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  • leetcode68. Text Justification

    Given an array of words and a length L, format the text such that each line has exactly L characters and is fully (left and right) justified.

    You should pack your words in a greedy approach; that is, pack as many words as you can in each line. Pad extra spaces ' ' when necessary so that each line has exactly L characters.

    Extra spaces between words should be distributed as evenly as possible. If the number of spaces on a line do not divide evenly between words, the empty slots on the left will be assigned more spaces than the slots on the right.

    For the last line of text, it should be left justified and no extra space is inserted between words.

    For example,
    words: ["This", "is", "an", "example", "of", "text", "justification."]
    L: 16.

    Return the formatted lines as:

       "This    is    an",
       "example  of text",
       "justification.  "




    因此判断每行所选择的单词就涉及到了两个条件,一是单词的长度,单词的长度可以通过size函数获取;二是每行空字符的数量,根据题意,单词与单词之间至少有一个空字符,因此判断 当前累加单词长度+单词数量-1>给定长度 即可,然后在这个条件判断内部获取前面的单词和进行空字符分配。

    然而,通过上面的方式并不能得到最后一行的单词,最后一行的单词累加长度+必须的空字符数量<=给定长度,所以上面那种方法并不适用于最后一行的单词选择。这里可以通过判断 给定的这一组单词剩余的单词长度+必须的空字符数量<=给定长度 来选择最后一行的单词,这种方式肯定会增加程序的复杂程度。


    words.push_back(string(maxWidth, 'a'));


    空字符的分配相比较每行单词的选择更为复杂,首先需要知道每行空字符的数量,因为每行字符长度不得超过给定长度,因此 当前行空字符数量=给定长度-当前行单词累加长度,然后需要知道每行应分配几处空字符,即空字符应分配的区域有几处,通过例子可以看出,当单词数量为1时,有一处空字符,且空字符在最右边,当单词数量大于1时,空字符数量均匀分布,当不能完全均匀分布时,左边的空字符数量要多于右边,因此:

     k-- > 0 ? 当前位置应分配的空字符数量 = 当前行空字符数量 / 空字符应分配的区域数量 + 1 : 当前位置应分配的空字符数量 = 当前行空字符数量 / 空字符应分配的区域数量;
     str += string(当前位置应分配的空字符数量, ' ');





     1 class Solution{
     2   public:
     3     vector<string> fullJustify(vector<string> &words, int maxWidth){
     4         vector<string> sum;     //用于返回处理完后的数组
     5         int wordsWidth = 0;     //每行单词字符长度
     6         int nullCharTotalWidth, nullCharArea, nullCharWidth; //每行空字符总数量,每行空字符区间,每个空字符区间中空字符的数量
     7         int start = 0,k,flag=0;     //每次起始点,空字符总数%空字符区间,储存最后一行已用空字符
     8         string str = "";    //每行累加的字符串
     9         words.push_back(string(maxWidth, 'a'));
    10         for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i){
    11             wordsWidth += words[i].size();
    12             nullCharArea = i - start;
    13             if (wordsWidth + nullCharArea > maxWidth){
    14                 nullCharTotalWidth = maxWidth - wordsWidth + words[i].size();
    15                 --nullCharArea == 0 ? nullCharArea = 1 : nullCharArea = nullCharArea;
    16                 k = nullCharTotalWidth % nullCharArea;
    17                 for (int j = start; j < i; ++j){
    18                     str += words[j];
    19                     if (i == words.size() - 1){
    20                         j < i - 1 ? str += " ": str += string(nullCharTotalWidth - flag, ' ');
    21                         ++flag;
    22                         continue;
    23                     }
    24                     if ((j == i - 1) && (start != i - 1))   break;
    25                     k-- > 0 ? nullCharWidth = nullCharTotalWidth / nullCharArea + 1 : nullCharWidth = nullCharTotalWidth / nullCharArea;
    26                     str += string(nullCharWidth, ' ');
    27                 }
    28                 sum.push_back(str);
    29                 str = "";
    30                 wordsWidth = 0;
    31                 start = i--;
    32             }
    33         }
    34         return sum;
    35     }
    36 };
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