解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern) 是指给定一门语言, 定义它的语法的一种表示, 并定义一个解释器,该解释器使用该表示来解释语言中的句子。是一种按照规定的语法进行解析的模式,属于行为型模式。就比如编译器可以将源码编译解释为机器码, 让CPU能进行识别并运行。解释器模式的作用其实与编译器一样,都是将一些固定的语法进行解释,构建出一个解释句子的解释器。简单理解,解释器是一个简单语法分析工具,它可以识别句子语义,分离终结符号和非终结符号,提取出需要的信息,让我们能针对不同的信息做出相应的处理。其核心思想是识别语法,构建解释。
- 抽象表达式(Expression) :负责定义一个解释方法interpret, 交由具体子类进行具体解释;
- 终结符表达式(Terminal Expression) :实现文法中与终结符有关的解释操作。文法中的每一个终结符都有一个具体终结表达式与之相对应,比如公式R=R1+R2,R1和R2就是终结符,对应的解析R1和R2的解释器就是终结符表达式。通常一个解释器模式中只有一个终结符表达式,但有多个实例,对应不同的终结符(R1,R2);
- 非终结符表达式(Nonterminal Expression) :实现文法中与非终结符有关的解释操作。文法中的每条规则都对应于一个非终结符表达式。非终结符表达式一般是文法中的运算符或者其他关键字,比如公式R=R1+R2中, “+”就是非终结符,解析“+”的解释器就是一个非终结符表达式。非终结符表达式根据逻辑的复杂程度而增加,原则上每个文法规则都对应一个非终结符表达式;
- 上下文环境类(Context) :包含解释器之外的全局信息。它的任务一般是用来存放文法中各个终结符所对应的具体值,比如R=R1+R2,给R1赋值100,给R2赋值200,这些信息需要存放到环境中。
// 抽象表达式 public interface IExpression { // 对表达式进行解释 Object interpret(Context context); }
// 终结符表达式 public class TerminalExpression implements IExpression { private Object value; public Object interpret(Context context) { // 实现文法中与终结符有关的操作 context.put("",""); return null; } }
// 非终结符表达式 public class NonterminalExpression implements IExpression { private IExpression [] expressions; public NonterminalExpression(IExpression... expressions) { // 每个非终结符表达式都会对其他表达式产生依赖 this.expressions = expressions; } public Object interpret(Context context) { // 进行文法处理 context.put("",""); return null; } }
// 上下文环境类 public class Context extends HashMap { }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Context context = new Context(); // 定义一个语法容器,用于存储一个具体表达式 Stack<IExpression> stack = new Stack<IExpression>(); // for (; ; ) { // // 进行语法解析,并产生递归调用 // } // 获取得到最终的解析表达式:完整语法树 IExpression expression = stack.pop(); // 递归调用获取结果 expression.interpret(context); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
//抽象表达式角色 public interface IArithmeticInterpreter { int interpret(); }
//终结表达式角色AbstractInterpreter抽象类 public abstract class Interpreter implements IArithmeticInterpreter { protected IArithmeticInterpreter left; protected IArithmeticInterpreter right; public Interpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } }
//加 public class AddInterpreter extends Interpreter { public AddInterpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right) { super(left, right); } public int interpret() { return this.left.interpret() + this.right.interpret(); } }
//减 public class SubInterpreter extends Interpreter { public SubInterpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right) { super(left, right); } public int interpret() { return this.left.interpret() - this.right.interpret(); } }
//乘法 public class MultiInterpreter extends Interpreter { public MultiInterpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right){ super(left,right); } public int interpret() { return this.left.interpret() * this.right.interpret(); } }
//除法 public class DivInterpreter extends Interpreter { public DivInterpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right){ super(left,right); } public int interpret() { return this.left.interpret() / this.right.interpret(); } }
//创建数字表达式类 public class NumInterpreter implements IArithmeticInterpreter { private int value; public NumInterpreter(int value) { this.value = value; } public int interpret() { return this.value; } }
//计算器类 public class Calculator { private Stack<IArithmeticInterpreter> stack = new Stack<IArithmeticInterpreter>(); public Calculator(String expression) { this.parse(expression); } private void parse(String expression) { String [] elements = expression.split(" "); IArithmeticInterpreter leftExpr, rightExpr; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length ; i++) { String operator = elements[i]; if (OperatorUtil.isOperator(operator)){ leftExpr = this.stack.pop(); rightExpr = new NumInterpreter(Integer.valueOf(elements[++i])); System.out.println("出栈: " + leftExpr.interpret() + " 和 " + rightExpr.interpret()); this.stack.push(OperatorUtil.getInterpreter(leftExpr, rightExpr,operator)); System.out.println("应用运算符: " + operator); } else{ NumInterpreter numInterpreter = new NumInterpreter(Integer.valueOf(elements[i])); this.stack.push(numInterpreter); System.out.println("入栈: " + numInterpreter.interpret()); } } } public int calculate() { return this.stack.pop().interpret(); } }
//操作工具类 public class OperatorUtil { public static boolean isOperator(String symbol) { return (symbol.equals("+") || symbol.equals("-") || symbol.equals("*")); } public static Interpreter getInterpreter(IArithmeticInterpreter left, IArithmeticInterpreter right, String symbol) { if (symbol.equals("+")) { return new AddInterpreter(left, right); } else if (symbol.equals("-")) { return new SubInterpreter(left, right); } else if (symbol.equals("*")) { return new MultiInterpreter(left, right); } else if (symbol.equals("/")) { return new DivInterpreter(left, right); } return null; } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser(); Expression expression = parser.parseExpression("100 * 2 + 400 * 1 + 66"); int result = (Integer) expression.getValue(); System.out.println("计算结果是:" + result); System.out.println("result: " + new Calculator("10 + 30").calculate()); System.out.println("result: " + new Calculator("10 + 30 - 20").calculate()); System.out.println("result: " + new Calculator("100 * 2 + 400 * 1 + 66").calculate()); } }
private void compile() { // Handle canonical equivalences if (has(CANON_EQ) && !has(LITERAL)) { normalize(); } else { normalizedPattern = pattern; } patternLength = normalizedPattern.length(); // Copy pattern to int array for convenience // Use double zero to terminate pattern temp = new int[patternLength + 2]; hasSupplementary = false; int c, count = 0; // Convert all chars into code points for (int x = 0; x < patternLength; x += Character.charCount(c)) { c = normalizedPattern.codePointAt(x); if (isSupplementary(c)) { hasSupplementary = true; } temp[count++] = c; } patternLength = count; // patternLength now in code points if (! has(LITERAL)) RemoveQEQuoting(); // Allocate all temporary objects here. buffer = new int[32]; groupNodes = new GroupHead[10]; namedGroups = null; if (has(LITERAL)) { // Literal pattern handling matchRoot = newSlice(temp, patternLength, hasSupplementary); matchRoot.next = lastAccept; } else { // Start recursive descent parsing matchRoot = expr(lastAccept); // Check extra pattern characters if (patternLength != cursor) { if (peek() == ')') { throw error("Unmatched closing ')'"); } else { throw error("Unexpected internal error"); } } } // Peephole optimization if (matchRoot instanceof Slice) { root = BnM.optimize(matchRoot); if (root == matchRoot) { root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot); } } else if (matchRoot instanceof Begin || matchRoot instanceof First) { root = matchRoot; } else { root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot); } // Release temporary storage temp = null; buffer = null; groupNodes = null; patternLength = 0; compiled = true; } Map<String, Integer> namedGroups() { if (namedGroups == null) namedGroups = new HashMap<>(2); return namedGroups; }
private Pattern(String p, int f) { //保存数据 pattern = p; flags = f; // to use UNICODE_CASE if UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS present if ((flags & UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) != 0) flags |= UNICODE_CASE; // Reset group index count capturingGroupCount = 1; localCount = 0; if (pattern.length() > 0) { //调用编译方法 compile(); } else { root = new Start(lastAccept); matchRoot = lastAccept; } }