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  • 题解【LOJ10094】「一本通 3.5 练习 2」消息的传递



    Tarjan 缩点后,统计入度为 (0) 的点的个数,直接输出即可。

    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    inline int gi()
    	int f = 1, x = 0; char c = getchar();
    	while (c < '0' || c > '9') {if (c == '-') f = -1; c = getchar();}
    	while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') x = x * 10 + c - '0', c = getchar();
    	return f * x;
    const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f, N = 1003, M = N * N;
    int n, m;
    int head[N], headc[N], ver[M], nxt[M], tot;
    int dfn[N], low[N], tim, stk[N], topp, scc_cnt, id[N];
    bool in_stk[N];
    int in[N];
    inline void add(int h[], int u, int v)
        ver[++tot] = v, nxt[tot] = h[u], h[u] = tot;
    void Tarjan(int u)
        dfn[u] = low[u] = ++tim, stk[++topp] = u, in_stk[u] = true;
        for (int i = head[u]; i; i = nxt[i])
            int v = ver[i];
            if (!dfn[v])
                low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
            else if (in_stk[v]) low[u] = min(low[u], dfn[v]);
        if (dfn[u] == low[u])
            int y = -1;
                y = stk[topp--];
                in_stk[y] = false;
                id[y] = scc_cnt;
            } while (y != u);
    int main()
        n = gi();
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i+=1)
            for (int j = 1; j <= n; j+=1)
                int x = gi();
                if (x) add(head, i, j);
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i+=1) if (!dfn[i]) Tarjan(i);
        for (int u = 1; u <= n; u+=1)
            for (int i = head[u]; i; i = nxt[i])
                int v = ver[i];
                if (id[u] != id[v])
                    add(headc, id[u], id[v]), ++in[id[v]];
        int ans = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= scc_cnt; i+=1)
            if (!in[i])
        cout << ans << endl;
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xsl19/p/12969092.html
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