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  • s5_day7装饰器作业

    # 一:编写函数,(函数执行的时间是随机的)
    import time
    import random
    # def foo():
    #     time.sleep(random.randrange(1,5))
    #     print('haha')
    # foo()
    # 二:编写装饰器,为函数加上统计时间的功能
    # def timmer(func):
    #     def wrapper():
    #         start_time=time.time()
    #         func()
    #         stop_time=time.time()
    #         print('run time is %s'%(stop_time-start_time))
    #     return wrapper
    # @timmer
    # def foo():
    #     time.sleep(random.randrange(1,5))
    #     print('haha')
    # foo()
    # 三:编写装饰器,为函数加上认证的功能
    # def auth(func):
    #     def deco():
    #         name=input('name: ')
    #         pwd=input('password: ')
    #         if name=='egon' and pwd=='123':
    #             print('login successful')
    #             func()
    #         else:
    #             print('login erro')
    #     return deco
    # @auth
    # def foo():
    #     time.sleep(random.randrange(1,5))
    #     print('haha')
    # foo()
    # 四:编写装饰器,为多个函数加上认证的功能(用户的账号密码来源于文件),要求登录成功一次,后续的函数都无需再输入用户名和密码
    #     注意:从文件中读出字符串形式的字典,可以用eval('{"name":"egon","password":"123"}')转成字典格式
    # user_dic={
    #     'egon':'123',
    #     'alex':'alex3714',
    #     'wupeiqi':'wu13',
    #     'yuanhao':'123123'
    # }
    # with open('db.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #     f.write(str(user_dic))
    # with open('db.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #     res=f.read()
    #     #print(res,type(res))#字符串类型
    #     user_dic=eval(res)
    #     #print(user_dic,type(user_dic))#字典类型
    # db_path='db.txt'
    # login_dic={
    #     'user':None,
    #     'status':False,
    # }
    # def auth(func):
    #     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
    #         if login_dic['user'] and login_dic['status']:
    #             res = func(*args, **kwargs)
    #             return res
    #         name=input('your name: ')
    #         password=input('your password: ')
    #         with open(db_path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #             user_dic=eval(f.read())
    #         if name in user_dic and password == user_dic[name]:
    #                 print('login ok')
    #                 login_dic['user']=name
    #                 login_dic['status']=True
    #                 res=func(*args,**kwargs)
    #                 return res
    #         else:
    #             print('login err')
    #     return wrapper
    # @auth #auth(index)
    # def index():
    #     print('welecome to index')
    # @auth
    # def home(name):
    #     print('welecome %s to home page' %name)
    # index()
    # home('egon')
    # 五:编写下载网页内容的函数,要求功能是:用户传入一个url,函数返回下载页面的结果
    # from urllib.request import urlopen
    # def index(url):
    #     def get():
    #         return urlopen(url).read()
    #     return get
    # python = index('https://www.python.org')
    # print(python())
    # 六:为题目五编写装饰器,实现缓存网页内容的功能:
    #     具体:实现下载的页面存放于文件中,如果文件内有值(文件大小不为0),
    # 就优先从文件中读取网页内容,否则,就去下载,然后存到文件中
    # from urllib.request import urlopen
    # import os
    # cache_path=r'C:UsersAdministratorPycharmProjectspython5期day8cache.txt'
    # def make_cache(func):
    #     def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
    #         if os.path.getsize(cache_path):
    #             #有缓存,文件不为空
    #             print('33[45m=========>有缓存33[0m')
    #             with open(cache_path,'rb') as f:
    #                 res=f.read()
    #         else:
    #             res=func(*args,**kwargs) #下载
    #             with open(cache_path,'wb') as f: #制作缓存
    #                 f.write(res)
    #         return res
    #     return wrapper
    # @make_cache
    # def get(url):
    #     return urlopen(url).read()
    # print('================>first')
    # print(get('https://www.python.org'))
    # print('================>second')
    # print(get('https://www.python.org'))
    # print('================>third')
    # print(get('https://www.python.org'))
    # 七:还记得我们用函数对象的概念,制作一个函数字典的操作吗,
    # 来来来,我们有更高大上的做法,在文件开头声明一个空字典,
    # 然后在每个函数前加上装饰器,完成自动添加到字典的操作
    # func_dic = {}
    # def deco(key):
    #     def deco2(func):
    #         func_dic[key]=func
    #     return deco2
    # @deco('f1')#@deco2  func1=deco2(func1)
    # def func1():
    #     print("from f1")
    # @deco('f2')
    # def func2():
    #     print("from f2")
    # @deco('f3')
    # def func3():
    #     print("from f3")
    # print(func_dic)
    # while True:
    #     cmd=input('>>: ').strip()
    #     if cmd in func_dic:
    #         func_dic[cmd]()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/z-x-y/p/7019758.html
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