因项目 需要 老项目需要用到 时分 的插件 而本身sencha touch 自己木有这个功能,因此在网上找到了 一个可以扩展的插件.
/** * The picker with hours and minutes slots */ Ext.define('Ext.ux.picker.Time', { extend:'Ext.picker.Picker', xtype:'timepicker', config:{ /** * @cfg {Number} increment The number of minutes between each minute value in the list. * Defaults to: 5 */ increment:5, /** * @cfg {Number} start value of hours */ minHours:0, /** * @cfg {Number} end value of hours. */ maxHours:23, /** * @cfg {String} title to show above hour slot * Note: for titles to show set the {useTitle} config to true. */ hoursTitle:'Hours', /** * @cfg {String} title to show above hour slot * Note: for this to show set the {useTitle} config to true. */ minutesTitle:'Minutes', /** * @cfg {boolean} show/hide title headers. * Note: defaults to false (framework default 'Ext.picker.Picker') */ slots: [] }, /** * * @param value * @param animated */ setValue:function (value, animated) { var increment = this.getInitialConfig().increment, modulo; if (Ext.isDate(value)) { value = { hours:value.getHours(), minutes:value.getMinutes() }; } //Round minutes modulo = value.minutes % increment; if (modulo > 0) { value.minutes = Math.round(value.minutes / increment) * increment; } this.callParent([value, animated]); }, /** * @override * @returns {Date} A date object containing the selected hours and minutes. Year, month, day default to the current date.. */ getValue:function () { var value = this.callParent(arguments), date = new Date(); value = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), value.hours, value.minutes); return value; }, applySlots:function (slots) { var me = this, hours = me.createHoursSlot(), minutes = me.createMinutesSlot(); return [hours, minutes]; }, createHoursSlot:function () { var me = this, initialConfig = me.getInitialConfig(), title = initialConfig.hoursTitle , minHours = initialConfig.minHours, maxHours = initialConfig.maxHours, hours = [], slot; for (var i = minHours; i <= maxHours; i++) { var text = (i < 10) ? ('0' + i) : i; //Add leading zero hours.push({text:text, value:i}); } slot = { name:'hours', align:'center', title:title, data:hours, flex:1 }; return slot; }, createMinutesSlot:function () { var me = this, initialConfig = me.getInitialConfig(), title = initialConfig.minutesTitle , increment = initialConfig.increment, minutes = [], slot; for (var j = 0; j < 60; j += increment) { var text; text = (j < 10) ? ('0' + j) : j; //Add leading zero minutes.push({text:text, value:j}); } slot = { name:'minutes', align:'center', title:title, data:minutes, flex:1 }; return slot; } });
/** * TimePickerfield. Extends from datepickerfield */ Ext.define('Ext.ux.field.TimePicker', { extend:'Ext.field.DatePicker', xtype:'timepickerfield', requires:['Ext.ux.picker.Time'], config:{ dateFormat:'H:i', //Default format show time only picker:true }, /** * @override * @param value * Source copied, small modification */ applyValue:function (value) { if (!Ext.isDate(value) && !Ext.isObject(value)) { value = null; } // Begin modified section if (Ext.isObject(value)) { var date = new Date(), year = value.year || date.getFullYear(), // Defaults to current year if year was not supplied etc.. month = value.month || date.getMonth(), day = value.day || date.getDate(); value = new Date(year, month, day, value.hours, value.minutes); //Added hour and minutes } // End modfied section! return value; }, applyPicker:function (picker) { picker = Ext.factory(picker, 'Ext.ux.picker.Time'); picker.setHidden(true); // Do not show picker on creeation Ext.Viewport.add(picker); return picker; }, updatePicker:function (picker) { picker.on({ scope:this, change:'onPickerChange', hide:'onPickerHide' }); picker.setValue(this.getValue()); return picker; } });
使用方法 如下:
{ xtype: 'timepickerfield', label: 'time', value: new Date(), // object also possible {hours:12, minutes:25}, name: 'time', picker:{ height:300 minHours:9, //(optional)Selectable hours will be between 9-18 maxHours:18 // (optional) These values default to 0-24 } }
//* Notes: getValue() // will return a {Date} object getFormattedValue() //will return H:i (example16:40)