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  • kaggle比赛实践M5-baseline研读





    • date: The date in a “y-m-d” format.
    • wm_yr_wk: The id of the week the date belongs to.
    • weekday: The type of the day (Saturday, Sunday, …, Friday).
    • wday: The id of the weekday, starting from Saturday.
    • month: The month of the date.
    • year: The year of the date.
    • event_name_1: If the date includes an event, the name of this event.
    • event_type_1: If the date includes an event, the type of this event.
    • event_name_2: If the date includes a second event, the name of this event.
    • event_type_2: If the date includes a second event, the type of this event.
    • snap_CAsnap_TX, and snap_WI: A binary variable (0 or 1) indicating whether the stores of CA, TX or WI allow SNAPpurchases on the examined date. 1 indicates that SNAP purchases are allowed.
    # Correct data types for "calendar.csv"
    calendarDTypes = {"event_name_1": "category", 
                      "event_name_2": "category", 
                      "event_type_1": "category", 
                      "event_type_2": "category", 
                      "weekday": "category", 
                      'wm_yr_wk': 'int16', 
                      "wday": "int16",
                      "month": "int16", 
                      "year": "int16", 
                      "snap_CA": "float32", 
                      'snap_TX': 'float32', 
                      'snap_WI': 'float32' }
    # Read csv file
    calendar = pd.read_csv("./calendar.csv", 
                           dtype = calendarDTypes)
    calendar["date"] = pd.to_datetime(calendar["date"])


    # Transform categorical features into integers
    for col, colDType in calendarDTypes.items():
        if colDType == "category":
            calendar[col] = calendar[col].cat.codes.astype("int16")
            calendar[col] -= calendar[col].min()
    • calendar[col].cat.codes.astype("int16") 这个是属于简单的编码标签类别编码。后面我们尝试改为one编码试试


    File 2: “sell_prices.csv”


    • store_id: The id of the store where the product is sold.
    • item_id: The id of the product.
    • wm_yr_wk: The id of the week.
    • sell_price: The price of the product for the given week/store. The price is provided per week (average across seven days). If not available, this means that the product was not sold during the examined week. Note that although prices are constant at weekly basis, they may change through time (both training and test set). 
    # Correct data types for "sell_prices.csv"
    priceDTypes = {"store_id": "category", 
                   "item_id": "category", 
                   "wm_yr_wk": "int16",
    # Read csv file
    prices = pd.read_csv("./sell_prices.csv", 
                         dtype = priceDTypes)

    # Transform categorical features into integers
    for col, colDType in priceDTypes.items():
        if colDType == "category":
            prices[col] = prices[col].cat.codes.astype("int16")
            prices[col] -= prices[col].min()


    File 3: “sales_train.csv”

    Contains the historical daily unit sales data per product and store.

    • item_id: The id of the product.
    • dept_id: The id of the department the product belongs to.
    • cat_id: The id of the category the product belongs to.
    • store_id: The id of the store where the product is sold.
    • state_id: The State where the store is located.
    • d_1, d_2, …, d_i, … d_1941: The number of units sold at day i, starting from 2011-01-29.
    firstDay = 250
    lastDay = 1913
    # Use x sales days (columns) for training
    numCols = [f"d_{day}" for day in range(firstDay, lastDay+1)]
    # Define all categorical columns
    catCols = ['id', 'item_id', 'dept_id','store_id', 'cat_id', 'state_id']
    # Define the correct data types for "sales_train_validation.csv"
    dtype = {numCol: "float32" for numCol in numCols} 
    dtype.update({catCol: "category" for catCol in catCols if catCol != "id"})
    [(k,v)  for k,v in dtype.items()][:10]

    # Read csv file
    ds = pd.read_csv("./sales_train_validation.csv", 
                     usecols = catCols + numCols, dtype = dtype)

    # Transform categorical features into integers
    for col in catCols:
        if col != "id":
            ds[col] = ds[col].cat.codes.astype("int16")
            ds[col] -= ds[col].min()
    ds = pd.melt(ds,
                 id_vars = catCols,
                 value_vars = [col for col in ds.columns if col.startswith("d_")],
                 var_name = "d",
                 value_name = "sales")
    # Merge "ds" with "calendar" and "prices" dataframe
    ds = ds.merge(calendar, on = "d", copy = False)
    ds = ds.merge(prices, on = ["store_id", "item_id", "wm_yr_wk"], copy = False)





    dayLags = [7, 28]
    lagSalesCols = [f"lag_{dayLag}" for dayLag in dayLags]
    for dayLag, lagSalesCol in zip(dayLags, lagSalesCols):
        ds[lagSalesCol] = ds[["id","sales"]].groupby("id")["sales"].shift(dayLag)

    这个是shift:见我之前的博客pandas实现hive的lag和lead函数 以及 first_value和last_value函数注意:shift相当于lag

    windows = [7, 28]
    for window in windows:
        for dayLag, lagSalesCol in zip(dayLags, lagSalesCols):
            ds[f"rmean_{dayLag}_{window}"] = ds[["id", lagSalesCol]].groupby("id")[lagSalesCol].transform(lambda x: x.rolling(window).mean())



    但是,要预测第8天,您只有滞后 8的实际数据,而要预测整个系列直到滞后28的实际数据。比赛开始时人们所做的只是使用从落后28并应用回归(例如lightGBM)。
    7)似乎会产生积极的结果,而只有两个特征(滞后7和均方根 7_7)的自传播误差使过拟合问题得到控制。


    dateFeatures = {"wday": "weekday",
                    "week": "weekofyear",
                    "month": "month",
                    "quarter": "quarter",
                    "year": "year",
                    "mday": "day"}
    for featName, featFunc in dateFeatures.items():
        if featName in ds.columns:
            ds[featName] = ds[featName].astype("int16")
            ds[featName] = getattr(ds["date"].dt, featFunc).astype("int16")

    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    Int64Index: 42372682 entries, 0 to 42372681
    Data columns (total 31 columns):
    id              object
    item_id         int16
    dept_id         int16
    store_id        int16
    cat_id          int16
    state_id        int16
    d               object
    sales           float32
    date            datetime64[ns]
    wm_yr_wk        int16
    weekday         int16
    wday            int16
    month           int16
    year            int16
    event_name_1    int16
    event_type_1    int16
    event_name_2    int16
    event_type_2    int16
    snap_CA         float32
    snap_TX         float32
    snap_WI         float32
    sell_price      float32
    lag_7           float32
    lag_28          float32
    rmean_7_7       float32
    rmean_28_7      float32
    rmean_7_28      float32
    rmean_28_28     float32
    week            int16
    quarter         int16
    mday            int16
    dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float32(11), int16(17), object(2)
    memory usage: 4.3+ GB


    # Remove all rows with NaN value
    ds.dropna(inplace = True)
    # Define columns that need to be removed
    unusedCols = ["id", "date", "sales","d", "wm_yr_wk", "weekday"]
    trainCols = ds.columns[~ds.columns.isin(unusedCols)]
    X_train = ds[trainCols]
    y_train = ds["sales"]


    # Define categorical features
    catFeats = ['item_id', 'dept_id','store_id', 'cat_id', 'state_id'] + 
               ["event_name_1", "event_name_2", "event_type_1", "event_type_2"]
    validInds = np.random.choice(X_train.index.values, 2_000_000, replace = False)
    trainInds = np.setdiff1d(X_train.index.values, validInds)
    trainData = lgb.Dataset(X_train.loc[trainInds], label = y_train.loc[trainInds], 
                            categorical_feature = catFeats, free_raw_data = False)
    validData = lgb.Dataset(X_train.loc[validInds], label = y_train.loc[validInds],
                            categorical_feature = catFeats, free_raw_data = False)


    del ds, X_train, y_train, validInds, trainInds 



    params = {
              "objective" : "poisson",
              "metric" :"rmse",
              "force_row_wise" : True,
              "learning_rate" : 0.075,
              "sub_row" : 0.75,
              "bagging_freq" : 1,
              "lambda_l2" : 0.1,
              "metric": ["rmse"],
              'verbosity': 1,
              'num_iterations' : 1200,
              'num_leaves': 128,
              "min_data_in_leaf": 100,


    # Train LightGBM model
    m_lgb = lgb.train(params, trainData, valid_sets = [validData], verbose_eval = 20) 


    # Save the model


    测试集day > 1913

    # Last day used for training
    trLast = 1913
    # Maximum lag day
    maxLags = 57
    # Create dataset for predictions
    def create_ds():
        startDay = trLast - maxLags
        numCols = [f"d_{day}" for day in range(startDay, trLast + 1)]
        catCols = ['id', 'item_id', 'dept_id','store_id', 'cat_id', 'state_id']
        dtype = {numCol:"float32" for numCol in numCols} 
        dtype.update({catCol: "category" for catCol in catCols if catCol != "id"})
        ds = pd.read_csv("./sales_train_validation.csv", 
                         usecols = catCols + numCols, dtype = dtype)
        for col in catCols:
            if col != "id":
                ds[col] = ds[col].cat.codes.astype("int16")
                ds[col] -= ds[col].min()
        for day in range(trLast + 1, trLast+ 28 +1):
            ds[f"d_{day}"] = np.nan
        ds = pd.melt(ds,
                     id_vars = catCols,
                     value_vars = [col for col in ds.columns if col.startswith("d_")],
                     var_name = "d",
                     value_name = "sales")
        ds = ds.merge(calendar, on = "d", copy = False)
        ds = ds.merge(prices, on = ["store_id", "item_id", "wm_yr_wk"], copy = False)
        return ds
    def create_features(ds):          
        dayLags = [7, 28]
        lagSalesCols = [f"lag_{dayLag}" for dayLag in dayLags]
        for dayLag, lagSalesCol in zip(dayLags, lagSalesCols):
            ds[lagSalesCol] = ds[["id","sales"]].groupby("id")["sales"].shift(dayLag)
        windows = [7, 28]
        for window in windows:
            for dayLag, lagSalesCol in zip(dayLags, lagSalesCols):
                ds[f"rmean_{dayLag}_{window}"] = ds[["id", lagSalesCol]].groupby("id")[lagSalesCol].transform(lambda x: x.rolling(window).mean())
        dateFeatures = {"wday": "weekday",
                        "week": "weekofyear",
                        "month": "month",
                        "quarter": "quarter",
                        "year": "year",
                        "mday": "day"}
        for featName, featFunc in dateFeatures.items():
            if featName in ds.columns:
                ds[featName] = ds[featName].astype("int16")
                ds[featName] = getattr(ds["date"].dt, featFunc).astype("int16")


    fday = datetime(2016,4, 25) 
    alphas = [1.028, 1.023, 1.018]
    weights = [1/len(alphas)] * len(alphas)
    sub = 0.
    for icount, (alpha, weight) in enumerate(zip(alphas, weights)):
        te = create_ds()
        cols = [f"F{i}" for i in range(1,29)]
        for tdelta in range(0, 28):
            day = fday + timedelta(days=tdelta)
            print(tdelta, day)
            tst = te[(te['date'] >= day - timedelta(days=maxLags)) & (te['date'] <= day)].copy()
            tst = tst.loc[tst['date'] == day , trainCols]
            te.loc[te['date'] == day, "sales"] = alpha * m_lgb.predict(tst) # magic multiplier by kyakovlev
        te_sub = te.loc[te['date'] >= fday, ["id", "sales"]].copy()
        te_sub["F"] = [f"F{rank}" for rank in te_sub.groupby("id")["id"].cumcount()+1]
        te_sub = te_sub.set_index(["id", "F" ]).unstack()["sales"][cols].reset_index()
        te_sub.fillna(0., inplace = True)
        te_sub.sort_values("id", inplace = True)
        te_sub.reset_index(drop=True, inplace = True)
        if icount == 0 :
            sub = te_sub
            sub[cols] *= weight
            sub[cols] += te_sub[cols]*weight
        print(icount, alpha, weight)
    sub2 = sub.copy()
    sub2["id"] = sub2["id"].str.replace("validation$", "evaluation")
    sub = pd.concat([sub, sub2], axis=0, sort=False)


    0 2016-04-25 00:00:00
    1 2016-04-26 00:00:00
    2 2016-04-27 00:00:00
    3 2016-04-28 00:00:00
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    6 2016-05-01 00:00:00
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    25 2016-05-20 00:00:00
    26 2016-05-21 00:00:00
    27 2016-05-22 00:00:00
    0 1.028 0.3333333333333333
    0 2016-04-25 00:00:00
    1 2016-04-26 00:00:00
    2 2016-04-27 00:00:00
    3 2016-04-28 00:00:00
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    24 2016-05-19 00:00:00
    25 2016-05-20 00:00:00
    26 2016-05-21 00:00:00
    27 2016-05-22 00:00:00
    1 1.023 0.3333333333333333
    0 2016-04-25 00:00:00
    1 2016-04-26 00:00:00
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    2 1.018 0.3333333333333333
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