################################ 需求:yct_analysis_v1请求不同的url,odoo返回对应的处理代码 ################################ odoo https://hub.docker.com/_/odoo https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/howtos/backend.html https://github.com/pyhunterpig/odoo_jsonrpc_client https://www.jianshu.com/p/db329c37adc6?isappinstalled=0 https://hub.docker.com/_/odoo?tab=description 配置docker镜像加速: curl -sSL https://get.daocloud.io/daotools/set_mirror.sh | sh -s http://f1361db2.m.daocloud.io systemctl restart docker docker安装odoo: docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres --name db postgres:10 docker run -v /home/xjj/odoo/config:/etc/odoo -v /home/xjj/odoo/addons:/mnt/extra-addons -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -d odoo:latest docker run -v d:/git_jst/odoo/config:/etc/odoo -v d:/git_jst/odoo/addons:/mnt/extra-addons -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -d odoo:latest https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/howtos/backend.html http://www.odoov.com/index.php?title=首页 https://github.com/odoo/docker https://github.com/odoo/odoo https://www.cnblogs.com/qianheng/p/6388105.html https://www.cnblogs.com/hellosen/p/11051414.html /usr/bin/odoo scaffold openacademy /mnt/extra-addons create an empty module: odoo scaffold test /mnt/extra-addons/ PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/extra-addons/test' 解决:chmod 777 /home/xjj/odoo/* ################################
https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/howtos/backend.html#advanced-views Start/Stop the Odoo server # docker start/stop odoo Build an Odoo module Composition of a module # Business objects,Data files,Web controllers,Static web data Module structure # /usr/bin/odoo scaffold openacademy /mnt/extra-addons # /odoo/config/odoo.conf # addons/openacademy/__manifest__.py # addons/openacademy/__init__.py Object-Relational Mapping # ORM # _name = 'test.model' #which is required and defines the name for the model in the Odoo system Model fields # name = fields.Char() #Fields are used to define what the model can store and where. Common Attributes # name = field.Char(required=True) #fields can be configured # Some attributes are available on all fields, here are the most common ones (string ,required ,help ,index ) Simple fields # Example of simple fields are Boolean, Date, Char. Reserved fields # id (Id),create_date (Datetime),create_uid (Many2one),write_date (Datetime),write_uid (Many2one) Special fields # _name = 'test.model' #which is required and defines the name for the model in the Odoo system # name # various display and search behaviors # overridden by setting _rec_name Data files # XML + CSV # record:model,id field:name # docker restart odoo # how to insert data into the database? and visible? Actions and Menus # <menuitem> Basic views # Each type of view # via their type,via their id #lowest-priority view #View inheritance Generic view declaration # ir.ui.view #arch xml Tree views # <tree> Form views # <form> ,groups, notebooks buttons ,fields Search views # <search> Relations between models Relational fields # Many2one,One2many,related_field,Many2many Inheritance Model inheritance # _inherit View inheritance # inherit_id,arch ,xpath Domains # select a subset of a model’s records # Domains on relational fields Computed fields and default values # computed on-the-fly by calling a method of the model # compute self # The object self is a recordset Dependencies # depends() Default values # default=X,self.env Onchange # onchange() Model constraints # constrains() # _sql_constraints Advanced Views Tree views # decoration-{$name} Calendars # <calendar>:color,date_start,date_stop,string Search views # <field> @filter_domain # <filter> domain context Gantt # <gantt> Graph views # <graph> Pivot views (Bar Line Pie) (row measure) Kanban # <kanban> Security # Access control,a coherent security policy. Group-based access control mechanisms # res.groups Access rights # the Odoo interface Settings # ir.model.access.csv Record rules # security.xml Wizards # TransientModel, (transient, have all permissions, refer to) # wizard.py Launching wizards # ir.actions.act_window,target ,src_model Internationalization # openacademy/i18n/ # Administration ‣ Translations Reporting Printed reports Dashboards WebServices XML-RPC Library JSON-RPC Library
################################ 安装docker: 配置docker镜像加速: curl -sSL https://get.daocloud.io/daotools/set_mirror.sh | sh -s http://f1361db2.m.daocloud.io systemctl restart docker docker安装odoo: docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -p 5433:5432 --name db postgres:10 docker run -v /home/xjj/odoo/config:/etc/odoo -v /home/xjj/odoo/addons:/mnt/extra-addons -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -d odoo:latest 配置文件及模块: /home/xjj/odoo/config/odoo.conf odoo scaffold test /mnt/extra-addons/ 报错:PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/extra-addons/test' 解决: 方案1:chmod 777 /home/xjj/odoo/* 方案2:参考:https://www.lmlphp.com/user/2916/article/item/25760/ odoo:x:101:989::/opt/odoo:/bin/bash 在windows下开发: zip -r test.zip test unzip test.zip 安装samba服务: 共享目录:/home/xjj/odoo 用户:smb 密码:123456 \ PyCharm 连接服务器进行远程开发和调试: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38330654 https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/news/231582 创建新的数据库 开发者模式 刷新本地模块 安装,升级 docker输出日志截取: docker logs -f --since="2019-09-04" odoo docker容器启动后追加端口映射:(不想删除容器重建的情况下,可以用这种方法) https://www.cnblogs.com/shijf/p/10386193.html https://www.fujieace.com/docker/portbindings.html /var/lib/docker/containers/967feb892faa11e71dd1cf7d252ae138e28610e03e4ae44efa3d40f11df0a1a8/hostconfig.json "PortBindings":{"5432/tcp":[{"HostIp":"","HostPort":"5432"}]} /var/lib/docker/containers/967feb892faa11e71dd1cf7d252ae138e28610e03e4ae44efa3d40f11df0a1a8/config.v2.json "Ports":{"5432/tcp":[{"HostIp":"","HostPort":"5432"}]} "PortBindings":{"8069/tcp":[{"HostIp":"","HostPort":"8069"}]} "ExposedPorts":{"8069/tcp":{},"8071/tcp":{}} "Ports":{"8069/tcp":[{"HostIp":"","HostPort":"8069"}],"8071/tcp":null} 重启,刷新,升级 model: 设置|技术|数据库结构|模型|搜索 view: data files Actions and Menus 现在我们有一个存储数据的模型,我们应该在用户界面上可以操作它 注意权限 webservice: 请求url,返回code。 api接口:url当作参数请求过去,odoo返回处理代码。 Ok ################################