▪ 减少编译量,修改底层类,不需要编译句柄类;
▪ 隔离信息,隐藏了底层细节,用户只能够看到,类开放出来的接口;
template <class T> class Handle {
// unbound handle
Handle(T *p = 0): ptr(p), use(new size_t(1)) { }
// overloaded operators to support pointer behavior
T& operator*();
T* operator->();
const T& operator*() const;
const T* operator->() const;
// copy control: normal pointer behavior, but last Handle deletes the object
Handle(const Handle& h): ptr(h.ptr), use(h.use) { ++*use; }
Handle& operator=(const Handle&);
~Handle() { rm_ref(); }
T* ptr; // shared object
size_t *use; // count of how many Handle point to *ptr
void rm_ref() { if (--*use == 0) { delete ptr; delete use; } }
template <class T>
inline Handle<T>& Handle<T>::operator=(const Handle &rhs)
++*rhs.use; // protect against self-assignment
rm_ref(); // decrement use count and delete pointers if needed
ptr = rhs.ptr;
use = rhs.use;
return *this;
template <class T> inline T& Handle<T>::operator*()
if (ptr) return *ptr;
throw std::runtime_error
("dereference of unbound Handle");
template <class T> inline T* Handle<T>::operator->()
if (ptr) return ptr;
throw std::runtime_error
("access through unbound Handle");
template <class T> inline const T& Handle<T>::operator*() const
if (ptr) return *ptr;
throw std::runtime_error
("dereference of unbound Handle");
template <class T> inline const T* Handle<T>::operator->() const
if (ptr) return ptr;
throw std::runtime_error
("access through unbound Handle");