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  • Exception


    void ThrowException<T>(string message, params object[] values) where T : Exception, new() { // NOTE Cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of a type parameter T. var exception = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), string.Format(message, values)); throw exception; }

    And you would simply use it like this:

    ThrowException<InvalidOperationException>("VehicleMovementBatch Id {0} was not located.", batchId); 

    Define custom exception class:
    public class CustomException : Exception
        public CustomException()
            : base() { }
        public CustomException(string message)
            : base(message) { }
        public CustomException(string format, params object[] args)
            : base(string.Format(format, args)) { }
        public CustomException(string message, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException) { }
        public CustomException(string format, Exception innerException, params object[] args)
            : base(string.Format(format, args), innerException) { }
        protected CustomException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context) { }

    1. Throw exception with out message
    throw new CustomException()
    2. Throw exception with simple message
    throw new CustomException(message)
    3. Throw exception with message format and parameters
    throw new CustomException("Exception with parameter value '{0}'", param)
    4. Throw exception with simple message and inner exception
    throw new CustomException(message, innerException)
    5. Throw exception with message format and inner exception. Note that, the variable length params are always floating.
    throw new CustomException("Exception with parameter value '{0}'", innerException, param)
    6. The last flavor of custom exception constructor is used during exception serialization/deserialization.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zeroone/p/3292415.html
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