zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 情感交流篇:HTML页面如何与后端联系



      基本格式:$.get("后台一般处理程序文件路径",{传值,格式为  KEY:VULES},function(后台返回值){接到后台数据后处理});

    1 $.get("Ajax/ToBeAssigned.ashx?" + Math.random(5000), { Action: "Update", StudyNo: studyno, ExamNo: examno, DeptCode: DeptCode }, function(data) {
    2                 if (data != null) {
    3                     if (data == 1) {
    4                         $("#tow").append("<tr style='border: 0px;background:#FFFFFF'><td colspan='7' style='border: 0px;'><label style='color: #FF0000;'>关联成功!</label></td></tr>");
    5                     } else {
    6                         $("#tow").append("<tr style='border: 0px;background:#FFFFFF'><td colspan='7' style='border: 0px;'><label style='color: #FF0000;'>关联失败!</label></td></tr>");
    7                     }
    8                 }
    9             });

    ①后台获取前台出入的值,用  context.Request["KEY"]; 





    ①后台获取前台出入的值,用  context.Request.Form["KEY"]; 



     1 function ShowRegBox() {
     2     layer.open({
     3         type: 1,
     4         title: "注册",
     5         area: ["400px", "490px"],
     6         content: $("#regbox")
     7     });
     8 }
    10 function Reg()
    11 {
    12     var username = $("#txtRegUserName").val();
    13     var pwd = $.md5($("#txtRegPwd").val());
    14     var qq = $("#txtRegQQ").val();
    15     var email = $("#txtRegEmail").val();
    16     var tel = $("#txtRegTel").val();
    17     if (username == "" || pwd == "") {
    18         layer.msg("用户名密码不能为空!", { title: "提示", icon: 5 });
    19     }
    20     else {
    21         $.post("/demo.ashx", { "username": username, "pwd": pwd, "qq": qq, "email": email, "tel": tel, "cmd": "reg" }, function (data) {
    22             if(data=="注册成功")
    23             {
    24                 layer.msg(data, {
    25                     icon:6
    26                 });
    27             }
    28             else
    29             {
    30                 layer.msg(data, {
    31                     icon: 5
    32                 });
    33             }
    34         });
    35     }
    36 }


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Data;
      4 using System.Data.SqlClient;
      5 using System.Linq;
      6 using System.Web;
      8 namespace PROJECT20160712
      9 {
     10     /// <summary>
     11     /// demo 的摘要说明
     12     /// </summary>
     13     public class demo : IHttpHandler
     14     {
     15         public HttpContext context;
     16         public string strResult = "";
     17         public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     18         {
     19             this.context = context;
     20             string cmd=context.Request.Form["cmd"];
     21             switch(cmd)
     22             {
     23                 case"login":
     24                     strResult=LoginAjax();
     25                     break;
     26                 case "reg":
     27                     strResult = RegAjax();
     28                     break;
     29             }
     30             context.Response.Write(strResult);
     31         }
     33         public string RegAjax()
     34         {
     35             string username = context.Request.Form["username"];
     36             string pwd = context.Request.Form["pwd"];
     37             string qq = context.Request.Form["qq"];
     38             string email = context.Request.Form["email"];
     39             string tel = context.Request.Form["tel"];
     41             string strSql = string.Format("select * from login where username='{0}'", username);
     42             if (SqlHelper.Exists(strSql))
     43             {
     44                 return "该用户已经被注册";
     45             }
     46             else
     47             {
     48                 //string strSql1 = string.Format("insert into login values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}')", pwd, username, qq, email, tel);
     49                 string strSql1 = "insert into login values(@pwd,@username,@qq,@email,@tel)";
     50                 SqlParameter[] para1 = new SqlParameter[] 
     51                 { 
     52                     new SqlParameter("@pwd",SqlDbType.NVarChar), 
     53                     new SqlParameter("@username",SqlDbType.NVarChar) ,
     54                     new SqlParameter("@qq",SqlDbType.NVarChar), 
     55                     new SqlParameter("@email",SqlDbType.NVarChar) ,
     56                     new SqlParameter("@tel",SqlDbType.NVarChar) 
     57                 };
     58                 para1[0].Value = pwd;
     59                 para1[1].Value = username;
     60                 para1[2].Value = qq;
     61                 para1[3].Value = email;
     62                 para1[4].Value = tel;
     63                 if (SqlHelper.ExecteNonQueryText(strSql1, para1) > 0)
     64                 {
     65                     return "注册成功";
     66                 }
     67                 else
     68                 {
     69                     return "注册失败";
     70                 }
     71             }
     72         }
     73         public string LoginAjax()
     74         {
     75             //content上下文对象,包括下面2个方法
     76             //Request请求、Response响应
     77             string username = context.Request.Form["username"];
     78             string pwd = context.Request.Form["pwd"];
     79             //string strSql = string.Format("select * from Login where username='{0}' and pwd='{1}'", username, pwd);
     81             string strSql = "select * from Login where username=@username and pwd=@pwd";
     82             SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] 
     83             { 
     84                 new SqlParameter("@username",SqlDbType.NVarChar), 
     85                 new SqlParameter("@pwd",SqlDbType.NVarChar) 
     86             };
     87             para[0].Value = username;
     88             para[1].Value = pwd;
     90             if (SqlHelper.Exists(strSql))
     91             {
     92                 return "登录成功";
     93             }
     94             else
     95             {
     96                 return "登录帐号密码不匹配";
     97             }
     98         }
     99         public bool IsReusable
    100         {
    101             get
    102             {
    103                 return false;
    104             }
    105         }
    106     }
    107 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yinsheng/p/5680557.html
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