方法一: 5.8版本 使用Switch包
use Switch;
switch ($val) {
case 1 { print "number 1" }
case "a" { print "string a" }
case [1..10,42] { print "number in list" }
case (@array) { print "number in list" }
case /\w+/ { print "pattern" }
case qr/\w+/ { print "pattern" }
case (%hash) { print "entry in hash" }
case (\%hash) { print "entry in hash" }
case (\&sub) { print "arg to subroutine" }
else { print "previous case not true" }
use 5.010;
given( $ARGV[0] ) {
when( /fred/i ) { say 'Name has fred in it' }
when( /^Fred/ ) { say 'Name starts with Fred' }
when( 'Fred' ) { say 'Name is Fred' }
default { say "I don't see a Fred" }
方法三:用hash做switch 和case (个人觉得最有趣的方法)
use strict;
use warnings;
my %subhash;
my $case = <STDIN>;
chomp $case;
sub a{print "a\n";}
sub b{print "b\n";}
sub c {print "c\n";}