Oracle中算术操作符(+)(-)(*)(/) 值得注意的是:/ 在oracle中就相当于显示中的除法 5/2 = 2.5
!= 不等于 select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job!='manager'
^= 不等于 select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job^='manager'
<>不等于 select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job<>'manager'
<小于 select sal from scott.emp where sal<1000
>大于 select sal from scott.emp where sal>1000
<=小于等于 select sal from scott.emp where sal<=1000
>=大于等于 select sal from scott.emp where sal>=1000
in 在列表 select sal from scott.emp where sal in(1000,2000)
时间的查询可以使用in 例如 select * from student where time in (’06-3月-09’,’08-5月-09’);
not in 不在列表 select sal from scott.emp where sal not in(1000,2000)
between...and 介于..与..间
select sal from scott.emp where sal between 1000 and 2000
not between...and 不介于..与..之间
select sal from scott.emp where sal not between 1000 and 2000
like 模式匹配 select ename from scott.emp where ename like 'M%' (%表示任意长度的长度串)
select ename from scott.emp where ename like 'M_' (_表示一个任意的字符)
is null 是否为空 select ename from scott.emp where ename is null
is not null 不为空 select ename from scott.emp where ename is not null
or(或) select ename from scott.emp where ename='joke' or ename='jacky'
and(与) select ename from scott.emp where ename='and' or ename='jacky'
not(非) select ename from scott.emp where not ename='and' or ename='jacky'
union(并集) union连接两句sql语句, 两句sql语句的和 去掉重复的记录。
(select deptno from scott.emp) union (select deptno from scott.dept)
union all(并集) 接两句sql语句,两句sql语句的和不用去掉重复的记录。
(select deptno from scott.emp) union all (select deptno from scott.dept)
intersect (交集) Intersect连接两句sql语句 取查询出来的两个集合的 共同部分。
(select deptno from scott.emp) intersect (select deptno from scott.dept)
minus (补集) Minus 连接两句sql 语句,取查询出来的两个集合的差。
(select deptno from scott.emp) minus (select deptno from scott.dept)