1 # include <stdio. h> 2 # include <stdlib. h> 3 void main (void); 4 void main (void) 5 { 6 int num = 100; 7 char str[25]; 8 itoa(num, str, 10); 9 printf("The number 'num' is %d and the string 'str' is %s. " , 10 num, str); 11 }
函数名 作 用
itoa() 将整型值转换为字符串
ltoa() 将长整型值转换为字符串
ultoa() 将无符号长整型值转换为字符串
1 请看下例: 2 #include<stdio.h> 3 #include <stdlib. h> 4 5 void main (void); 6 void main (void) 7 { 8 int num = 100; 9 char str[25]; 10 sprintf(str, " %d" , num); 11 printf ("The number 'num' is %d and the string 'str' is %s. " , 12 num, str); 13 } 14
1 # include <stdio. h> 2 # include <stdlib. h> 3 void main (void); 4 void main (void) 5 { 6 double num = 12345.678; 7 char * sir; 8 int dec_pl, sign, ndigits = 3; /* Keep 3 digits of precision. * / 9 str = fcvt(num, ndigits, &dec-pl, &sign); /* Convert the float 10 to a string. * / 11 printf("Original number; %f " , num) ; /* Print the original 12 floating-point 13 value. * / 14 printf ("Converted string; %s ",str); /* Print the converted 15 string's value. * / 16 printf ("Decimal place: %d " , dec-pi) ; /* Print the location of 17 the decimal point. * / 18 printf ("Sign: %d " , sign) ; /* Print the sign. 19 0 = positive, 20 1 = negative. * / 21 }
函数名 作 用
ecvt() 将双精度浮点型值转换为字符串,转换结果中不包含十进制小数点
fcvt() 以指定位数为转换精度,余同ecvt()
gcvt() 将双精度浮点型值转换为字符串,转换结果中包含十进制小数点