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  • http 三次握手 四次挥手 wireshark

    1. 准备代码

    // Creates an HttpWebRequest with the specified URL. 
    HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
    //myHttpWebRequest.Proxy = new WebProxy("localhost", 5389);
    // Sends the HttpWebRequest and waits for the response.    
    myHttpWebRequest.KeepAlive = true;
    HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();
    // Gets the stream associated with the response.
    Stream receiveStream = myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
    Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
    // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. 
    StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode);
    Response stream received.");
    Char[] read = new Char[256];
    // Reads 256 characters at a time. 
    int count = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256);
    while (count > 0)
    // Dumps the 256 characters on a string and displays the string to the console.
    String str = new String(read, 0, count);
    count = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256);
    // Releases the resources of the response.
    // Releases the resources of the Stream.

    2. wireshark截图(wireshar过滤 条件:(ip.src == and ip.dst== or (ip.src == and ip.dst==

    3. 分析

    本 服 syn
    服 本 syn ack
    本 服 ack
    本 服 http post
    服 本 ack
    服 本 tcp segment
    服 本 tcp segment
    服 本 tcp segment
    本 服 ack
    服 本 http-alt ack
    服 本 tcp segment
    服 本 http response
    本 服 http-alt ack
    服 本 fin ack
    本 服 http-alt ack
    本 服 http-alt fin ack
    服 本 http-alt ack

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuMing-dj/p/5726278.html
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