1 #!/bin/bash
3 DATE=$(date +%y%m%d)
4 FILE=archive$DATE.tar.gz
5 #The path to store the files you need to archive
6 CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/zhangxl/file_to_archive
7 DESTINATION=/tmp/zhangxl/$FILE
9 if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ]
10 then
11 echo
12 else
13 echo
14 echo "$CONFIG_FILE dose not exist"
15 echo "Backup not completed due to missing Configuration File"
16 echo
17 exit
18 fi
20 FILE_NO=1
21 #Redirect Std Input to name of Config File
22 exec < $CONFIG_FILE
23 read FILE_NAME
24 while [ $? -eq 0 ]
25 do
26 echo "file_name:" $FIEL_NAME
27 if [ -f $FILE_NAME -o -d $FILE_NAME ]
28 then
31 echo "==FILE_LIST==" $FILE_LIST
32 echo
33 else
34 echo
35 echo "$FILE_NAME ,dose not exist"
36 echo "Obviously, I will not include it in this archive."
37 echo "It is listed on line $FILE_NO of the config file."
38 echo "Continuing to build archive list..."
39 echo
40 fi
41 FILE_NO=$[$FILE_NO + 1 ]
42 read FILE_NAME
43 done
44 echo "Startin archive . . ."
45 echo
46 tar -zcf $DESTINATION $FILE_LIST 2>/dev/null
47 echo "Archive completed"
48 echo "Resulting archive file is :$DESTINATION"
49 echo
50 exit