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  • SkylineGlobe 如何使用二次开发接口创建粒子效果



    下图是TerraExplorer Pro中对应的菜单界面:



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    	 <object id="SGWorld" classid="CLSID:3a4f9199-65a8-11d5-85c1-0001023952c1">    </object>
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            //alert('Rendering in: ' + rMode);
    var inEdit = false;
    var gParticleLabel = null;
    var gMaxEmmiters = 5;
    var gCurrentShowIndex = 1;
    // EditExisting
    function EditExisting(ObjectID) {
        //if (ObjectID === undefined) alert("EditExisting: undefined");
        if (inEdit)
            Reset(false, false);
        else LoadExistingObject(ObjectID);
    // LoadExistingObject
    function LoadExistingObject(ObjectID) {
        var selectedItemID;
        //if (ObjectID == null) alert("LoadExistingObject: null"); 
        if (ObjectID == null)
            selectedItemID = SGWorld.ProjectTree.GetNextItem("", 10);
            selectedItemID = ObjectID;
        if (selectedItemID == "") {
        gParticleLabel = SGWorld.ProjectTree.GetObject(selectedItemID);
        var xml = gParticleLabel.EffectXML;
        if (!xml || xml.indexOf("$$PARTICLE$$UserDefine") != 0) {
            Reset(false, false);
        //inEdit = true; Moved to 2nd line from the end, otherwise many updates are sent to TE while loading the XML to the propery sheets in the HTML.
        xml = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<?xml version")); //was 27 then 23
        xmlDoc = $.parseXML(xml);
        $xml = $(xmlDoc);
        var frameNum = 1;
        $xml.find("Particle>ParticleEmitter").each(function () {
            document.getElementById("tabs-" + frameNum.toString()).contentWindow.LoadParticle($(this));
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            $("#tabsCheck-" + frameNum).prop('checked', true);
            $('#tabs').tabs("enable", frameNum-1);
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            $("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked', false); 
            $('#tabs').tabs("disable", i-1);
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    // Init
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        objectID = GetParamValue("ObjectID", "");
        if (objectID != "") {
    // Reset
    function Reset(FirstTime, FromMouseInputMode) {
        try {
            inEdit = false;
            gParticleLabel = null;
            if (FirstTime != 1 && FromMouseInputMode == 0) {
                //        alert("input");
        catch (err) { isStart = false; }
    // AddFinishObject
    function AddFinishObject() {
        if (inEdit)
            Reset(false, false);
        else AddNewObject();
    // AddNewObject
    function AddNewObject() {
        inEdit = true;
        //Create label style
        var centerPos = SGWorld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld(-1).Position;
        centerPos.Altitude += 100;
        var labelStyle = SGWorld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(0);
        labelStyle.LockMode = 1;
        labelStyle.Scale = 0.3;
        gParticleLabel = SGWorld.Creator.CreateEffect(centerPos);
    function UpdateParticle() {
        if (!inEdit)
        var colorR ;
        var colorG ;
        var colorB ;
        var size;
        var sizeRatio;
        var sizeWithRatioX;
        var sizeWithRatioY;
        var particleSpeed;
        var speedX;
        var speedY;
        var speedZ;
        var imageName ;
        var shape;
        var speedShape;
        var rotationSpeed;
        var rotationTime;
        var rotationNodeConditional;
        var randomizeRotation;
        var render;
        var gravityX;
        var gravityY;
        var gravityZ;
        var force;
        var overrideRotation;
        var scaleX;
        var scaleY;
        var scaleZ;
        var drag;
        var maxParticles ;
        var rate ;
        var timeSpan ;
        var fadeIn ;
        var fadeOut ;
        var maxFade;
        var blend;
        var particleText = "$$PARTICLE$$UserDefine: 
     <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> 
     <Particle ID='Custom'>";
         for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) 
           if ($("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked')) 
                //Set label style params
                colorR = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorR;
                colorG = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorG;
                colorB = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorB;
                scaleX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleX;
                scaleY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleY;
                scaleZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleZ;
                size = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSize;
                sizeRatio = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSizeRatio;
                particleSpeed = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gParticleSpeed;
                speedX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirX;
                speedY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirY;
                speedZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirZ;
                imageName = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gImageName;
                shape = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gShape;
                speedShape = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedShape;
                rotationSpeed = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRotationSpeed;
                rotationTime = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRotationTime;
                randomizeRotation = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRandomizeRotation;
                render = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRender;
                gravityX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityX;
                gravityY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityY;
                gravityZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityZ;
                force = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gForce; 
                overrideRotation = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gOverrideRotation; 
                drag = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gDrag;
                maxParticles = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gMaxParticles;
                rate = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gRate;
                timeSpan = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gTimeSpan;
                fadeIn = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gFadeIn;
                fadeOut = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gFadeOut;
                maxFade = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gMaxFade;
                blend = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gBlend;
                rotationNodeConditional = (rotationSpeed == 0 || rotationTime == 0) ? "" : ("<Rotation Speed='" + rotationSpeed + "' Time='" + rotationTime + "' Initial='" + randomizeRotation + "' />" + "
                sizeWithRatioX = (sizeRatio >= 1) ? size : size / sizeRatio;
                sizeWithRatioY = (sizeRatio > 1) ? size * sizeRatio : size;
                particleText += "<ParticleEmitter ID='ring' NumParticles='" + maxParticles + "' Texture='" + imageName + "'>" + "
    " +
                  "<Emitter Rate='" + rate + "' Shape='" + shape + "' SpeedShape='" + speedShape + "' Scale='"+scaleX+","+scaleY+","+scaleZ+"' Speed='"+speedX+","+speedY+","+speedZ+"' />" + "
    " + // shape:(Cone, Sphere, ShellCone, ShellSphere, Ring, Disc, Cube), scale:the size of the shape in meters,  speed:(X,Alt,Z) disform the shape like it is in radius=1. 
                  "<Cycle Value='1' />" + "
    " + // 0=one time , 1=loop
                  "<Sort Value='1' />" + "
    " +
                  "<Render Value='" + render + "' />" + "
    " +
                  "<Gravity Value='" + gravityX + ", " + gravityY + ", " + gravityZ + "' />" + "
    " + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions
                  "<Force Value='" + force + "' OverrideRotation='" + overrideRotation + "' />" + "
    " + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions
                  "<Position Value='0, 0, 0' />" + "
    " + // doesn;t work
                  "<Life Value='" + timeSpan + "' />" + "
    " + // life of each particle in seconds
                  "<Speed Value='" + particleSpeed + "' />" + "
    " + // this value multiply the Emitter speed values (x,y,z)
                  "<Color Value='20," + colorR + "," + colorG + "," + colorB + "' />" + "
    " +
                  "<Size Value='" + sizeWithRatioX /*size*/ + "," + sizeWithRatioY /*size * sizeRatio*/ + "' />" + "
    " + // size of the particle image 1=original image size. Format: SizeX, SizeY
                  "<Drag Value='" + drag + "' />" + "
    " + // drag force (units like graviy)
                  "<Blend Type='" + blend + "' />" + "
    " +
                //***   "<Rotation Speed='0' Time='1.7' />" + "
    " + // optional: should be in a checkbox
                  "<Fade FadeIn='" + fadeIn + "' FadeOut='" + fadeOut + "' MaxFade='" + maxFade + "' />" + "
    " + // fade of each particle. FadeIn/fade out in seconds. Max fade - the maximum fade value (alpha 0-1)
                "</ParticleEmitter>" + "
      particleText += "</Particle>";
        gParticleLabel.EffectXML = particleText;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yitianhe/p/4663963.html
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