与对象状态的封装性相反,ruby中的类非常开放。每个ruby程序都可以为现有类添加方法,而且也可以为单个对象添加“单键方法(singleton method)”。
Classes are created in Ruby with the class keyword:
class Point
Like most Ruby constructs, a class definition is delimited with an end. In addition to
defining a new class, the class keyword creates a new constant to refer to the class. The
class name and the constant name are the same, so all class names must begin with a
capital letter.
Within the body of a class, but outside of any instance methods defined by the class,
the self keyword refer
写成class a会报错:
class/module name must be CONSTANT
p =
The constant Point holds a class object that represents our new class. All class objects
have a method named new that creates a new instance.
We can’t do anything very interesting with the newly created Point object we’ve stored
in the local variable p, because we haven’t yet defined any methods for the class. We
can, however, ask the new object what kind of object it is:
p.class # => Point
p.is_a? Point # => true
class Point def initialize(x,y) @x,@y=x,y end end
类对象的new方法在创建一个实例化,自动调用该实例的initialize方法,传给new方法的所有 参数被传递给initialize方法。
class Point def initialize(x,y) @x,@y=x,y end def to_s "(#@x,#@y)" end end
puts p
Accessors and Attributes 访问器和属性
def x @x def y @y
class Point def initialize(x,y) @x,@y=x,y end def to_s "(#@x,#@y)" end def x;@x;end def y;@y;end def x=(value) @x=value end def y=(value) @y=value end end
This combination of instance variable with trivial getter and setter methods is so common
that Ruby provides a way to automate it. The attr_reader and attr_accessor
methods are defined by the Module class. All classes are modules, (the Class class is a
subclass of Module) so you can invoke these method inside any class definition. Both
methods take any number of symbols naming attributes. attr_reader creates trivial
getter methods for the instance variables with the same name. attr_accessor creates
getter and setter methods. Thus, if we were defining a mutable Point class, we could
class Point
attr_accessor :x, :y # Define accessor methods for our instance variables
And if we were defining an immutable version of the class, we’d write:
class Point
attr_reader :x, :y # Define reader methods for our instance variables
Each of these methods can accept an attribute name or names as a string rather than
as a symbol. The accepted style is to use symbols, but we can also write code like this:
attr_reader "x", "y"
Defining Operators定义操作符
We’d like the + operator to perform vector addition of two Point objects, the * operator
to multiply a Point by a scalar, and the unary – operator to do the equivalent of multiplying
by –1. Method-based operators such as + are simply methods with punctuation
for names. Because there are unary and binary forms of the – operator, Ruby uses the
method name –@ for unary minus.减号有一元的和二元的。-@代表一元的。 Here is a version of the Point class with mathematical
operators defined:
class Point attr_reader :x, :y # Define accessor methods for our instance variables def initialize(x,y) @x,@y=x,y end def +(other) # Define + to do vector addition + other.x, @y + other.y) end def -@ # Define unary minus to negate both coordinates, -@y) end def *(scalar) # Define * to perform scalar multiplication*scalar, @y*scalar) end end
# If we try passing a Point to the * method of an Integer, it will call
# this method on the Point and then will try to multiply the elements of
# the array. Instead of doing type conversion, we switch the order of
# the operands, so that we invoke the * method defined above.
def coerce(other)
[self, other]
Array and Hash Access with [ ]
Ruby uses square brackets for array and hash access, and allows any class to define a
[] method and use these brackets itself. Let’s define a [] method for our class to allow
Point objects to be treated as read-only arrays of length 2, or as read-only hashes with
keys :x and :y:
def [](index) case index when 0, -2 then @x when 1,-1 then @y when :x,"x" then @x when :y,"y" then @y else nil end end
Enumerating Coordinates枚举坐标
If a Point object can behave like an array with two elements, then perhaps we ought tobe able to iterate through those elements as we can with a true array. Here is a definition
of the each iterator for our Point class. Because a Point always has exactly two elements,
our iterator doesn’t have to loop; it can simply call yield twice:因为Point仅仅只有2个元素,没必要loop,仅仅调用yield两次即可。
# This iterator passes the X coordinate to the associated block, and then
# passes the Y coordinate, and then returns. It allows us to enumerate
# a point as if it were an array with two elements. This each method is
# required by the Enumerable module.
def each
yield @x
yield @y
With this iterator defined, we can write code like this:
p =,2)
p.each {|x| print x } # Prints "12"
include Enumerable
#is the point p at the origin
p.all? {|x| x==0} #true if the block is true for all elems