经过漫长的等待,支持移动开发的kbmmw 4.40.00 终于发布了,这次不但支持各个平台的开发,
4.40.00 BETA 1 Oct 28 2013
New stuff
- Added properties Cancel:boolean, UniqueID:string,
UniqueCallID:string, RequesterNodeID:string and
RequesterClusterID:string to TkbmMWCustomService. Enables
features for cancelling ongoing request.
- Added full XE5 Win32/Win64/OSX/Android and IOS support. Add
kbmMW and kbmMemTable source directory to Library path
when compiling for Android or IOS.
- Added TkbmMWAuthorizationManager which can be used for
keeping track of resources, actors, logins and authorizations
and constraints.
- Added AuthorizationManager property to TkbmMWServer.
- Added OnPreServeRequest to TkbmMWServer. Provides access to a
request before even authorization manager kicks in.
- Added Cancel method to TkbmMWServer allowing for requesting
cancelation of a specific request.
- Added Enabled property to TkbmMWCustomServerTransport.
- Modified OnAuthenticate event to include AMessage:string
- Added Transport:string to TkbmMWClientIdentity. Is set on
server to let authentication know from which transport a
request originates.
- Added portable high performance TkbmMWLock (when
KBMMW_SUPPORT_FASTMRWSLOCK is defined (default)) which is
much faster than TEvent/TMutex and
- Added TkbmMWTiming which provides portable high resolution
time functionality.
- Added TkbmMWInterlocked which provides portable interlocking
- Added high performance TkbmMWEvent to replace slower TEvent.
- Added ConfigureAffinity, Yield, Sleep, CurrentThreadID,
CurrentThread, ThreadGroup and ThreadAffinityType to
ThreadGroup allows selection of a thread group which share a
common CPU core affinity. Max 256 threadgroups exists.
Placement of the thread on a CPU core within the defined
affinity is determined by the ThreadAffinityType setting.
Allows for fine tuned thread optimization. Specify affinities
in global variable: kbmMWThreadGroupAffinity.
- Added TkbmMWPlatformMarshal for portable memory/bytes
/utf8/string marshalling.
- Changed kbmMWHashString from a simple xor hash to the better
FNV-1A 32 bit hash.
- Added portable kbmMWGetApplicationName:string returning the
name (typically with path) of the current executable.
- Added optional Mapping:string argument to LoadFromDataset.
Specify sourcefield=destfield;... for custom mapping of
- Added new WIB message type mwmtEvent (EVT.). Its designed to
be used for sending system/application events. For example
used by the new progress management system, which allows for
a client to subscribe for progress, and a server to push
progress status, for example for long running synchrone or
asynchrone requests (require WIB).
- Added new transport heartbeat functionality via properties
HeartbeatInterval and OnSendHeartbeat. OnSendHeartbeat is
triggered every n seconds, and its the developers
responsibility to then actually send a message/request to
indicate a heartbeat from a client
with help of the SendHeartbeat method on the client transport.
- Added mwsloNullOnValueError as a new SQLite option. Instead
of excepting the field is set to null.
- Added Pause:boolean, PausePriority:byte to TkbmMWCustomQueue.
If Pause=true will pause processing (sending if outbound
queue) messages equal to or lower than PausePriority.
- Added counters TotalPushCount, TotalTentativePopCount,
TotalCommitCount, TotalRollbackCount, TotalRejectCount,
TotalDeleteCount to TkbmMWCustomQueue.
- Added support for multiple events for a single subscription
via the Events property of TkbmMWSubscription.
Now Subscribe adds an additional event if a subscription
allready exists for a particular subscription subject.
Use SubscribeReplace to replace all previously events for a
subscription with another event.
Unsubscribe method now overloaded with multiple methods,
allowing to unsubscribe for a specific event for a subject.
The "old" Unsubscribe unsubscribes all events for the given
- Added ThreadGroup and ThreadAffinityType to
and TkbmMWCustomPooledMessageQueueProcessor.
- Added new TkbmMWCustomEventMessage which is the basis for all
WIB based messages that consitutes an event message.
- Added new TkbmMWHeartbeatEventMessage.
- Added properties AsEncodedString, UpperName to
- Added Delete, Values, Names, ValueAsString, AsEncodedString
to TkbmMWHTTPCustomValues.
- Added TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValueField,
TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValueFields, TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValue,
TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValues, TkbmMWHTTPMultiPart,
TkbmMWHTTPMultiParts in kbmMWHTTPUtils.pas.
Thus now multipart HTTP messages can be parsed.
- Added TkbmMWHTTPCustomAuthorization and
TkbmMWHTTPBasicAuthorization along with
new function kbmMWParseAuthorization(const
for parsing authorization header.
- Updated TkbmMWHTTPTransportStreamHelper to support new
TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValues, and added HTTPRealm:string
property, and added
Authorization:TkbmMWHTTPCustomAuthorization property.
- Added function
to TkbmMWCustomHTTPService.
- Updated known mimetypes (Added SVG, JSON, TTF, OTF, WOFF,
- Updated known charsets (added JSON = UTF8).
- Added TkbmMWSAFSyncRequestResponseStatus set
(mwbrsTimeout,mwbrsAbort,mwbrsOK) which allows for
a sync/async request to determined if a request has timed
out, been cancelled or proceeded ok.
- Added OnProcessorException to TkbmMWCustomSAFClientTransport
which is triggered if the internal inbound or outbound
processor encounters an exception.
- Added optional APriority argument to AnnounceSubscriptions
- Added OnClientWaitingResponse event to TkbmMWCustomClient.
Its triggered when a request is sent that is blocking (sync).
- Added new TkbmMWProgressManager which can be used to send and
receive progress information via the WIB.
- Added new FireDAC adapter.
- Fixed several issues.