.NET Micro Framework V4.2 QFE2最新版其实在8月14就已经发布了,不过最近由于相对较忙,所以现在才抽时间研究一下新版本,和V4.2 QFE1从代码角度来看,新版本有如下改变(http://netmf.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/23973)。
*Micro Booter 代码优化调整
*CLR_RT_HeapXXXX等相关函数,增加了 CLR_UINT32 blockSize 这个参数
DebuggerPort_Uninitialize( m_port );
另外 定义了一个 FAT_FS__DO_NOT_UPDATE_FILE_ACCESS_TIME 宏,因为文件系统中,如果文件一修改,就更改修改时间,代价还是蛮高的,如果不是特别在意文件的修改时间,又对文件系统操作的性能有要求,应该在配置文件中,定义这个宏。
*bool HAL_CONTINUATION::IsLinked()
* SSD1289显示驱动
增加了一个 TouchScreen.cs 文件
该文件中 增加了一个 break,不太理解,因为添加了之后,意味着串口必须一次读够要获取的数据了。
while(fRes && count > 0) { int read = ::USART_Read( port, (char*)ptr, count ); if(read == 0) { stack.m_evalStack[ 1 ].NumericByRef().s4 = totRead; TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(g_CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine.WaitEvents( stack.m_owningThread, *timeoutTicks, CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine::c_Event_SerialPort, fRes )); } else if(read < 0) { TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(CLR_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { ptr += read; totRead += read; count -= read; break; <-- 新增加的 } }
The additions for this release include adding support for the WinUSB driver in replacement of the current USB driver that had been associated with some deployment problems. Analog Output has also been added based on a contribution from Oberon Microsystems – part of the Mountaineer group that makes .NET Gadgeteer mainboards. Finally, support for installing the latest versions of GCC (4.6.1) has been added.
There have also been a number of performance improvements and minor bug fixes which include:
- File system
- Improved FS performance and some minor bug fixes
- Added continuation to flush the FS cache at a configurable time
- Wear Leveling
- Reworked the Driver to fix some issues around bad block replacement
- improved diagnostics for wear leveling
- MicroBooter
- Changes to support unaligned ZI/RW sections
- RW/RO sections are no longer required to be contiguous
- Fixed SREC processor to support multiple BS devices and non-contiguous memory streams
- Read buffer is now only 512K instead of a block size
- Touch Screen
- Improved the Gesture Driver
- Fixed some minor issues with the touch driver
- moved the touch event structures, enums, and delegates assembly (Microsoft.SPOT.Native)
- Others
- Thumb-2 assembly code updated and global lock implemented
- SerialPort.DiscardBuffer fixed (flushes the correct buffer)
- SerialPort.Read no longer blocking if data is available.
- Faster loadign of large heaps
- Support weak references with stubbed EWR
- Better support of emulated floating point bounds checking
- Better hex number formatting
- AppDomain.GetAssembly implemented
- Fixed issues with the stream reader (no longer waits forever to refill the buffer)
- Better handling of the case where RTIP is not installed as PK add-on but used in the solution