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  • make——命令备份

    Configure complete! Now proceed with:
        - 'make'               compile the project
        - 'make check'         run the project's selftest
        - 'make check-<test-name>'    run the project's selftest
        - 'make install'       install the project to /usr/local/czmq
        - 'make bindings       install enabled language bindings (Python, etc)
    Further options are:
        - 'make callcheck'     run the project's selftest with valgrind to
                               check for performance leaks
        - 'make check-verbose' run the project's selftest in verbose mode
        - 'make code'          generate code from models in src directory
                               (requires zproject and zproto)
        - 'make debug'         run the project's selftest under gdb
        - 'make memcheck'      run the project's selftest with valgrind to
                               check for memory leaks
        - 'make coverage'      generate project's selftest coverage report
                               expects --with-gcov option for configure
        - 'make clang-format-check'   check if project sources conform
                               to style requirements
        - 'make clang-format'  modify project sources to conform
                               to style requirements
        - 'make clang-format-diff'    modify as above and print 'git diff'
    localhost:czmq chong$ 
    localhost:czmq chong$ 
    localhost:czmq chong$ ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/czmq


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xingchong/p/15770033.html
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