题目是:有2个10G的数据库,存储了一些string. 2者之间有一些重复的数据。请把它们合并为一个数据库,并且去除重复。
例如: DB1: cmu, ucb, stanford, nyu
DB2: ucsb, ucb, ucsd, cmu.
两者合并后,应该是: DB: cmu, ucb, stanford, nyu, ucsb, ucsd.
作法:把DB1分为5个小的数据库,分别是DB11, DB12, DB13, DB14, DB15
把DB2分为5个小的数据库,分别是DB22, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25
把DB11 与 DB22, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25 分别进行Union操作,生成DB11Merge.
把DB12 与 DB22, DB22, DB23, DB24, DB25 分别进行Union操作,生成DB12Merge.
最后再把DB11Merge, DB12Merge, DB13Merge, DB14Merge, DB15Merge 合并在一起即可
mysql> insert into merge select * from persons2;
1. How do I merge two tables in Access while removing duplicates?
A UNION query returns only distinct rows. (There is also UNION ALL, but that would include duplicate rows, so you don't want it here.)

1 mysql> select * from persons2; +-----------+ 2 3 | FirstName | 4 5 +-----------+ 6 7 | zelin | 8 9 | qihao | 10 11 +-----------+ 12 13 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 14 15 16 17 mysql> select * from persons; 18 19 +-----------+ 20 21 | FirstName | 22 23 +-----------+ 24 25 | yu | 26 27 | zhixu | 28 29 | zelin | 30 31 +-----------+ 32 33 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) 34 35 36 37 mysql> 38 39 mysql> select * from persons union select * from persons2; 40 41 +-----------+ 42 43 | FirstName | 44 45 +-----------+ 46 47 | yu | 48 49 | zhixu | 50 51 | zelin | 52 53 | qihao | 54 55 +-----------+ 56 57 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
2. Join
An SQL JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them.
The most common type of join is: SQL INNER JOIN (simple join). An SQL INNER JOIN return all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met.
Let's look at a selection from the "Orders" table:
OrderID | CustomerID | OrderDate |
10308 | 2 | 1996-09-18 |
10309 | 37 | 1996-09-19 |
10310 | 77 | 1996-09-20 |
Then, have a look at a selection from the "Customers" table:
CustomerID | CustomerName | ContactName | Country |
1 | Alfreds Futterkiste | Maria Anders | Germany |
2 | Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados | Ana Trujillo | Mexico |
3 | Antonio Moreno Taquería | Antonio Moreno | Mexico |
Notice that the "CustomerID" column in the "Orders" table refers to the "CustomerID" in the "Customers" table. The relationship between the two tables above is the "CustomerID" column.
Then, if we run the following SQL statement (that contains an INNER JOIN):
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID;
Try it yourself »
it will produce something like this:
OrderID | CustomerName | OrderDate |
10308 | Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados | 9/18/1996 |
10365 | Antonio Moreno Taquería | 11/27/1996 |
10383 | Around the Horn | 12/16/1996 |
10355 | Around the Horn | 11/15/1996 |
10278 | Berglunds snabbköp | 8/12/1996 |
Different SQL JOINs
Before we continue with examples, we will list the types the different SQL JOINs you can use:
- INNER JOIN: Returns all rows when there is at least one match in BOTH tables
- LEFT JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table
- RIGHT JOIN: Return all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table
- FULL JOIN: Return all rows when there is a match in ONE of the tables
3. Full Join
在mysql中没有full join语句,我们需要用union:
mysql> SELECT * FROM persons LEFT JOIN persons2 ON persons.firstName=persons2.firstName UNION SELECT * FROM persons RIGHT JOIN persons2 ON persons.firstName=persons2.firstName;
| FirstName | FirstName |
| zelin | zelin |
| yu | NULL |
| zhixu | NULL |
| NULL | qihao |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4. REPLACE Syntax
使用replace语句也可以达到去重的效果。前提是,我们把想要去重的项目设置为primary key即可。
[INTO] tbl_name
{VALUES | VALUE} ({expr
| DEFAULT},...),(...),...
| DEFAULT}, ...
,...)] SELECT ...
works exactly like INSERT
, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for aPRIMARY KEY
index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted. See Section 13.2.5, “INSERT Syntax”.