1. 通过前序和中序生成
中序:leftTree, root, rightTree
前序:root, leftTree, rightTree
1 Bitree *buildTree(vector<int> preOrder, int preRootPos, vector<int> inOrder, int inOrderLeftBound, int inOrderRightBound){ 2 if(inOrderLeftBound > inOrderRightBound){ 3 return nullptr; 4 } 5 Bitree *root = new Bitree(preOrder[preRootPos]); 6 int inOrderRootPos = inOrder.find(); 7 root->left = buildTree(preOrder, leftTreeRootPos, inOrder, inOrderLeftBound, inOrderRootPos-1); 8 root->right = buildTree(preOrder, rightTreeRootPos, inOrder, inOrderRootPos+1, inOrderRightBound); 9 return root; 10 }
1 Bitree *buildTree(vector<int> preOrder, int preRootPos, vector<int> inOrder, int inOrderLeftBound, int inOrderRightBound){ 2 if(inOrderLeftBound > inOrderRightBound){ 3 return nullptr; 4 } 5 Bitree *root = new Bitree(preOrder[preRootPos]); 6 int inOrderRootPos = find(inOrder.begin(), inOrder.end(), root->val)-inOrder.begin();//find has to be used like this 7 root->left = buildTree(preOrder, preRootPos+1, inOrder, inOrderLeftBound, inOrderRootPos-1); 8 root->right = buildTree(preOrder, preRootPos+(inOrderRootPos-inOrderLeftBound)+1, inOrder, inOrderRootPos+1, inOrderRightBound); 9 return root; 10 }
2. 通过中序和后续生成
中序:leftTree, root, rigthTree
后续:leftTree, rightTree, root
1 Bitree *buildTree(vector<int> postOrder, int postRootPos, vector<int> inOrder, int inOrderLeftBound, int inOrderRightBound){ 2 if(inOrderLeftBound > inOrderRightBound){ 3 return nullptr; 4 } 5 Bitree *root = new Bitree(preOrder[postRootPos]); 6 int inOrderRootPos = find(inOrder.begin(), inOrder.end())-inOrder.begin(); 7 root->left = buildTree(postOrder, postRootPos-(inOrderRootPos-inOrderLeftBound)-1, inOrder, inOrderLeftBound, inOrderRootPos-1); 8 root->right = buildTree(preOrder, postRootPos-1, inOrder, inOrderRootPos+1, inOrderRightBound); 9 return root; 10 }