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  • halcon基础数据类型详解

    #if defined(__CHAR_UNSIGNED__) || defined(__sgi) 
    #define  INT1      signed char       /* integer, signed 1 Byte         */
    #define  INT1_MIN  SCHAR_MIN
    #define  INT1_MAX  SCHAR_MAX
    #define  INT1      char              /* integer, signed 1 Byte         */
    #define  INT1_MIN  CHAR_MIN
    #define  INT1_MAX  CHAR_MAX
    #define  UINT1     unsigned char     /* integer, unsigned 1 Byte       */
    #define  UINT1_MIN 0
    #define  UINT1_MAX UCHAR_MAX
    typedef INT4_8  Hlong;
    typedef UINT4_8 Hulong;

      看粗体部分,可以看到 Hlong型在32位的机器上其实就是long型 代表4个字节 32位,在64位机器上有另一种定义




      HTuple(int l);
      HTuple(float f);
      HTuple(double d);
      HTuple(const char *s);
      HTuple(const HCtrlVal &c);
      HTuple(const HTuple &in):HBaseArray() {CopyTuple(in);}
      HTuple(Hlong length, const HTuple &value);
      HTuple(const HTuple &length, const HTuple &value);
      HTuple(SpecialTuple d);



      operator     HCtrlVal(void) const;
      HTuple       operator () (Hlong min, Hlong max) const;
      HTuple       operator () (const HTuple &min, const HTuple &max) const;
      HCtrlVal    &operator [] (Hlong index);
      HCtrlVal     operator [] (Hlong index) const;
      HCtrlVal    &operator [] (const HTuple &index);
      HCtrlVal     operator [] (const HTuple &index) const;
      HTuple      &operator ++ (void); // nur fuer double und Hlong
      HBool        operator !  (void) const;
      HTuple       operator ~  (void) const;
      HTuple       operator << (const HTuple &val) const;
      HTuple       operator << (Hlong val) const;
      HTuple       operator >> (const HTuple &val) const;
      HTuple       operator >> (Hlong val) const;
      HTuple       operator +  (const HTuple &val) const;
      HTuple       operator +  (double val) const;
      HTuple       operator +  (int val) const;

      在讲解halcon是如何维护这样一个HTuple中各种数据之前 ,先来看看这样一个类:


    class LIntExport HCtrlVal  {
      friend class HTuple;
      HCtrlVal(void)      {val.type  = UndefVal;  val.par.l = 0;}
    #if !defined(_TMS320C6X)
      HCtrlVal(Hlong l)   {val.type  = LongVal;   val.par.l = l;}
      HCtrlVal(int l)     {val.type  = LongVal;   val.par.l = l;}
      HCtrlVal(double d)  {val.type  = DoubleVal; val.par.f = d;}
      HCtrlVal(const char *s);
      HCtrlVal(const HCtrlVal &v) {CopyCtrlVal(v);}
      ~HCtrlVal(void)             {ClearCtrlVal();}
      HCtrlVal& operator = (const HCtrlVal &v);
      // Type conversion
      int         ValType() const          {return val.type;}
      operator    int(void) const          {return I();}
    #if !defined(_TMS320C6X)
      operator    Hlong(void) const        {return L();}
      operator    double(void) const       {return D();}
      operator    const char*(void) const  {return S();}
      operator    const Hcpar&(void)const  {return HCPAR();}
      // Access contents
      double          D() const;
      Hlong           L() const;
      int             I() const;
      const char *    S() const;
      const Hcpar&    HCPAR()const;
      // Arithmetics
      HCtrlVal     operator + (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HTuple       operator + (const HTuple &val) const;
      HCtrlVal     operator - (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HTuple       operator - (const HTuple &val) const;
      HCtrlVal     operator * (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HTuple       operator * (const HTuple &val) const;
      HCtrlVal     operator / (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HTuple       operator / (const HTuple &val) const;
      HCtrlVal     operator % (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HTuple       operator % (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator != (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator != (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator == (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator == (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator >= (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator >= (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator <= (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator <= (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator > (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator > (const HTuple &val) const;
      HBool        operator < (const HCtrlVal &val) const;
      HBool        operator < (const HTuple &val) const;
      const char *ClassName(void) const { return "HCtrlVal"; }
      int Version(void) const;
      int Revision(void) const;
      const char *Creation(void) const;
      // Data
      Hcpar       val;        // Value: one of the three types and type specifyer
      // Support operationen
      void ClearCtrlVal();
      void CopyCtrlVal(const HCtrlVal& source);
    typedef struct
      Hpar   par;             /* values                                          */
      INT1   type;            /* type flag                                       */
    } Hcpar;                  /* parameter passing for the C interface           */
    typedef union 
      INT4_8  l;              /* 4/8 byte integer                       (input)  */
      double  f;              /* 8 byte real                            (input)  */
      char    *s;             /* pointer to strings                     (input)  */
    } Hpar;                   /* parameter passing for the C interface           */
    typedef union 
      INT4_8  *l;             /* 4/8 byte integer                       (output) */
      double  *f;             /* 8 byte real                            (output) */
      char    *s;             /* pointer to strings                     (output) */
      VOIDP   p;              /* pointer to var. of any type (e.g. tuple)(output)*/
    } Hvar;                   /* parameter passing for the C interface           */



      HCtrlVal    *tuple;       // values (array of Hlong/float/string)

      halcon给的注释写的很清楚,tuple是一群值,指向一个数组,数组里面有long型,浮点型及字符串型数据。这是一个指针,这个类就是维护这样一个指针,具体此指针的内容,我们往下看HCtrlVal: (这里说一下这几个单词的意义吧:H->Halcon   Ctrl->Control   Val->Values  表示Halcon的控制变量,当然还有图形变量,以后再讲吧。)

      // Data
      Hcpar       val;        // Value: one of the three types and type specifyer

      HCtrlVal类就维护了这样一个成员变量,halcon给的注释是说 val 代表数据的三种类型中的一个,并指向一个值。那么HTuple中的tuple指针就是维护了val组成的链表,这样HTuple就可以维护多种不同类型的数据。



      added by xiejl

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