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  • linux 进程学习笔记-暂停进程

    <!--[if !supportLists]-->Ÿ <!--[endif]-->暂停进程 
    int pause() 
    随便提一下,如果你仅仅需要简单地暂停一下(press any key  to continue...), 可以使用 system("pause")这个系统调用,甚至是getch()之类的。 
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    void catcher( int sig ) {
        printf( "Signal catcher called for signal %d
    ", sig );
    void showtime( ) {
        time_t t;
        printf( "the time is %s
    ", ctime(&t) );
    int main()  {
        struct sigaction sigact;
        sigemptyset( &sigact.sa_mask );
        sigact.sa_flags = 0;
        sigact.sa_handler = catcher;
        sigaction( SIGALRM, &sigact, NULL );
        alarm( 10 );
    printf("before pause, ");
        showtime ();
    printf("after pause, ");
    showtime ();
        return 0;
    before pause, the time is Thu Jun 23 17:12:25 2011
    signal catcher called for signal 14
    after pause, the time is Thu Jun 23 17:12:35 2011
    unsigned sleep(unsigned seconds)
    int usleep(useconds_t useconds)
    int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zendu/p/4988386.html
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