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  • Devexpress VCL Build v2014 vol 14.2.7发布



    What's New in 14.2.7 (VCL Product Line)


    New Major Features in 14.2

    What's New in VCL Products 14.2

    Known Issues

    To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:

    Known Issues in 14.2.7 (VCL Product Line)

    The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 14.2.7. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated.

    Resolved Issues

    ExpressBars Suite
    • T238450 - An AV occurs when pressing an accelerator key that is associated with two or more menu items that are hidden
    • T240709 - Ribbon - Modifying a tab group's caption at runtime doesn't update the tab group's hint
    • T233207 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Modifying an item property at runtime clears the drop-down gallery without repainting it
    • T242116 - TcxBarEditItem - CheckGroup - Focusing the editor resets its EditValue property
    • T241550 - TcxBarEditItem - DateEdit - Typing a value causes the EVariantTypeCastError exception if the Properties.EditMask property is specified
    ExpressGauge Control
    • T236072 - Circular scales - A spindle cap is not painted if the Classic style is applied to the scale
    ExpressLayout Control
    • T244474 - Activating another application doesn't hide the shadow painted around a float group's window displayed by the previously active application
    • T206299 - Errors occur when importing certain controls from an inherited form
    ExpressMap Control
    • T238511 - Map points returned by the TdxMapControlGeoRect.AsString function are not separated by a comma
    ExpressPrinting System
    • T246990 - TCustomListView and descendants - In 64-bit applications, the third and all subsequent columns print the content of the first column if an editor's ViewStyle property is set to vsReport
    ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
    • T231451 - A typo in the TcxGridChartStackedAreaDiagramViewInfo class name (the cxGridChartView unit)
    • T221719 - Banded Table View - Per-pixel scrolling a Banded Table View that displays fixed bands results in painting artifacts
    • T243971 - Clicking a grid's level tab doesn't activate the tab if the Find Panel is currently focused
    • T232993 - Collapsing master rows using the View's ViewData.Collapse(True) method called from an event handler of a non-focusable control doesn't revert their height
    • T243687 - Moving focus to the grid doesn't activate an in-place editor for the active cell if the View's OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is set to True
    • T230053 - Table View and Banded Table View - Row height specified in the OnGetCellHeight event handler is ignored if this height is less than the OptionsView.DataRowHeight property value
    ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
    • T243290 - TcxVirtualTreeList - The linked custom data source's IsMultiThreadingSupported function result is ignored when determining if support for multi-threaded data processing is enabled
    ExpressSkins Library
    • T244594 - Form - An AV occurs when closing a modal form using its Close button if the form contains a TDBLookupComboBox editor whose drop-down window is currently open
    • T242966 - An AV occurs when loading cells whose AsString property is set to an empty string from a binary format file in certain cases
    • T229925 - An AV occurs when loading unsupported Excel 5.0/95 XLS files
    • T235887 - Certain locale-specific symbols loaded from an XLS file are incorrectly displayed in cells
    • T245963 - Clipboard operations incorrectly handle array formulas
    • T233169 - Information about page breaks is not loaded from XLS files
    ExpressTile Control
    • T245207 - An AV occurs when removing action bar items in the OnActionBarsShow event handler
    • T235650 - The focus rectangle is painted cropped in certain cases if the tile control's OptionsBehavior.ItemHotTrackMode property is set to tcihtmHighlight and margins are set using the OptionsView.FixedIndentHorz/OptionsView.FixedIndentVert property
    Common Libraries
    ExpressEditors Library
    • T238092 - cxLookupComboBox - An AV occurs when assigning nil to the Properties.ListSource property if the Properties.GridMode property is set to True
    • T195023 - dxToggleSwitch - Sizing a standalone toggle switch editor resizes its switch
    • T237980 - TcxCustomComboBox and descendants - Editor borders are not painted in Windows XP if the native style is applied and the Properties.DropDownListStyle property is set to lsFixedList
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xalion/p/4539597.html
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