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  • oracle——数据表的相关操作——约束——各种约束详解

    1、主键约束 : primary key
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number primary key,             /*创建主键约束*/
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20)
                        ) tablespace test
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuan','nv',26,'jiang');    /*违反了主键唯一性约束*/
    drop table student08;
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number constraint pk_student08 primary key,             /*创建主键约束*/
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20)
                        ) tablespace test
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuan','nv',26,'jiang');    /*违反了主键唯一性约束*/
    drop table student08;
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number,             /*创建主键约束*/
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20),
                             constraint pk_student08 primary key( id )
                        ) tablespace test
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuan','nv',26,'jiang');                    
    drop table student08; 
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number,             /*创建主键约束*/
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20),
                             constraint pk_student08 primary key( id,name )
                        ) tablespace test
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling01','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');                 
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling01','nv',27,'zhejiang');  
    drop table student08;
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number,
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20)
                        ) tablespace test
    ---------   alter table student08 modify( id number primary key);  /*modify选项实际为修改列属性,并在修改列属性的同时,将该列指定为主键列*/
    alter table student08 add constraint pk_student08 primary key ( id,name );
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling01','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');                 
    drop table student08; 
    删除主键:alter table student08 drop primary key;
    alter table student08 drop constraint pk_student08;
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number,
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20)
                        ) tablespace test
    alter table student08 add constraint pk_student08 primary key ( id,name );
    alter table student08 drop constraint pk_student08;
    禁用/启用 修改主键名 主键约束
    select * from  student08;
    create table student08 ( id number constraint pk_student08 primary key,             /*创建主键约束*/
                             name varchar2(20),
                             sex varchar2(20),
                             age number,
                             address varchar2(20)
                        ) tablespace test
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang');
    alter table student08 disable primary key;
    alter table student08 enable primary key;
    insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuan','nv',26,'jiang');    /*违反了主键唯一性约束*/
    drop table student08;
    alter table student08 rename constraint pk_student08 to zj;
    alter table student08 rename constraint zj to pk_student08;



    ======================================================================================================================= 3、唯一性约束 select * from student08; create table student08 ( id number primary key, /*创建主键约束*/ name varchar2(20) unique, /*创建唯一性约束*/ sex varchar2(20), age number, address varchar2(20) ) tablespace test insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(2,'yuanling','nan',20,'jiangsu'); /*违反了name设置的唯一性*/ insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(2,'yuanling01','nan',20,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(3,'','nan',25,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(4,'','nan',28,'jiangsu09'); ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 已经存在的表中添加唯一性约束 注意:与主键不同,一个唯一性约束只能建立在一个列上,因此,小括号内的列名只能有一个,不能是多个列名的列表; 要想在多个列上建立唯一性约束,只能针对每一个列分别创建; select * from student08; create table student08 ( id number primary key, /*创建主键约束*/ name varchar2(20), /*创建唯一性约束*/ sex varchar2(20), age number, address varchar2(20) ) tablespace test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 新建一个唯一性约束: alter table student08 add constraint wyxys unique ( name ); 重命名唯一性约束: alter table student08 rename constraint wyxys to wyx_ys; alter table student08 rename constraint wyx_ys to wyxys; 禁用唯一性约束: alter table student08 disable constraint wyxys; 或者 alter table student08 modify constraint wyxys enable; 启用唯一性约束: alter table student08 enable constraint wyxys; 删除唯一性约束: alter table student08 drop constraint wyxys; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- select * from student08; insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(2,'yuanling','nan',20,'jiangsu'); /*违反了name设置的唯一性*/ insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(2,'yuanling01','nan',20,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(3,'','nan',25,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(4,'','nan',28,'jiangsu09'); =======================================================================================================================================

    4、检查约束 select * from student08; drop table student08; create table student08 ( id number primary key, /*创建主键约束*/ name varchar2(20), /*创建唯一性约束*/ sex varchar2(20), age number, address varchar2(20), constraint chk_age check ( age between 20and 50) ) tablespace test insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',27,'zhejiang'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(2,'yuanling','nan',50,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(3,'yuanling','nan',19,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(4,'yuanling','nan',51,'jiangsu'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table employees ( id number primary key, name varchar2(50), grade varchar2(50), salary number, constraint chk_salary check ( grade in ('manager','leader','staff') and ( grade = 'manager' and salary <= 8000 or grade = 'leader' and salary <= 5000 or grade = 'staff' and salary <= 4000 )) ) tablespace test select * from employees; insert into employees( id,name,grade,salary) values (1,'shen','manager',7800); insert into employees( id,name,grade,salary) values (2,'zhou','leader',4800); insert into employees( id,name,grade,salary) values (3,'yuan','staff',3200); 插入非法数据: insert into employees( id,name,grade,salary) values (4,'ling','staff',5000); ---------------------------- 重新命名约束: alter table employees rename constraint chk_salary to cksy; alter table employees rename constraint cksy to chk_salary; 禁用约束: alter table employees disable constraint chk_salary; 或者 alter table employees modify constraint chk_salary disable; 启用约束: alter table employees enable constraint chk_salary; 或者 alter table employees modify constraint chk_salary enable; 删除约束: alter table employees drop constraint chk_salary; 重新添加约束: alter table employees add constraint chk_salary check ( grade in ('manager','leader','staff') and ( grade = 'manager' and salary <= 8000 or grade = 'leader' and salary <= 5000 or grade = 'staff' and salary <= 4000 )); ===========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

    5、默认值约束 select * from student08; drop table student08; create table student08 ( id number, /*创建主键约束*/ name varchar2(20), /*创建唯一性约束*/ sex varchar2(20), age number default 22, address varchar2(20) default 'abc' ) tablespace test insert into student08(id,name,sex,age,address) values(1,'yuanling','nv',20,'jiangsu'); insert into student08(id,name,sex) values(2,'shen','nan'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用函数作为默认值 create table sx ( id number, name varchar2(50), xssj date default sysdate ) tablespace test select * from sx; insert into sx (id,name) values (1,'sww'); --------------------------------------------------------------- create table sx02 ( id number, name varchar2(50), xssj date ) tablespace test select * from sx02; 添加默认值约束: alter table sx02 modify xssj default sysdate; insert into sx02 (id,name) values (1,'sww'); --------------------------------------------------- alter table sx02 modify name default 'abc'; insert into sx02 (id) values (2); 修改默认值: alter table sx02 modify name default '2wsdc'; insert into sx02 (id) values (3); 删除默认值: alter table sx02 modify name varchar2(50) default null; insert into sx02 (id) values (8);

    6、非空约束( not null ) create table sx03 ( id number, name varchar2(50), sex varchar2(10) not null ) tablespace test select * from sx03; insert into sx03 (id,name) values (1,'sww'); insert into sx03 (id,name,sex) values (1,'sww','nv'); 删除非空约束后,可以向表中插入数据(只需要把表的指定列的属性修改为null即可) alter table sx03 modify ( sex null); insert into sx03 (id,name) values (2,'123ew2'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 为已经存在的表,增加非空约束 create table sx04 ( id number, name varchar2(50), sex varchar2(10) ) tablespace test select * from sx04; insert into sx04 (id,name,sex) values (1,'sww','nv'); alter table sx04 modify ( sex not null); insert into sx04 (id,name,sex) values (2,'edcx','nan'); insert into sx04 (id,name) values (1,'sww');
  • 相关阅读:
    ufw 禁用端口未生效
    GUNgettext 无效
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaobaibailongma/p/12257664.html
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