import cv2 img=cv2.imread('test.jpg') cv2.imwrite('test1.jpg',img)
import cv2 import time interval=60 #捕获图像的间隔,单位:秒 num_frames=500 #捕获图像的总帧数 out_fps=24 #输出文件的帧率 # 打开默认的相机 cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0) #捕获分辨率 size=(int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)),int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) # 设置要保存视频的编码,分辨率和帧率 video=cv2.VideoWriter( "time_lapse.avi", cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','P','4','2'), out_fps, size ) #对于一些低画质的摄像头,前面的帧可能不稳定,略过 for i in range(42): cap.read() #开始捕获,通过read函数获取捕获的帧 try: for i in range(num_frames): _,frame=cap.read() video.write(frame) #如果希望每一帧也存成文件,比如制作GIF,则取消下面的注释 filename='{:0>6d}.png'.format(i) cv2.imwrite(filename,frame) print('frame {} is captured.'.format(i)) time.sleep(interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: #提前停止捕获 print('Stopped! {}/{} frames captures!'.format(i,num_frames)) #释放资源并写入视频文件 video.release() cap.release()
- 输入使一个文件夹的路径,下面包含了所有要标注物体框的图片,如果图片中标注了物体,则生成一个名称相同加额外后缀名的文件保存标注信息。
- 标注的方式是按下鼠标左键选择物体框的左上角,松开鼠标左键选择物体框的右下角,按下鼠标右键删除上一个标注好的物体框。所有待标注物体的类别和标注框颜色由用户自定义,如果没有定义则默认只标注一种物体,定义该物体名称为Object
- 方向键《——和——》用来遍历图片,上下键用来选择当前要标注的物体,DELETE键删除一张图片和对应的标注信息。
import os import cv2 # tkinter是Python内置的简单GUI库,实现一些比如打开文件夹,确认删除等操作十分方便 from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno # 定义标注窗口的默认名称 WINDOW_NAME = 'Simple Bounding Box Labeling Tool' # 定义画面刷新的大概帧率(是否能达到取决于电脑性能) FPS = 24 # 定义支持的图像格式 SUPPOTED_FORMATS = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'] # 定义默认物体框的名字为Object,颜色蓝色,当没有用户自定义物体时用默认物体 DEFAULT_COLOR = {'Object': (255, 0, 0)} # 定义灰色,用于信息显示的背景和未定义物体框的显示 COLOR_GRAY = (192, 192, 192) # 在图像下方多出BAR_HEIGHT这么多像素的区域用于显示文件名和当前标注物体等信息 BAR_HEIGHT = 16 # 上下左右,ESC及删除键对应的cv.waitKey()的返回值 # 注意这个值根据操作系统不同有不同,可以通过6.4.2中的代码获取 KEY_UP = 65362 KEY_DOWN = 65364 KEY_LEFT = 65361 KEY_RIGHT = 65363 KEY_ESC = 27 KEY_DELETE = 65535 # 空键用于默认循环 KEY_EMPTY = 0 get_bbox_name = '{}.bbox'.format # 定义物体框标注工具类 class SimpleBBoxLabeling: def __init__(self, data_dir, fps=FPS, window_name=None): self._data_dir = data_dir self.fps = fps self.window_name = window_name if window_name else WINDOW_NAME # pt0是正在画的左上角坐标,pt1是鼠标所在坐标 self._pt0 = None self._pt1 = None # 表明当前是否正在画框的状态标记 self._drawing = False # 当前标注物体的名称 self._cur_label = None # 当前图像对应的所有已标注框 self._bboxes = [] # 如果有用户自定义的标注信息则读取,否则用默认的物体和颜色 label_path = '{}.txt'.format(self._data_dir) if not os.path.exists(label_path): self.label_colors=DEFAULT_COLOR else: self.label_colors=self.load_labels(label_path) #self.label_colors = DEFAULT_COLOR if not os.path.exists(label_path) else self.load_labels(label_path+'.labels') # 获取已经标注的文件列表和还未标注的文件列表 imagefiles = [x for x in os.listdir(self._data_dir) if x[x.rfind('.') + 1:].lower() in SUPPOTED_FORMATS] labeled = [x for x in imagefiles if os.path.exists(get_bbox_name(x))] to_be_labeled = [x for x in imagefiles if x not in labeled] # 每次打开一个文件夹,都自动从还未标注的第一张开始 self._filelist = labeled + to_be_labeled self._index = len(labeled) if self._index > len(self._filelist) - 1: self._index = len(self._filelist) - 1 # 鼠标回调函数 def _mouse_ops(self, event, x, y, flags, param): # 按下左键时,坐标为左上角,同时表明开始画框,改变drawing标记为True if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self._drawing = True self._pt0 = (x, y) # 左键抬起,表明当前框画完了,坐标记为右下角,并保存,同时改变drawing标记为False elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: self._drawing = False self._pt1 = (x, y) self._bboxes.append((self._cur_label, (self._pt0, self._pt1))) # 实时更新右下角坐标方便画框 elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: self._pt1 = (x, y) # 鼠标右键删除最近画好的框 elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP: if self._bboxes: self._bboxes.pop() # 清除所有标注框和当前状态 def _clean_bbox(self): self._pt0 = None self._pt1 = None self._drawing = False self._bboxes = [] # 画标注框和当前信息的函数 def _draw_bbox(self, img): # 在图像下方多出BAR_HEIGHT这么多像素的区域用于显示文件名和当前标注物体等信息 h, w = img.shape[:2] canvas = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, BAR_HEIGHT, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=COLOR_GRAY) # 正在标注的物体信息,如果鼠标左键已经按下,则显示两个点坐标,否则显示当前待标注物体的名称 label_msg = '{}: {}, {}'.format(self._cur_label, self._pt0, self._pt1) if self._drawing else 'Current label: {}'.format(self._cur_label) # 显示当前文件名,文件个数信息 msg = '{}/{}: {} | {}'.format(self._index + 1, len(self._filelist), self._filelist[self._index], label_msg) cv2.putText(canvas, msg, (1, h + 12), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) # 画出已经标好的框和对应名字 for label, (bpt0, bpt1) in self._bboxes: label_color = self.label_colors[label] if label in self.label_colors else COLOR_GRAY cv2.rectangle(canvas, bpt0, bpt1, label_color, thickness=2) cv2.putText(canvas, label, (bpt0[0] + 3, bpt0[1] + 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, label_color, 2) # 画正在标注的框和对应名字 if self._drawing: label_color = self.label_colors[self._cur_label] if self._cur_label in self.label_colors else COLOR_GRAY if self._pt1[0] >= self._pt0[0] and self._pt1[1] >= self._pt0[1]: cv2.rectangle(canvas, self._pt0, self._pt1, label_color, thickness=2) cv2.putText(canvas, self._cur_label, (self._pt0[0] + 3, self._pt0[1] + 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, label_color, 2) return canvas # 利用repr()导出标注框数据到文件 @staticmethod def export_bbox(filepath, bboxes): if bboxes: with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for bbox in bboxes: line = repr(bbox) + ' ' f.write(line) elif os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) # 利用eval()读取标注框字符串到数据 @staticmethod def load_bbox(filepath): bboxes = [] with open(filepath, 'r') as f: line = f.readline().rstrip() while line: bboxes.append(eval(line)) line = f.readline().rstrip() return bboxes # 利用eval()读取物体及对应颜色信息到数据 @staticmethod def load_labels(filepath): label_colors = {} with open(filepath, 'r') as f: line = f.readline().rstrip() while line: label, color = eval(line) label_colors[label] = color line = f.readline().rstrip() return label_colors # 读取图像文件和对应标注框信息(如果有的话) @staticmethod def load_sample(filepath): img = cv2.imread(filepath) bbox_filepath = get_bbox_name(filepath) bboxes = [] if os.path.exists(bbox_filepath): bboxes = SimpleBBoxLabeling.load_bbox(bbox_filepath) return img, bboxes # 导出当前标注框信息并清空 def _export_n_clean_bbox(self): bbox_filepath = os.sep.join([self._data_dir, get_bbox_name(self._filelist[self._index])]) self.export_bbox(bbox_filepath, self._bboxes) self._clean_bbox() # 删除当前样本和对应的标注框信息 def _delete_current_sample(self): filename = self._filelist[self._index] filepath = os.sep.join([self._data_dir, filename]) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) filepath = get_bbox_name(filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) self._filelist.pop(self._index) print('{} is deleted!'.format(filename)) # 开始OpenCV窗口循环的方法,定义了程序的主逻辑 def start(self): # 之前标注的文件名,用于程序判断是否需要执行一次图像读取 last_filename = '' # 标注物体在列表中的下标 label_index = 0 # 所有标注物体名称的列表 labels = list(self.label_colors.keys()) # 待标注物体的种类数 n_labels = len(labels) # 定义窗口和鼠标回调 cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, self._mouse_ops) key = KEY_EMPTY # 定义每次循环的持续时间 delay = int(1000 / FPS) # 只要没有按下Esc键,就持续循环 while key != KEY_ESC: # 上下键用于选择当前标注物体 if key == KEY_UP: if label_index == 0: pass else: label_index -= 1 elif key == KEY_DOWN: if label_index == n_labels - 1: pass else: label_index += 1 # 左右键切换当前标注的图片 elif key == KEY_LEFT: # 已经到了第一张图片的话就不需要清空上一张 if self._index > 0: self._export_n_clean_bbox() self._index -= 1 if self._index < 0: self._index = 0 elif key == KEY_RIGHT: # 已经到了最后一张图片的话就不需要清空上一张 if self._index < len(self._filelist) - 1: self._export_n_clean_bbox() self._index += 1 if self._index > len(self._filelist) - 1: self._index = len(self._filelist) - 1 # 删除当前图片和对应标注信息 elif key == KEY_DELETE: if askyesno('Delete Sample', 'Are you sure?'): self._delete_current_sample() key = KEY_EMPTY continue # 如果键盘操作执行了换图片,则重新读取,更新图片 filename = self._filelist[self._index] if filename != last_filename: filepath = os.sep.join([self._data_dir, filename]) img, self._bboxes = self.load_sample(filepath) # 更新当前标注物体名称 self._cur_label = labels[label_index] # 把标注和相关信息画在图片上并显示指定的时间 canvas = self._draw_bbox(img) cv2.imshow(self.window_name, canvas) key = cv2.waitKey(delay) # 当前文件名就是下次循环的老文件名 last_filename = filename print('Finished!') cv2.destroyAllWindows() # 如果退出程序,需要对当前进行保存 self.export_bbox(os.sep.join([self._data_dir, get_bbox_name(filename)]), self._bboxes) print('Labels updated!') if __name__ == '__main__': dir_with_images = askdirectory(title='Where are the images?') labeling_task = SimpleBBoxLabeling(dir_with_images) labeling_task.start()