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  • FPGA quartus开发中常见的错误处理

    1.Warning: An incorrect timescale is selected for the Verilog Output (.VO) file of this PLL design. It's required that the timescale should be 1 ps when simulating a PLL design in a third party EDA tool.

    解决办法:是因为timessale不是1ps导致的错误,原因可能是之前使用过modelSim仿真信号时,将timesacle由默认的1ps改成别的值了,可以点击Assignment--->EDA Tool Setting--->Simulation,将选项中的timescale改成1ps,并点击ok进行保存。如果保存时报错,那么将下面的NativeLink setting下的选项选成None,因为这里是testbench测试脚本对应的设置,如果你没有写测试脚本,那么修改timescale时会检查,所以这里将其制定为None就可以了。

    2.Nativelink Error

    Error: Can't launch the ModelSim-Altera software -- the path to the location of the executables for the ModelSim-Altera software were not specified or the executables were not found at specified path.

    Error: You can specify the path inthe EDA Tool Options page of the Options dialog box or using the Tcl command set_user_option.

    Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successful

    解决办法:是因为quartusII不知道你安装的modelSim软件的具体路径,所以需要设置ModelSim的具体路径即可。步骤如下(以ModelSim为例,不是ModelSim Altere):Tools -> Options -> General -> EDA Tool Options:将选项中的ModelSim设为你安装ModelSim的具体路径即可。如下图:


      首先我的芯片信号时EP2Q208C8N芯片,配置芯片型号是EPCS4,在File——Convert File中,电机propery时,不能将compress前面的选项选中,另外在这个选项中,一定要选择正确的配置芯片型号,我之前就因为把PECS4选成了EPC4而消耗半天的时间来查找错误。另外AS进行下载的界面,选中的文件格式是*.pof格式的文件,而Jtag下载的文件时*.sof格式的文件。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wzd5230/p/3861854.html
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