43 end;
    45 function ask(b, e, k: longint): longint;
    46 var
    47         tmp: longint;
    48 begin
    49   with tree[k] do begin
    50     if (b<=st)and(ed<=e) then exit(max);
    51     tmp := 0; ask := 0;
    52     if b<=mid then tmp := ask(b, e, l);
    53     if e>mid then ask := ask(b, e, r);
    54     if tmp>ask then ask := tmp;
    55   end;
    56 end;
    58 procedure main;
    59 var
    60         i, n, l: longint;
    61         c: char;
    62 begin
    63   for i := 1 to m do begin
    64     read(c);
    65     if c='A' then begin
    66       read(n ); inc(tot);
    67       n := (n+t)mod d;
    68       add(tot-1, tot, n, 1);
    69     end
    70     else begin
    71       read(l);
    72       t := ask(tot-l+1, tot, 1);
    73       writeln(t);
    74     end;
    75     readln;
    76   end;
    77 end;
    79 begin
    80   assign(input,inf); reset(input);
    81   init;
    82   main;
    83 end.
     1 //bzoj 1012
     2 const
     3         inf='1.txt';
     4         maxn=211111;
     5 var
     6         fa, a, d: array[0..maxn]of longint;
     7         t, m, mo, a_tot, d_tot: longint;
     8 function getfather(x: longint): longint;
     9 begin
    10   if x=fa[x] then exit(x);
    11   fa[x] := getfather(fa[x]);
    12   exit(fa[x]);
    13 end;
    15 procedure init;
    16 begin
    17   t := 0; a_tot := 0; d_tot := 0;
    18   readln(m, mo);
    19   fillchar(fa, sizeof(fa), 0);
    20   fillchar(a, sizeof(a), 0);
    21   fillchar(d, sizeof(d), 0);
    22   a[0] := maxlongint;
    23 end;
    25 procedure main;
    26 var
    27         i, l, n, w: longint;
    28         c: char;
    29 begin
    30   for i := 1 to m do begin
    31     read(c);
    32     if c='A' then begin
    33       read(n);
    34       n := (n+t) mod mo;
    35       inc(a_tot); a[a_tot] := n;
    36       fa[a_tot] := a_tot;
    37       while a[d[d_tot]] < a[a_tot] do begin
    38         fa[d[d_tot]] := a_tot;
    39         dec(d_tot);
    40       end;
    41       inc(d_tot); d[d_tot] := a_tot;
    42     end
    43     else begin
    44       read(l);
    45       w := getfather(a_tot-l+1);
    46       t := a[w];
    47       writeln(a[w]);
    48     end;
    49     readln;
    50   end;
    51 end;
    53 begin
    54   assign(input,'1.txt'); reset(input);
    55   init;
    56   main;
    57 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wmzisfoolish/p/2441167.html
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