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  • stl_slist.h

    // Filename:    stl_slist.h
    // Comment By:  凝霜
    // E-mail:      mdl2009@vip.qq.com
    // Blog:        http://blog.csdn.net/mdl13412
     * Copyright (c) 1997
     * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
     * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
     * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
     * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
     * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
     * in supporting documentation.  Silicon Graphics makes no
     * representations about the suitability of this software for any
     * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    /* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
     *   You should not attempt to use it directly.
    #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
    #pragma set woff 1174
    // 这个是链表结点的指针域
    struct __slist_node_base
      __slist_node_base* next;
    // 将new_node插入到prev_node后面
    // 插入前
    //               这个是prev_node                                这个是new_node
    //                      ↓                                             ↓
    //       --------    --------         --------                     --------
    //   ... | next |--->| next |-------->| next | ...                 | next |
    //       --------    --------         --------                     --------
    // 插入后
    //               这个是prev_node                                这个是new_node
    //                      ↓      ---------------------------------      ↓
    //       --------    --------  |      --------                 |   --------
    //   ... | next |--->| next |---   -->| next | ...             --->| next |---
    //       --------    --------      |  --------                     --------  |
    //                                 -------------------------------------------
    inline __slist_node_base* __slist_make_link(__slist_node_base* prev_node,
                                                __slist_node_base* new_node)
      new_node->next = prev_node->next;
      prev_node->next = new_node;
      return new_node;
    // 获取指定结点的前一个结点
    inline __slist_node_base* __slist_previous(__slist_node_base* head,
                                               const __slist_node_base* node)
      while (head && head->next != node)
        head = head->next;
      return head;
    inline const __slist_node_base* __slist_previous(const __slist_node_base* head,
                                                     const __slist_node_base* node)
      while (head && head->next != node)
        head = head->next;
      return head;
    // 将(first, last]链接到pos后面
    // 下面的例子是在同一链表进行操作的情况
    // 操作前
    //         pos        after   before_first    first                before_last
    //          ↓           ↓           ↓           ↓                       ↓
    //       --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
    //   ... | next |--->| next |--->| next |--->| next |--->| next |--->| next |--->| next | ...
    //       --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
    // 操作后
    //         pos        after   before_first    first                before_last
    //          ↓           ↓           ↓           ↓                       ↓
    //       --------   --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
    //   ... | next | ->| next |--->| next |--  | next |--->| next |--->| next |  ->| next | ...
    //       -------- | --------    -------- |  --------    --------    --------  | --------
    //          |     |                      |      ↑                       |     |
    //          ------|----------------------|-------                       |     |
    //                -----------------------|-------------------------------     |
    //                                       --------------------------------------
    inline void __slist_splice_after(__slist_node_base* pos,
                                     __slist_node_base* before_first,
                                     __slist_node_base* before_last)
      if (pos != before_first && pos != before_last) {
        __slist_node_base* first = before_first->next;
        __slist_node_base* after = pos->next;
        before_first->next = before_last->next;
        pos->next = first;
        before_last->next = after;
    // 链表转置
    inline __slist_node_base* __slist_reverse(__slist_node_base* node)
      __slist_node_base* result = node;
      node = node->next;
      result->next = 0;
      while(node) {
        __slist_node_base* next = node->next;
        node->next = result;
        result = node;
        node = next;
      return result;
    // 这个是真正的链表结点
    template <class T>
    struct __slist_node : public __slist_node_base
      T data;
    struct __slist_iterator_base
      typedef size_t size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
      typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
      __slist_node_base* node;
      __slist_iterator_base(__slist_node_base* x) : node(x) {}
      void incr() { node = node->next; }
      bool operator==(const __slist_iterator_base& x) const
        return node == x.node;
      bool operator!=(const __slist_iterator_base& x) const
        return node != x.node;
    // 链表迭代器, 关于迭代器参考<stl_iterator.h>
    // 由于是单向链表, 所以不能提供operator --(效率太低)
    // 同样也不能提供随机访问能力
    template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
    struct __slist_iterator : public __slist_iterator_base
      typedef __slist_iterator<T, T&, T*>             iterator;
      typedef __slist_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
      typedef __slist_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>           self;
      typedef T value_type;
      typedef Ptr pointer;
      typedef Ref reference;
      typedef __slist_node<T> list_node;
      __slist_iterator(list_node* x) : __slist_iterator_base(x) {}
      __slist_iterator() : __slist_iterator_base(0) {}
      __slist_iterator(const iterator& x) : __slist_iterator_base(x.node) {}
      reference operator*() const { return ((list_node*) node)->data; }
      // 如果编译器支持'->'则重载, 详细见我在<stl_list.h>中的剖析
      pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
    #endif /* __SGI_STL_NO_ARROW_OPERATOR */
      self& operator++()
        return *this;
      self operator++(int)
        self tmp = *this;
        return tmp;
    inline ptrdiff_t*
    distance_type(const __slist_iterator_base&)
      return 0;
    inline forward_iterator_tag
    iterator_category(const __slist_iterator_base&)
      return forward_iterator_tag();
    template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
    inline T*
    value_type(const __slist_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
      return 0;
    // 计算链表长度, 时间复杂度O(n)
    inline size_t __slist_size(__slist_node_base* node)
      size_t result = 0;
      for ( ; node != 0; node = node->next)
      return result;
    template <class T, class Alloc = alloc>
    class slist
      // 标记为'STL标准强制要求'的typedefs用于提供iterator_traits<I>支持
      typedef T value_type;                         // STL标准强制要求
      typedef value_type* pointer;                  // STL标准强制要求
      typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
      typedef value_type& reference;                // STL标准强制要求
      typedef const value_type& const_reference;
      typedef size_t size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;            // STL标准强制要求
      typedef __slist_iterator<T, T&, T*>             iterator;  // STL标准强制要求
      typedef __slist_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
      typedef __slist_node<T> list_node;
      typedef __slist_node_base list_node_base;
      typedef __slist_iterator_base iterator_base;
      // 这个提供STL标准的allocator接口
      typedef simple_alloc<list_node, Alloc> list_node_allocator;
      // 创建一个值为x的结点, 其没有后继结点
      static list_node* create_node(const value_type& x)
        list_node* node = list_node_allocator::allocate();
        __STL_TRY {
          construct(&node->data, x);
          node->next = 0;
        return node;
      // 析构一个结点的数据, 不释放内存
      static void destroy_node(list_node* node)
    // 在头结点插入n个值为x的结点
    //              fill_initialize(size_type n, const value_type& x)
    ////                     _insert_after_fill(&head, n, x);
    ////                  for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    //                      pos = __slist_make_link(pos, create_node(x));
    //                                                         |
    //                                                         |
    ////                                         create_node(const value_type& x)
    //                                         list_node_allocator::allocate();
    //                                         construct(&node->data, x);
      void fill_initialize(size_type n, const value_type& x)
        head.next = 0;
        __STL_TRY {
          _insert_after_fill(&head, n, x);
    // 在头结点后面插入[first, last)区间内的结点, 注意是新建立结点
      template <class InputIterator>
      void range_initialize(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
        head.next = 0;
        __STL_TRY {
          _insert_after_range(&head, first, last);
    #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      void range_initialize(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
        head.next = 0;
        __STL_TRY {
          _insert_after_range(&head, first, last);
      void range_initialize(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
        head.next = 0;
        __STL_TRY {
          _insert_after_range(&head, first, last);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      list_node_base head;  // 这是链表头
      slist() { head.next = 0; }
      slist(size_type n, const value_type& x) { fill_initialize(n, x); }
      slist(int n, const value_type& x) { fill_initialize(n, x); }
      slist(long n, const value_type& x) { fill_initialize(n, x); }
      explicit slist(size_type n) { fill_initialize(n, value_type()); }
      template <class InputIterator>
      slist(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
        range_initialize(first, last);
    #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      slist(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
        range_initialize(first, last);
      slist(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
        range_initialize(first, last);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      slist(const slist& L) { range_initialize(L.begin(), L.end()); }
      slist& operator= (const slist& L);
      // 析构所有元素, 并释放内存
      ~slist() { clear(); }
      iterator begin() { return iterator((list_node*)head.next); }
      const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator((list_node*)head.next);}
      iterator end() { return iterator(0); }
      const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(0); }
      size_type size() const { return __slist_size(head.next); }
      size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
      bool empty() const { return head.next == 0; }
      // 只需交换链表头数据就能实现交换^_^
      void swap(slist& L)
        list_node_base* tmp = head.next;
        head.next = L.head.next;
        L.head.next = tmp;
      friend bool operator== __STL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS(const slist<T, Alloc>& L1,
                                                  const slist<T, Alloc>& L2);
      // OK. 下面四个函数时间复杂度为O(1)
      // 对于插入操作只推荐push_front()其余操作个人感觉很慢
      reference front() { return ((list_node*) head.next)->data; }
      const_reference front() const { return ((list_node*) head.next)->data; }
      void push_front(const value_type& x)
        __slist_make_link(&head, create_node(x));
      void pop_front()
        list_node* node = (list_node*) head.next;
        head.next = node->next;
      // 获取指定结点的前驱结点
      iterator previous(const_iterator pos)
        return iterator((list_node*) __slist_previous(&head, pos.node));
      const_iterator previous(const_iterator pos) const
        return const_iterator((list_node*) __slist_previous(&head, pos.node));
      // 在指定结点后插入值为x的元素, 分配内存
      list_node* _insert_after(list_node_base* pos, const value_type& x)
        return (list_node*) (__slist_make_link(pos, create_node(x)));
      // 在指定结点后面插入n个值为x的元素
      void _insert_after_fill(list_node_base* pos,
                              size_type n, const value_type& x)
        for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          pos = __slist_make_link(pos, create_node(x));
    // TODO: 待分析
    // 在pos后面插入[first, last)区间内的元素
      template <class InIter>
      void _insert_after_range(list_node_base* pos, InIter first, InIter last)
        while (first != last) {
          pos = __slist_make_link(pos, create_node(*first));
    #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      void _insert_after_range(list_node_base* pos,
                               const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
        while (first != last) {
          pos = __slist_make_link(pos, create_node(*first));
      void _insert_after_range(list_node_base* pos,
                               const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
        while (first != last) {
          pos = __slist_make_link(pos, create_node(*first));
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      // 擦除pos后面的结点
      list_node_base* erase_after(list_node_base* pos)
        list_node* next = (list_node*) (pos->next);
        list_node_base* next_next = next->next;
        pos->next = next_next;
        return next_next;
      // 擦除(before_first, last_node)区间的结点
      list_node_base* erase_after(list_node_base* before_first,
                                  list_node_base* last_node)
        list_node* cur = (list_node*) (before_first->next);
        while (cur != last_node) {
          list_node* tmp = cur;
          cur = (list_node*) cur->next;
        before_first->next = last_node;
        return last_node;
      // 在pos后面插入值为x的结点
      iterator insert_after(iterator pos, const value_type& x)
        return iterator(_insert_after(pos.node, x));
      iterator insert_after(iterator pos)
        return insert_after(pos, value_type());
      void insert_after(iterator pos, size_type n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(pos.node, n, x);
      void insert_after(iterator pos, int n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(pos.node, (size_type) n, x);
      void insert_after(iterator pos, long n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(pos.node, (size_type) n, x);
      template <class InIter>
      void insert_after(iterator pos, InIter first, InIter last) {
        _insert_after_range(pos.node, first, last);
    #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      void insert_after(iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
        _insert_after_range(pos.node, first, last);
      void insert_after(iterator pos,
                        const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
        _insert_after_range(pos.node, first, last);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      // 在pos后面插入值为x的结点
      iterator insert(iterator pos, const value_type& x)
        return iterator(_insert_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), x));
      iterator insert(iterator pos)
        return iterator(_insert_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node),
      // 在pos前插入m个值为x的结点
      void insert(iterator pos, size_type n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), n, x);
      void insert(iterator pos, int n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), (size_type) n, x);
      void insert(iterator pos, long n, const value_type& x)
        _insert_after_fill(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), (size_type) n, x);
      template <class InIter>
      void insert(iterator pos, InIter first, InIter last) {
        _insert_after_range(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), first, last);
    #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      void insert(iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
        _insert_after_range(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), first, last);
      void insert(iterator pos, const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
        _insert_after_range(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node), first, last);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
      iterator erase_after(iterator pos)
        return iterator((list_node*)erase_after(pos.node));
      iterator erase_after(iterator before_first, iterator last)
        return iterator((list_node*)erase_after(before_first.node, last.node));
      iterator erase(iterator pos)
        return (list_node*) erase_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node));
      iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
        return (list_node*) erase_after(__slist_previous(&head, first.node),
      // 详细剖析见后面实现部分
      void resize(size_type new_size, const T& x);
      void resize(size_type new_size) { resize(new_size, T()); }
      void clear() { erase_after(&head, 0); }
      // splic操作可以参考<stl_list.h>的说明
      // Moves the range [before_first + 1, before_last + 1) to *this,
      //  inserting it immediately after pos.  This is constant time.
      void splice_after(iterator pos,
                        iterator before_first, iterator before_last)
        if (before_first != before_last)
          __slist_splice_after(pos.node, before_first.node, before_last.node);
      // Moves the element that follows prev to *this, inserting it immediately
      //  after pos.  This is constant time.
      void splice_after(iterator pos, iterator prev)
        __slist_splice_after(pos.node, prev.node, prev.node->next);
      // Linear in distance(begin(), pos), and linear in L.size().
      void splice(iterator pos, slist& L)
        if (L.head.next)
          __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node),
                               __slist_previous(&L.head, 0));
      // Linear in distance(begin(), pos), and in distance(L.begin(), i).
      void splice(iterator pos, slist& L, iterator i)
        __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node),
                             __slist_previous(&L.head, i.node),
      // Linear in distance(begin(), pos), in distance(L.begin(), first),
      // and in distance(first, last).
      void splice(iterator pos, slist& L, iterator first, iterator last)
        if (first != last)
          __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&head, pos.node),
                               __slist_previous(&L.head, first.node),
                               __slist_previous(first.node, last.node));
      // 这些接口可以参考<stl_list.h>
      void reverse() { if (head.next) head.next = __slist_reverse(head.next); }
      void remove(const T& val);
      void unique();
      void merge(slist& L);
      void sort();
      template <class Predicate> void remove_if(Predicate pred);
      template <class BinaryPredicate> void unique(BinaryPredicate pred);
      template <class StrictWeakOrdering> void merge(slist&, StrictWeakOrdering);
      template <class StrictWeakOrdering> void sort(StrictWeakOrdering comp);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
    // 实现整个链表的赋值, 会析构原有的元素
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    slist<T, Alloc>& slist<T,Alloc>::operator=(const slist<T, Alloc>& L)
      if (&L != this) {
        list_node_base* p1 = &head;
        list_node* n1 = (list_node*) head.next;
        const list_node* n2 = (const list_node*) L.head.next;
        while (n1 && n2) {
          n1->data = n2->data;
          p1 = n1;
          n1 = (list_node*) n1->next;
          n2 = (const list_node*) n2->next;
        if (n2 == 0)
          erase_after(p1, 0);
                              const_iterator((list_node*)n2), const_iterator(0));
      return *this;
    // 只有两个链表所有内容都相等才判定其等价
    // 不过个人觉得只需要判断头结点指向的第一个结点就可以
    // 大家可以讨论一下
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    bool operator==(const slist<T, Alloc>& L1, const slist<T, Alloc>& L2)
      typedef typename slist<T,Alloc>::list_node list_node;
      list_node* n1 = (list_node*) L1.head.next;
      list_node* n2 = (list_node*) L2.head.next;
      while (n1 && n2 && n1->data == n2->data) {
        n1 = (list_node*) n1->next;
        n2 = (list_node*) n2->next;
      return n1 == 0 && n2 == 0;
    // 字典序比较
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    inline bool operator<(const slist<T, Alloc>& L1, const slist<T, Alloc>& L2)
      return lexicographical_compare(L1.begin(), L1.end(), L2.begin(), L2.end());
    // 如果编译器支持模板函数特化优先级
    // 那么将全局的swap实现为使用slist私有的swap以提高效率
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    inline void swap(slist<T, Alloc>& x, slist<T, Alloc>& y) {
    // 下面这些接口和list的行为一致, 只是算法有些不同, 请参考<stl_list.h>
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    void slist<T, Alloc>::resize(size_type len, const T& x)
      list_node_base* cur = &head;
      while (cur->next != 0 && len > 0) {
        cur = cur->next;
      if (cur->next)
        erase_after(cur, 0);
        _insert_after_fill(cur, len, x);
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::remove(const T& val)
      list_node_base* cur = &head;
      while (cur && cur->next) {
        if (((list_node*) cur->next)->data == val)
          cur = cur->next;
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::unique()
      list_node_base* cur = head.next;
      if (cur) {
        while (cur->next) {
          if (((list_node*)cur)->data == ((list_node*)(cur->next))->data)
            cur = cur->next;
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::merge(slist<T,Alloc>& L)
      list_node_base* n1 = &head;
      while (n1->next && L.head.next) {
        if (((list_node*) L.head.next)->data < ((list_node*) n1->next)->data)
          __slist_splice_after(n1, &L.head, L.head.next);
        n1 = n1->next;
      if (L.head.next) {
        n1->next = L.head.next;
        L.head.next = 0;
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::sort()
      if (head.next && head.next->next) {
        slist carry;
        slist counter[64];
        int fill = 0;
        while (!empty()) {
          __slist_splice_after(&carry.head, &head, head.next);
          int i = 0;
          while (i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
          if (i == fill)
        for (int i = 1; i < fill; ++i)
    template <class T, class Alloc>
    template <class Predicate> void slist<T,Alloc>::remove_if(Predicate pred)
      list_node_base* cur = &head;
      while (cur->next) {
        if (pred(((list_node*) cur->next)->data))
          cur = cur->next;
    template <class T, class Alloc> template <class BinaryPredicate>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::unique(BinaryPredicate pred)
      list_node* cur = (list_node*) head.next;
      if (cur) {
        while (cur->next) {
          if (pred(((list_node*)cur)->data, ((list_node*)(cur->next))->data))
            cur = (list_node*) cur->next;
    template <class T, class Alloc> template <class StrictWeakOrdering>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::merge(slist<T,Alloc>& L, StrictWeakOrdering comp)
      list_node_base* n1 = &head;
      while (n1->next && L.head.next) {
        if (comp(((list_node*) L.head.next)->data,
                 ((list_node*) n1->next)->data))
          __slist_splice_after(n1, &L.head, L.head.next);
        n1 = n1->next;
      if (L.head.next) {
        n1->next = L.head.next;
        L.head.next = 0;
    template <class T, class Alloc> template <class StrictWeakOrdering>
    void slist<T,Alloc>::sort(StrictWeakOrdering comp)
      if (head.next && head.next->next) {
        slist carry;
        slist counter[64];
        int fill = 0;
        while (!empty()) {
          __slist_splice_after(&carry.head, &head, head.next);
          int i = 0;
          while (i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
            counter[i].merge(carry, comp);
          if (i == fill)
        for (int i = 1; i < fill; ++i)
          counter[i].merge(counter[i-1], comp);
    #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
    #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
    #pragma reset woff 1174
    #endif /* __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_SLIST_H */
    // Local Variables:
    // mode:C++
    // End:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zendu/p/4987817.html
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