yum install git
cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/mzupan/nagios-plugin-mongodb/archive/master.zip
unzip master
mv nagios-plugin-mongodb-master nagios-plugin-mongodb
chown -R nagios.nagios nagios-plugin-mongodb/
2. 安装Mongo Python驱动
tar -xvf pypa-setuptools-5c8ce4511aa5.tar.gz
cd pypa-setuptools-5c8ce4511aa5
python setup install
git clone git://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver.git pymongo
cd pymongo/
python setup.py install
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd mongo-python-driver-master
python setup.py install
3. 测试驱动安装:
[mongodb_f003 nagios-plugin-mongodb]#./check_mongodb.py --help
Usage: check_mongodb.py [options]
This Nagios plugin checks the health of mongodb.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host=HOST The hostname you want to connect to
-P PORT, --port=PORT The port mongodb is runnung on
-u USER, --user=USER The username you want to login as
-p PASSWD, --pass=PASSWD
The password you want to use for that user
The warning threshold we want to set
The critical threshold we want to set
-A ACTION, --action=ACTION
The action you want to take
--max-lag Get max replication lag (for replication_lag action
--mapped-memory Get mapped memory instead of resident (if resident
memory can not be read)
-D, --perf-data Enable output of Nagios performance data
-d DATABASE, --database=DATABASE
Specify the database to check
--all-databases Check all databases (action database_size)
-s, --ssl Connect using SSL
-r, --replicaset Connect to replicaset
-q QUERY_TYPE, --querytype=QUERY_TYPE
The query type to check
[query|insert|update|delete|getmore|command] from
Specify the collection to check
Time used to sample number of pages faults
4. 定义nagios command
[mongodb_f002 etc]#vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg
define command {
command_name check_mongodb
command_line /etc/nagios/command/nagios-plugin-mongodb/check_mongodb.py -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -A $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$
5 加入mongo监控的配置
vi hosts.cfg
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name Mongodb-Linux
service_description mongodb
check_command check_mongodb!connect!30000!10!30
notifications_enabled 1
6. 检查配置
./bin/nagios -v ./etc/nagios.cfg
7.重启nagios reload
service nagios restart