线性表(Linear List) :
当n>0时,将非空的线性表记作:(a1,a2,…an) ,a1称为线性表的第一个(首)结点,an称为线性表的最后一个(尾)结点。
#ifndef _TYPE_H_ #define _TYPE_H_ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define INIT_SIZE 20 #define INCREMENT 10 #define OVERFLOW -2 typedef int Boolean; typedef char ElemType; #endif
/******************************************************** Author: ydp Version: 1.0 Date: 2013/05/03 File name: SqList.c Description: sequence list. Function List: init(): History: none *********************************************************/ #include "type.h" typedef struct ArrayList { ElemType *elem; int length; int size; }SqList; Boolean initList(SqList *L); Boolean insertList(SqList *L,ElemType elem, int pos); Boolean delList(SqList *L,int pos); Boolean updateList(SqList *L,ElemType elem, int pos); int findList(SqList *L,ElemType elem); Boolean destroyList(SqList *L); int main(void) { SqList L,*p; p=&L; Boolean flag = initList(&L); ElemType e = 'y'; flag = insertList(&L,e,1); e = 'p'; insertList(&L,e,2); e = 'd'; insertList(&L,e,2); printf("before delete: %s ",p->elem); delList(&L,1); printf("L->elem: %s ",p->elem); printf("L->elem[0]: %c ",p->elem[0]); printf("L->size: %d ",p->size); printf("L->length: %d ",p->length); insertList(&L,e,1); updateList(&L,'y',1); printf("after update: %s ",p->elem); int pos = findList(&L,'p'); printf("pos: %d ",pos); destroyList(&L); if(p->elem==NULL) { printf("L->elem==NULL "); } return 0 ; } Boolean initList(SqList *L) { printf("Init sqList start! "); L->elem = (ElemType *)malloc(INIT_SIZE*sizeof(ElemType)); if(L->elem==NULL) { printf("Init sqList false! "); exit(OVERFLOW); } L->length = 0; L->size = INIT_SIZE; printf("Init sqList success! "); return TRUE; } Boolean insertList(SqList *L,ElemType elem,int pos) { printf("Insert list start! "); if(L->elem==NULL) { printf("List is not init! "); initList(L); }else if(L->length >= L->size) { L->elem = (ElemType *) realloc (L->elem,(L->size+INCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType)); L->size = L->size + INCREMENT; if(L->elem == NULL) { exit(OVERFLOW); } } if(pos<0 || pos > L->length+1) { printf("Error position!"); return FALSE; } if(L->length > 0) { int len=L->length-1; for(len ; len>=pos-1 ; len--){ L->elem[len+1]=L->elem[len]; } } L->elem[pos-1] = elem; ++L->length; printf("Insert list success: %c ",elem); return TRUE; } Boolean delList(SqList *L, int pos) { if(pos > L->length || pos < 1) { printf("del error position!"); return FALSE; } for(;pos<=L->length;pos++) { L->elem[pos-1]=L->elem[pos]; } L->length--; return TRUE; } Boolean updateList(SqList *L,ElemType elem, int pos) { if(pos<0 || pos >= L->length) { printf("Update elem error place!"); return FALSE; } L->elem[pos-1]=elem; return TRUE; } int findList(SqList *L,ElemType elem) { if(L->elem == NULL) { return -1; } int i=0; for(;i<L->length;i++) { if(elem == L->elem[i]) return i+1; } return -1; } Boolean destroyList(SqList *L) { if(L->elem) { free(L->elem); L->elem=NULL; printf("Destroy line list success! "); } }
#ifndef _LIST_H_ #define _LIST_H_ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 typedef int Boolean; typedef char ElemType; typedef struct ListNode { ElemType elem; struct ListNode *next; }LNode; Boolean isEmpty(LNode *node); void print(LNode *node); void addList_tail(LNode *node,int num); void addList_head(LNode *node,int num); ElemType getElem(LNode *L,int i); int locateElem(LNode *L, ElemType key); Boolean insertElem(LNode *L, ElemType key, int addr); Boolean modifyElem(LNode *L, ElemType key, int addr); Boolean deleteElem(LNode *L, int addr); #endif
#include"list.h" #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(void) { LNode *p,*head; head=p=(LNode *)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); head->next=NULL; if(isEmpty(p)){ printf("List is null "); }else { printf("List is not null "); } addList_tail(head,5); // addList_head(head,5); print(head); ElemType e = getElem(head,2); printf("getElem(2)=%c ",e); int add = locateElem(head,'f'); printf("locateElem(f)=%d ",add); if(insertElem(head,'i',2)){ printf("insert(head,'i',2) sucess! "); }else{ printf("insert(head,'i',2) fail! "); } print(head); if(modifyElem(head,'h',1)){ printf("modifyElem(head,'h',1) success! "); }else{ printf("modifyElem(head,'h',1) success! "); } print(head); if(deleteElem(head,1)){ printf("deleteElem(head,1) sucess! "); }else{ printf("deleteElem(head,1) sucess! "); } print(head); } Boolean isEmpty(LNode *node){ if(node->next != NULL){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void print(LNode *node){ while(node->next != NULL){ node=node->next; printf("elem:%c ",node->elem); } } void addList_tail(LNode *node,int num){ LNode *p,*q; int i; p=node; char e; printf("will input %d elem!",num); for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ q=(LNode *)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); printf(" please input the %dth elem:",i); scanf("%c",&e); //The follow 2line is clear ‘' ' in memery int c; while ((c=getchar()) != ' ' && c != EOF); //fflush(stdin); q->elem=e; q->next=p->next; p->next=q; p=q; } } void addList_head(LNode *node,int num){ LNode *p,*q; int i; p=node; char e; printf("will input %d elem!",num); for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ q=(LNode *)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); printf(" please input the %dth elem:",i); scanf("%c",&e); int c; while ((c=getchar()) != ' ' && c != EOF); q->elem=e; q->next=p->next; p->next=q; //p=q; } } ElemType getElem(LNode *L,int i) { int count=0; LNode *p; p=L; for(;count<i;count++) { if(p->next!=NULL){ p=p->next; } else { printf("out of boundry!"); return ; } } return p->elem; } int locateElem(LNode *L, ElemType key) { int count=0; LNode *p; p=L; while(p->next != NULL) { p=p->next; count++; if(p->elem == key) return count; } return -1; } Boolean insertElem(LNode *L, ElemType key, int addr) { LNode *p,*q; p = L; int count; for(count=1;count<addr;count++) { if(p->next != NULL) p=p->next; else { printf("Wrong addr!"); return FALSE; } } q=(LNode *)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); q->next = p->next; p->next = q; q->elem = key; return TRUE; } Boolean modifyElem(LNode *L, ElemType key, int addr) { LNode *p; p=L; int count; for(count=0;count<addr;count++) { if(p->next != NULL) p=p->next; else { printf("Wrong addr!"); return FALSE; } } p->elem = key; return TRUE; } Boolean deleteElem(LNode *L, int addr) { LNode *p,*q; p=L; int count; for(count=0;count<addr-1;count++) { if(p->next != NULL) p=p->next; else { printf("Wrong addr!"); return FALSE; } } q = p->next; p->next = q->next; free(q); return TRUE; }