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  • BZOJ 1500 Splay 全操作


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstring>
      3 #include <cstdio>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 #include <vector>
      6 #include <map>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <stack>
      9 #define mp make_pair
     10 #define pa pair<int,int>
     11 #define pb push_back
     12 #define fi first
     13 #define se second
     14 #define Key Root->ch[1]->ch[0]
     15 using namespace std;
     16 inline void Get_Int(int &x)
     17 {
     18     x=0; register char ch=getchar(); int f=1;
     19     while (ch<'0' || ch>'9') {if (ch=='-') f=-1; ch=getchar();}
     20     while (ch>='0' && ch<='9') {x=x*10+ch-'0'; ch=getchar();} x*=f;
     21 }
     22 inline void Put_Int(int x)
     23 {
     24     char ch[20]; register int top=0;
     25     if (x<0) putchar('-'),x=-x;
     26     if (x==0) ch[++top]='0';
     27     while (x) ch[++top]=x%10+'0',x/=10;
     28     while (top) putchar(ch[top--]); putchar('
     29 }
     30 inline int Max(int x,int y) {return x>y?x:y;}
     31 inline int Max3(int x,int y,int z) {return Max(x,Max(y,z));}
     32 inline void Swap(int &x,int &y) {int t=x;x=y;y=t;}
     33 inline bool StrCmp(char S1[],char S2[]) {for (int i=0;i<4;i++) if (S1[i]!=S2[i]) return false; return true;}
     34 //=============================================
     35 const int Maxn=600010;
     36 const int Inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
     37 int a[Maxn],pos,tot,c,n,m,Point;
     38 char str[30];
     39 struct Node
     40 {
     41     int lx,rx,mx,sum,size,key,rev,same;
     42     Node * pre,* ch[2];
     43     inline int d() {return this->pre->ch[1]==this;}
     44     inline void Setc(Node * r,int d) {r->pre=this; this->ch[d]=r;}
     45 };
     46 inline void Swap(Node *&x,Node *&y) {Node * T=x;x=y;y=T;}
     47 Node Memory[Maxn],* port=Memory,* tmp[Maxn],* Bin[Maxn],* null=port++,* Root;
     48 inline Node * NewNode(Node * f,int v)
     49 {
     50     Node * ret;
     51     if (Point) ret=Bin[Point--]; else ret=port++; 
     52     ret->ch[0]=ret->ch[1]=null;
     53     ret->size=1,ret->pre=f;
     54     ret->key=ret->lx=ret->rx=ret->mx=ret->sum=v;
     55     ret->same=ret->rev=0;
     56     return ret;
     57 }
     58 inline void Get_Rev(Node * x)
     59 {
     60     if (x==null) return;
     61     Swap(x->ch[0],x->ch[1]);
     62     Swap(x->lx,x->rx);
     63     x->rev^=1;
     64 }
     65 inline void Get_Same(Node * x,int v)
     66 {
     67     if (x==null) return;
     68     x->key=v; 
     69     x->sum=x->size*v;
     70     x->lx=x->rx=x->mx=Max(v,x->size*v);
     71     x->same=1;
     72 }
     73 inline void Push_Up(Node * x)
     74 {
     75     if (x==null) return;
     76     x->size=x->ch[0]->size+x->ch[1]->size+1;
     77     x->sum=x->ch[0]->sum+x->ch[1]->sum+x->key;
     78     x->lx=Max(x->ch[0]->lx,x->ch[0]->sum+x->key+Max(x->ch[1]->lx,0));
     79     x->rx=Max(x->ch[1]->rx,x->ch[1]->sum+x->key+Max(x->ch[0]->rx,0));
     80     x->mx=Max3(x->ch[0]->mx,x->ch[1]->mx,Max(x->ch[0]->rx,0)+x->key+Max(x->ch[1]->lx,0));
     81 }
     82 inline void Push_Down(Node * x)
     83 {
     84     if (x==null) return;
     85     if (x->rev)
     86     {
     87         Get_Rev(x->ch[0]);
     88         Get_Rev(x->ch[1]);
     89         x->rev=0;
     90     }
     91     if (x->same)
     92     {
     93         Get_Same(x->ch[0],x->key);
     94         Get_Same(x->ch[1],x->key);
     95         x->same=0;
     96     }
     97 }
     98 Node * Build(int l,int r,Node * f)
     99 {
    100     if (l>r) return null;
    101     int mid=(l+r)>>1;
    102     Node * ret=NewNode(f,a[mid]);
    103     ret->ch[0]=Build(l,mid-1,ret);
    104     ret->ch[1]=Build(mid+1,r,ret);
    105     Push_Up(ret);
    106     return ret;
    107 }
    108 inline void Init()
    109 {
    110     null->ch[0]=null->ch[1]=null->pre=null;
    111     null->size=null->key=null->sum=null->same=null->rev=0;
    112     null->lx=null->rx=null->mx=-Inf; 
    113     Root=NewNode(null,-1);
    114     Root->ch[1]=NewNode(Root,-1);
    115     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) Get_Int(a[i]);
    116     Key=Build(1,n,Root->ch[1]);
    117     Push_Up(Root->ch[1]),Push_Up(Root);
    118 }
    119 //=========================================================
    120 inline void Rotate(Node * x)
    121 {
    122     Node * y=x->pre; int d=x->d();
    123     y->pre->Setc(x,y->d());
    124     y->Setc(x->ch[!d],d);
    125     x->Setc(y,!d);
    126     Push_Up(y);
    127 }
    128 void Splay(Node * x,Node * Goal)
    129 {
    130     int s=1; tmp[1]=x; Node * r=x;
    131     while (r->pre!=null) tmp[++s]=r=r->pre;
    132     while (s) Push_Down(tmp[s--]);
    133     while (x->pre!=Goal)
    134         if (x->pre->pre==Goal) Rotate(x); else 
    135             (x->pre->d()==x->d())?(Rotate(x->pre),Rotate(x)):(Rotate(x),Rotate(x));
    136     Push_Up(x);
    137     if (Goal==null) Root=x;
    138 }
    139 //===========================================================
    140 Node * Get_K(Node * x,int k)
    141 {
    142     Push_Down(x);
    143     int t=x->ch[0]->size+1;
    144     if (t==k) return x;
    145     if (t>k) return Get_K(x->ch[0],k);
    146     else return Get_K(x->ch[1],k-t);
    147 }
    148 inline void Handle(int pos,int tot)
    149 {
    150     Splay(Get_K(Root,pos),null);
    151     Splay(Get_K(Root,pos+tot+1),Root);
    152 }
    153 inline void Insert()
    154 {
    155     Get_Int(pos),Get_Int(n);
    156     Handle(pos+1,0);
    157     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) Get_Int(a[i]);
    158     Key=Build(1,n,Root->ch[1]);
    159     Push_Up(Root->ch[1]),Push_Up(Root);
    160 }
    161 void Erase(Node * x)
    162 {
    163     if (x==null) return;
    164     Erase(x->ch[0]),Erase(x->ch[1]);
    165     Bin[++Point]=x;
    166 }
    167 inline void Delete()
    168 {
    169     Get_Int(pos),Get_Int(tot);
    170     Handle(pos,tot);
    171     Erase(Key); Key->pre=null; Key=null;
    172     Push_Up(Root->ch[1]),Push_Up(Root);
    173 }
    174 inline void Same()
    175 {
    176     Get_Int(pos),Get_Int(tot),Get_Int(c);
    177     Handle(pos,tot);
    178     Get_Same(Key,c);
    179     Push_Up(Root->ch[1]),Push_Up(Root);
    180 }
    181 inline void Rev()
    182 {
    183     Get_Int(pos),Get_Int(tot);
    184     Handle(pos,tot);
    185     Get_Rev(Key);
    186     Push_Up(Root->ch[1]),Push_Up(Root);
    187 }
    188 inline void Sum()
    189 {
    190     Get_Int(pos),Get_Int(tot);
    191     Handle(pos,tot);
    192     Put_Int(Key->sum);
    193 }
    194 inline void MaxSum()
    195 {
    196     Handle(1,Root->size-2);
    197     Put_Int(Key->mx);
    198 }
    199 void InOrder(Node * x)
    200 {
    201     if (x==null) return;
    202     Push_Down(x);
    203     InOrder(x->ch[0]);
    204     printf("%d ",x->key);
    205     InOrder(x->ch[1]);
    206 }
    208 int main()
    209 {
    210     Get_Int(n),Get_Int(m);
    211     Init();
    212     for (int i=1;i<=m;i++)
    213     {
    214         scanf("%s",str);
    215         if (StrCmp(str,"INSERT")) Insert();
    216         if (StrCmp(str,"DELETE")) Delete();
    217         if (StrCmp(str,"MAKE-SAME")) Same();
    218         if (StrCmp(str,"REVERSE")) Rev();
    219         if (StrCmp(str,"GET-SUM")) Sum();
    220         if (StrCmp(str,"MAX-SUM")) MaxSum();
    221     }
    222     return 0;
    223 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yyjxx2010xyu/p/5589824.html
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