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  • mesos支持gpu代码分析以及capos支持gpu实现

    这篇文章涉及mesos如何在原生的mesoscontainerizer和docker containerizer上支持gpu的,以及如果自己实现一个mesos之上的framework capos支持gpu调度的实现原理,(capos是hulu内部的资源调度平台 refer to https://www.cnblogs.com/yanghuahui/p/9304302.html)。

    mesos slave在启动的时候需要初始化containerizer的resource,包含cpu/mem/gpu等,这对于mesos containerizer和docker containerizer都是通用的

    void Slave::initialize() {
       Try<Resources> resources = Containerizer::resources(flags);

    然后到了src/slave/containerizer/containerizer.cpp 代码块中, 根据mesos-slave/agent的启动参数flags,调用allocator逻辑

    Try<Resources> Containerizer::resources(const Flags& flags)
      // GPU resource.
      Try<Resources> gpus = NvidiaGpuAllocator::resources(flags);
      if (gpus.isError()) {
        return Error("Failed to obtain GPU resources: " + gpus.error());
      // When adding in the GPU resources, make sure that we filter out
      // the existing GPU resources (if any) so that we do not double
      // allocate GPUs.
      resources = gpus.get() + resources.filter(
          [](const Resource& resource) {
            return resource.name() != "gpus";

    src/slave/containerizer/mesos/isolators/gpu/allocator.cpp 会用nvidia的管理gpu的命令nvml以及根据启动参数,返回这台机器上gpu的资源,供之后的调度使用。

    // To determine the proper number of GPU resources to return, we
    // need to check both --resources and --nvidia_gpu_devices.
    // There are two cases to consider:
    //   (1) --resources includes "gpus" and --nvidia_gpu_devices is set.
    //       The number of GPUs in --resources must equal the number of
    //       GPUs within --nvidia_gpu_resources.
    //   (2) --resources does not include "gpus" and --nvidia_gpu_devices
    //       is not specified. Here we auto-discover GPUs using the
    //       NVIDIA management Library (NVML). We special case specifying
    //       `gpus:0` explicitly to not perform auto-discovery.
    static Try<Resources> enumerateGpuResources(const Flags& flags)

    因为gpu资源是需要绑定gpu卡number的,gpu资源在调度的数据结构中,是一个set<Gpu>, allocator.go提供allocate和deallocate接口的实现

      Future<Nothing> allocate(const set<Gpu>& gpus)
        set<Gpu> allocation = available & gpus;
        if (allocation.size() < gpus.size()) {
          return Failure(stringify(gpus - allocation) + " are not available");
        available = available - allocation;
        allocated = allocated | allocation;
        return Nothing();
      Future<Nothing> deallocate(const set<Gpu>& gpus)
        set<Gpu> deallocation = allocated & gpus;
        if (deallocation.size() < gpus.size()) {
          return Failure(stringify(gpus - deallocation) + " are not allocated");
        allocated = allocated - deallocation;
        available = available | deallocation;
        return Nothing();

    但是封装到上层,供containerizer调用的时候,指定需要allocate的gpu number就可以

    Future<set<Gpu>> NvidiaGpuAllocator::allocate(size_t count)
      // Need to disambiguate for the compiler.
      Future<set<Gpu>> (NvidiaGpuAllocatorProcess::*allocate)(size_t) =
      return process::dispatch(data->process, allocate, count);


    Future<Nothing> NvidiaGpuAllocator::deallocate(const set<Gpu>& gpus)
      return process::dispatch(

    然后如果作业是用docker containerizer,可以看到src/slave/containerizer/docker.cpp中调用gpu的逻辑

    Future<Nothing> DockerContainerizerProcess::allocateNvidiaGpus(
        const ContainerID& containerId,
        const size_t count)
      if (!nvidia.isSome()) {
        return Failure("Attempted to allocate GPUs"
                       " without Nvidia libraries available");
      if (!containers_.contains(containerId)) {
        return Failure("Container is already destroyed");
      return nvidia->allocator.allocate(count)

    所以之上,就是在slave中启动的时候加载确认gpu资源,然后在启动containerizer的时候,可以利用slave中维护的gpu set资源池,去拿到资源,之后启动作业。

    那capos是如何实现的呢,capos是hulu内部的资源调度平台(refer to https://www.cnblogs.com/yanghuahui/p/9304302.html),因为自己实现了mesos的capos containerizer,我们的做法是,在mesos slave注册的时候显示的通过参数或者自动探测的机制,发现gpu资源,然后用--resources=gpu range的形式启动mesos agent,这样offer资源的gpu在capos看来就是一个range,可以类似使用port资源的方式,来调度gpu,在capos containerizer中,根据调度器指定的gpu range,去绑定一个或者多个gpu资源到docker nvidia runtime中。完成gpu调度功能。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yanghuahui/p/9381857.html
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